Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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In our physical form we are limited by our ability perceive and to experience by using only the five senses; see, hear, taste, touch and smell. These have a direct correlation to our conscious and sub-conscious minds.

The conscious mind gathers information from the five senses and stores it in the subconscious mind to be recalled as needed. Along with all the other information already programmed and stored in our sub-conscious.

That which you think using your conscious mind is brought forth into being by your sub-conscious mind.

The super-conscious mind is linked with the infinite spiritual intelligence of the Creator of All. The super-conscious mind is connected to the physical body. That connection is by way of the sub-conscious mind, via that of the conscious mind. In effect 83

the sub-conscious acts to allow transference from one conscious dimension (physical) to another dimension (spirit) and vice versa.

On the physical level all life is consciously linked together. That is to say not only is humankind connected consciously to each other, we are linked to the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms as well. We are also connected to Mother Earth and the infinite cosmos, the universe.

One only has to start ascending to a higher vibrational level to begin tuning into this expanded awareness of consciousness. Thus we can access the knowledge of our oneness with all creations in the vast universe.

The wisdom contained therein comes from the past, present and future combined.

Mankind‟s linear timeline must operate within the dimensional confines of this planets time and space continuum.

The Creator of All exists as a multitude of interweaving conscious thought patterns which are ever expanding into infinity. By creating „individual‟ thought patterns (souls) the Creator gave birth to like companions.

These souls were pure conscious thought forms (energy) made in the image of their creator. As they started to expand their knowledge they began to create. They began moving in and out of different dimensional levels of consciousness at will.

These souls decided it wasn‟t enough to just study and experience that which they had created. Through conscious thought they made the fateful choice to „become‟ the creation itself.

Once they entered into the physical realm they then became separated from the spirit energy (consciousness) which connects them to the Creator of All.


Souls who were not involved in this type of creating, stepped in to help free those souls who were now consciously trapped inside of their own creations.

Using the cycles of reincarnation thus provided a way out for those trapped souls. If you inhabit a physical body you are one who is trapped and working your way back to the understanding of your true origin.

Some are doing an excellent job of becoming spiritually enlightened in their progression toward ascension where they will break free of the need to keep reincarnating back to Mother Earth, and similar other planets and dimensions.

Others, however, have a long road ahead of them as they struggle to stay on their chosen path. They are still losing more ground then they are attaining at times.

Yet we are all connected one to the other because we are all part of the Creator of All.

Therefore no soul is left behind; for how can you join with the Creator if a part of you is missing.

The multi-consciousness of humankind is undergoing a great spiritual enlightenment alongside that of Mother Earth.

The opportunity is there for those who choose the truth of fulfilling their true destiny, in seeking to once again reunite with their Creator.

Cast aside and grow beyond your ego mentality of consumerism. Allow yourself to experience the real you, that inner part which seeks to live spiritually in the consciousness of God.