Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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There was a time when the human race did not exist and there were only energy beings; part of the Creator, part of something greater. A division of energy, much as your systems delegate power with each being responsible for a tiny part of the greater picture, and each being overseeing a few more to uplift and bring forth a knowing and experiencing to regain control of one‟s own mind and spirit, away from things that we do not yet understand at this time.

We are all part of a greater being. This being allows us to share energy and information and allows experiences to share. Just as germs assist a body they can hurt it.

As we progress, so does the creator, the Supreme Being from which all energy and life flows. Love is eternal in energy form and you would not progress spiritually as you would had you not experienced this human lifetime.

The enlightened soul inhabiting a physical body and living on Mother Earth knows there is no such place as Heaven or Hell. Only in the organized religions of the world do 98

you find such references. They are, by design, used to control the uneducated, poor and superstitious populations around the globe.

Once our soul has learned and/or experienced what it came to accomplish or failed to accomplish, it discards the physical body. We simply arrive back in the spirit dimension and take on an ethereal body similar to the one we used on earth.

Except this ethereal form has no defects and displays itself in perfection and suffers no ill effects of the aging process. This form is required in the spirit dimension just as a physical form is required on earth.

The ethereal form does not require food, drink, or air to breathe unlike that of the human form. The ethereal covering does contain emotions, but not on the lower animalistic level as experienced by the human form.

Individuals on earth cover the full spectrum from the brightest/smartest people on the high end of the scale, to those who are absolute idiots/morons on the lower end of the scale, whereas those souls who dwell in the spirit dimension are separated. They live in one of the seven major zones of consciousness with other souls who are on their spiritual level. These zones are based on how enlightened or spiritually advanced a soul has become; like attracts like.

Each major zone and sub-zones are vibrating and spinning at a higher frequency as you ascend through them.

Each of these seven major zones contains what we will refer to as seven sub-zones.

Based on how you lived out your last incarnation (positive or negative); you will reside in one of the seven sub-zones of one of the seven major zones.

To give you a better understanding let‟s say for example, that a soul who was living in 99

the spirit dimension on the 5th sub-zone of the 3rd major zone incarnated to earth as a female.

She lived a full life and finished up her incarnation that lasted ninety-one years. She died; her soul left the physical body and crossed over to the spirit dimension.

During that incarnation that soul had experienced most of the lessons it had chosen to learn. That life was positive and the soul advanced spiritually.

That soul now advances to the next level of consciousness that it has earned. The soul moves from the 5th sub-zone to the 6th sub-zone of the 3rd major zone.

What if that lifetime had been mainly negative? Upon returning to the spirit dimension, that soul would have been sent to live on a lower sub-zone. Such as that of the 2nd sub-zone of the 3rd major zone.

It would then take many more incarnations to regain the ground it had lost so it could keep advancing spiritually.

What if that lifetime had been extremely positive? That soul could then advance several sub-zones for which it had earned that right.

Major zones one and two are for those souls who have created for themselves great negative karmic debt. Those who caused great harm while in the physical form.

Those lower two zones are filled with souls who judged, and then banished themselves to one of those lower zones. They place themselves there after reviewing the severe negative lifetime they just left.

God does not judge them; they have the free will to judge their actions they took while in the human form. Once they leave the human form they see clearly how they interacted with others. Therefore, with the assistance of higher beings, they make the 100

judgment as to where they end up.

Each major zone contains seven sub-zones. For example, major zone number four has seven sub-zones in it. Once you have advanced from sub-zone number one, all the way through to sub-zone number seven, you then advance to major zone number five.

You must advance through those seven sub-zones of major zone number five to advance to the next major zone of number six and so on.

Once you reach the seventh sub-zone of the seventh major zone you are spiritually enlightened and have mastered all that is contained therein.

Now you are ready to ascend to the next consciousness of which you will no longer require an ethereal form. You would be seen as pure light, pure energy, and would no longer be bound by the seven major zones of consciousness. Never would you enter a physical or ethereal form again.

You would be back on the level of co-creator, and be aware of your pure companion status with the Supreme Creator of All.

For your further understating; each individual universe or dimension has its own Creator. Each area of planetary living has been located in such an area that each domain is watched over, tended to, and life and energy brought forth into it by a Creator for that specific realm of existence.

This is not to say that there cannot be more than one entity infusing power, and direction into the life and plane of existence. But there is only one single being that is responsible for its ultimate direction no matter what other entities, or life forms may inhabit it, or cross from other dimensions to assist with that dimension‟s existence.

There is one Lord, or God, or Supreme Creator that then observes these Creators and 101

can assist them. This is much the same way that many groups of people delegate power to accomplish a common good. No one person on your plane can watch a massive area, or oversee the production of a very complex event or complex item. This is the same for existence as you know it. There are many assigned to watch over your area, there is only one to direct, and become responsible for its driving purpose, its mission, but then there is the Supreme Creator which is then responsible for all life and all dimensions.