Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Concerning an individual, none can receive healing until the soul itself is prepared to accept the healing. No matter how great the healer is, or how strong the healing energy is, nothing will be healed until the soul is willing. This may be due to a karmic lesson the soul is learning/experiencing, etc. This is why some individuals cannot be helped.

Others who have not chosen such a lesson can experience what some might incorrectly call a miracle healing; healing completely and totally the diseases Western Medicine cannot heal through their conventional methods of prescribing surgery and pills. Western Medicine is always ready to cut into the flesh or trying to control the illness with medications, extending their profit margins throughout the life span of their unsuspecting patients.


The healing energy that is necessary for human change will be provided here in its simplest forms. In order to understand the two basic methods of healing we will be focusing on self-healing and hands-on-healing. Just know there is no difference in the type of healing or energy used. Often there are other factors that create differing energy creations through various types of healing, but this can have the same impact no matter what healing modality is selected or what method is used to request it.

More is done through the mind in these areas (healing) than what is currently acknowledged. That is not to imply that there is no energy that is being sent or that there is no direct (spirit) influence when healing is being sent. A large factor in the healing or repair process of any ailment is due in a large part on the mindset that the receiver is currently residing in. If their mind is accepting of the healing energy, the physical will respond. If they doubt, or disbelieve, they themselves block the positive energy flow and thus experience no results.

The following will provide the basic foundation of knowledge for those who are new to energy healing.

Remember, using the word „spiritual‟ in no way implies a connection with any organized religion or group thereof. One can be an enlightened spiritual person and have no ties to any church, mosque or synagogue.

There are two main areas that affect health, the mind and the physical body. The mind of the individual is the dominant force which controls the body.

Positive thoughts (love, beauty, peace, etc.) help to promote good health. Just as negative thoughts (anger, hatred, jealousy, etc.) promote unfavorable health.

Excessive negative thoughts cause almost half of all physical health problems on this 67

plane of existence. Our thoughts do have the power to create positive and/or negative affects in our physical lives. All true healing comes from within the individual, not from without as western medicine might imply.

What we do to ourselves through good or bad eating habits has a profound effect on our physical body. Through abuse or addiction our bodies also experience negative consequences. For example the misuse of illegal drugs and/or prescription drugs, alcohol, abusive sex, and tobacco products to name a few main ones.

Healing energies can be manifest through many forms; Hands-on, Color, Magnetic, Distance, Crystal, Music, Auric, Spirit, Reiki, etc.

SELF HEALING: Everyone has a companion/guide from the spirit dimension assigned to him/her during their lifetime on earth.

Your companion will not interfere with your life unless you ask for assistance. On rare occasions your spirit companion may intervene in your life plan. Say for example, you have not fulfilled your main life lesson(s) during this current incarnation, someone else‟s free will is going to cause your death, or you have become ill to the point you are going to die.

In that case your companion in spirit will intervene in your life without you requesting their help. They may deem it necessary to alter things or provide healing energy to stop your death from occurring. That‟s if it concerns your imminent death.

Otherwise, your companion will simply observe your life without you being aware of it. You have the right to be as sick as you wish.


Should you request help with an illness, work problem or whatever, then your companion shall provide the needed assistance.

One of the things he can assist with is healing energy if you request it. In performing self-healing upon yourself you commence this by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. This is simply to help relax your physical body and your mind. If possible, limit the light and noise that surrounds you during this healing time.

Mentally call your spirit companion. For example say, “This is (insert your name) and I am calling into the spirit dimension for my companion. Please come forth and place a shield of love, strength and protection around me straight from the Creator. At this time I‟m requesting that you please bring forth some healing energy to help me.”

State what the healing is for; such as arthritis, or to recover from some type of surgery, or help with some form of disease.

Now if you can reach the afflicted area simply place one or both of your hand(s) over, on or near the area of the problem. If it is an area of the body you are unable to reach then simply sit or lie down and relax.

When you are prepared mentally call upon your companion to bring forth the healing energy you seek. Close your eyes and visualize the affected region or injury site becoming filled with a bright healing light. See the affected area or region of your body becoming complete, healthy and whole again. See any disease in your body being overcome by the healing light. Feel your body being fully restored and energized.

You may decide how often you need to repeat this process, depending upon how much healing you require. You can ask several times a day, once a day, every other day, once a week. Do what feels right for you as an individual.


Don‟t give up too soon if you feel nothing is happening. Your physical body needs time to correct itself and to make changes within it. Patience is a hard lesson to learn in the physical dimension.

Now for a warning: When you do get back to a better level of health, you must change the negative pattern that caused the problem. Whether it was brought on by a spiritual lesson, or by a physical manifestation, if you return to doing the same old pattern that caused you to become diseased or ill, then you may suffer a relapse. You are in charge of your life, and only you can live it!

Remember, some diseases or handicaps are placed in your life as a spiritual lesson for your personal growth. The individual chooses those types of lessons and spiritual healing may not have any lasting effect. Because the individual programmed it to appear in their life as a learning experience for the individual and/or for those connected to the person.

So, if you seek healing, your spirit companion may not be so quick to intervene until you have understood the lesson you chose to learn.

Until your soul has complied with the natural laws and has learned the lesson you seek, healing in whatever form delivered has little chance of success. Open yourself to the infinite possibilities of change.

HANDS-ON HEALING: (This is mainly for those who wish to become energy healers.

Those who have a strong desire to be of service to humankind.) Not all healing concerns a person‟s physical health. Parts of it are about finding out

„why‟ a certain disease has come to you. Is it a spiritual lesson? What must be 70

experienced or learned before it can be healed or not healed?

Healing energy passes from the spirit dimension to the physical dimension. This is accomplished in the following manner. A spirit being who works through you sends the healing energy into the physical dimension through an instrument. You the healer are that instrument. They can send the energy without using you; it just makes it easier and more intense if they use you as a direct delivery system.

The instrument being in the physical world allows that energy to pass through them into the person requesting the healing.

As the instrument you are the go between that connects the two dimensions. The instrument does not „heal‟ anyone. You simply act as the conduit through which the spirit energy moves from one dimension to another.

You give your permission as an instrument for your spirit companion to transmit the required energy through your body.

Remember not to send any healing energy to whoever is requesting assistance. Allow only your spirit companion to send and deliver through you that energy, or you will cause illness and weakness in your own physical body if you are not shielded properly.

Part of the energy used by your companion, at times, will come from your physical body. Therefore without shielding yourself some of that person‟s negative energy may recede back into you, thus bringing on illness.

Until you have mastered and perfected your own personal technique of shielding yourself, follow this procedure:


1. After you have met the individual requesting your help and made them comfortable and relaxed close your eyes.

2. Inhale deeply and hold this breath for the count of seven. Then exhale and hold that for a count of seven, this helps to prepare your mind.

3. Now mentally call forth your spirit companion and ask him to place a shield of protection around you straight from the Creator of All.

This shield will protect you from any negative backlash given off by the person you are trying to help. You don‟t want any of their negative energy to affect you physically or spiritually.

If you are spiritually advanced enough to know where the healing energy is required, then direct yourself to that location of the person‟s body. Most new healers are not yet that advanced. Simply ask the individual what their complaint is or to describe their illness, and then focus your attention to that area of their body. The energy will go to where it is needed most.

You now have a choice of using one of two basic techniques to deliver healing energy.

The first is where you physically touch the person seeking the help. The other is where you simply use your hands as an energy generator, and do not physically touch the individual.

Some individuals may feel better if they are touched (feeling the warmth of your hands and even feeling the transfer of energy). Some individuals may not feel comfortable with someone physically touching them. Such as a female who may object to being touched by an unfamiliar male. Always ask first if the person seeking healing 72

minds being touched or not and comply with their wishes.

The following example will show the new healer how to use the two different techniques.

Let‟s say an individual comes to you complaining of migraine headaches. If he says he doesn‟t mind being physically touched, then you can sit him in a comfortable straight backed chair.

Standing behind him, simply place your right hand on the person‟s right side of his head just above the middle of the ear. Then place your left hand on the person‟s left side just above the middle of the other ear.

Now if the individual does not want to be physically touched then simply place your hands in the same position. But this time extend them 2 or 3 inches out from the person‟s head.

You the instrument are simply generating the same field of energy between your hands whether you touch the individual or not. The energy from your spirit companion will still be delivered through you to the individual seeking help.

There are many ways to apply your hands to different areas of a person‟s body. Use what is comfortable to you and them. Then the use of your basic common sense is all that is required.

After the placement of your hands close your eyes and mentally call upon your spirit companion to send forth the healing energy. Allow that energy to pass through you penetrating into the body and soul of the person seeking the healing relief.

In your mind visualize, see that person walking in a beautiful field of flowers.

Visualize them smiling and in a state of good health. Visualization helps to produce 73

positive results along with the spirit energy that comes through.

Healing comes in many different forms. From someone seeking help with a broken limb to someone seeking help with a certain type of disease.

An individual can be affected by healing on many levels, such as physically, spiritually, emotionally and/or mentally or a combination thereof.

Some who seek help may not know what is wrong. Just that they have a feeling of something isn‟t right. If that is the case simply allow your spirit companion to direct the healing energy to where it is required in their body.

Remember you are not healing any one you are simply the instrument used for delivering the energy. Your companion is the healer and bringer of the spirit force.

Once you begin the healing process remain in contact with the individual for five to fifteen minutes or until you feel the energy has been delivered.

Depending on what the ailment or disease is, you can then suggest how often to provide healing energy. Some may require a healing session only once a week. Others may need it on a daily basis. Some may need only a few visits while others may require several months to address their conditions.

Remember what was stated earlier, not all individuals will respond to healing energy.

Those who have chosen to experience a disease or handicap will not respond until the lesson is learned. They themselves programmed that to bring about a spiritual learning event in their life.

The lesson may be for the individual or in conjunction with those around them, even if they no longer remember asking for such a condition.


MOTHER EARTH HEALING: The following information is provided to assist in understanding the overall picture of the healing process.

Medicine in all its forms has been around for thousands of years. Illness can be overcome and even prevented by the act of positive thinking.

Healing deals with bringing the whole individual (soul, body, and mind) into a positive state of harmony and equilibrium. Curing a physical disease does not ensure bringing the person to a state of wholeness where the person feels healthy and complete on all levels of its being.

Free will causes many problems and health conditions that need not occur for the majority of individuals in the physical dimension.

From a physical standpoint germs and bacteria can lay dormant in a person‟s body (fat cells) for long periods of time. When the person‟s immune system becomes weakened; stress, anxiety and/or excessive negative thinking (anger, hatred) then allow the dormant germs/bacteria to awaken so to speak.

One of the laws of healing is to earnestly forgive one's self for wrong doing. To forgive all others who have harmed you in any way mentally, physically, spiritually and/or emotionally. If you cannot forgive yourself and others, you only perpetuate the negative karma in yourself. Forgive and live a more joyful existence!

Asking Mother Earth for her forgiveness in earnest will also lead to removing negative karmic debt. We have also built up karmic debt through our abuse of other life forms sharing the planet with us. Send Mother Earth your unconditional love and prayers!

Just know the subconscious is the part of the mind that causes the mental problems 75

people experience in life. The conscious mind never causes trauma or mental difficulties in an individual.

People allow their subconscious mind to become too strong and allow it to take control. The result is then mental problems manifest from within. Think deeper; use your conscious mind to its fullest potential.

All healing comes from within the individual. Your positive thinking creates the entire basis for the physical healing of your body. Remember the soul/mind/body connection.

Never use medicine made from animals or from the experimentation thereof. To do so will incur negative karmic debt you will have to confront later on.

On a spiritual level, humankind is to be a guardian for the animal kingdom while incarnate on Mother Earth. We are here in part to assist them with their growth; to protect and to preserve, not to torture or exterminate them from the planet.

Mother Earth understands that major diseases (Cancer, AIDS, Heart problems, Obesity) serve a higher purpose then most individuals realize. They teach not only lessons of love on an individual basis, they teach also on a worldwide level. Those spirit beings on the other side of life would view a disease like Cancer as a true gift to be experienced to its fullest degree.

Disease also assists Mother Earth through depopulation, not only through the human species but through that of the animal kingdom as well.

There is much humankind can do to assist Mother Earth at this time. Be aware of the energy around you and the environment that you create with your thoughts, actions, and energy. This has a greater impact on the whole of man, and the spiritual realm, than what 76

you may realize. There is a great peace that is achieved by working to understand those around you, their reasons, and the world, and its direction.

Daily meditation is a wonderful experience that should be experienced by all and this will help each in the ways that it should, specific to each individual. Share knowledge, share wisdom. There are those that will understand and many more will follow.

Some will only understand when there are more public experiences with it. Some have a herd mentality. There should be a greater understanding by all to delve deeper into news, information, and more. Do not take things at face value. Worry about your world, work to change it. Worry shall be the motivation. When there is fear that something is drastically changing beyond control this will cause many to change their view and create peace in their environment. Work to create change and realize that resistance will first be expected but that there will come a time when the common practice is much different than what it is now. Some will not be concerned and this is not for them. When they become the minority there is no reason to scoff at them or return the negative energy in which they shared it onto your beliefs. Be patience. Work for understanding and life lessons that are universal to all beings.