Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Those who are for abortion (pro-choice) have the complete backing and understanding of the Creator of All. Those who are against abortion (pro-life) have the complete understanding and backing of the Creator of All. Abortion is a great lesson to be learned on this plane of existence. There should be acceptance of this practice though the goal should be to overcome the fear associated with it by those who are wishing to carry it out.

Overcome the worry, fear and selfishness.

Understand that no matter how neglected a child may be, the lesson may be for that child to experience. The lesson can be for themselves, and for others, this can be a great experience. Learning compassion is never easy.

God wants all his creations (souls) to have their chance at fulfilling their destiny. The Creator of All understands when and why we choose abortion.


He takes into consideration that individual‟s personal reasons; state of mind at the time, and the circumstances that are occurring in that individual‟s life. Through the use of free will he allows them to exercise their decision as it pertains to their life pattern.

For those who have encountered „Sudden Infant Death Syndrome‟ or what is more commonly called „Crib Death,‟ let me give you a brief spiritual explanation for that occurrence:

After the mother has given birth to her baby, for the first two years of life the new soul has a decision to make. It can stay and live out that life or it can simply leave.

The soul has the free will to pull itself out of the new physical form and return to the spirit dimension. If it chooses for whatever reason to leave, once it has vacated the tiny body, the baby‟s shell simply dies. With no soul force inside the infant‟s body it stops functioning and shuts down.

So if there is no medical reason for an infant‟s death, the soul itself left for reasons only known to it.

Now let‟s return to the question of when does life begin? The new soul waiting to be born can enter the baby‟s body:

1. Before the birth (anytime between conception up to the time of delivery).

2. During the birth time (while delivery is occurring).

3. On rare occasions just after the birth (just seconds or a few minutes).

It‟s up to the new soul concerning its arrival.


Some new souls early on wish to remain outside the mother‟s body for a time before entering the body of the baby. Doing this to influence the mother concerning nutrition, health habits, and whatever it deems necessary. It forms a stronger bond to bring them closer in harmony before the birth moment arrives.

There is great debate between those who are pro-life and those who are pro-choice.

The question of „When does life begin?‟ can now be answered from the viewpoint of the Creator of All. Life begins when the soul entity enters the baby‟s body, which as stated earlier is entirely up to the soul entity itself.

The physical body of the baby is merely an empty vessel, supported entirely by the umbilical cord connecting it to the mother‟s body. If not connected to the mother the baby‟s body cannot sustain life on its own and it would perish. It cannot sustain life on its own until the soul moves in and gives it life.

To put it more bluntly, the Mother who requests an abortion and the Doctor who performs it are not breaking any laws of God the Great Creator.

Once humankind reaches a higher spiritual level they will realize God‟s laws are everlasting and unchanging. Mankind on the other hand keeps changing its laws one day for something and the next it is against it.

Abortion will remain a controversial subject until all individuals can become truly enlightened. Once mankind no longer accepts organized religions fear based misconceptions, it will have clarity about God‟s truth.

Then each individual will be free to choose how they progress spiritually, without the negative judgment of their fellow man. Judge not, least ye be judged!

Suicide is no different an exit from this dimension, then is any other manner of death.


Suicide is a physical action manifested from the thoughts and stress that persist on one‟s mind. These can be overcome, and if not, there are many counseling sessions and advisements when that spirit returns home so that they can understand what torment they felt they were experiencing.

Often times this is a young soul, not many human life experiences, and this is something they must overcome in order to continue learning in the lifetimes of humans.

This is no more or less negative or positive than any other action taken on the earth plane.

Trial and error, education does not always come quickly, learning by doing. Living the life is how we come to understand and know it.

Self-inflected death only returns you home, but know that you will incarnate again into a human form, once information has been passed to you so that you can again experience those same conditions and allow yourself to grow. You choose these things in your path. You can overcome them. There is no cheating and giving of more information in an attempt to stave off return.

There are some ideas and knowledge that is in harmony with all beings that are not completely engulfed in nonsensical ideas on the physical plane. Those who have greater information of spirit or those who involved themselves in it may also see it as a tool for overcoming what they fear are overwhelming circumstances, which are only situations to provide a specific circumstance for that soul‟s development and to experience that certain set of situations.

Suicide can also be a lesson for those spirits close to that particular entity. This is a lesson in understanding and helping them to cope. As parents, they have had direct contribution to the circumstances now presenting in a suicidal person‟s mind. They, as a 81

group, must overcome these things and restore love.

Though it is quite possible that the soul in question overcome these things alone and learn to leave without a certain support system, for we in human form are only responsible for our own development. We can help others, but no one can make you come along the trail.

There is a loss experienced when a life is taken by one‟s own control and that experience can be for those left in the workings of that lifetime. There are many possibilities where watchers and teachers and observers can intervene. But if a soul is so traumatized that it cannot continue and is not adjusting to the human form or its experiences, then it will be permitted and lessons in which that spirit may have brought lessons to others will still take place but by other means.

Simply juvenile problems that cause suicide are no less important or traumatic than those causes which others may also seem important. The overall problem is lack of understanding of this entrapment in a human form for learning, because of the forgetting of one‟s true existence.