Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Through the evolving human form we can manipulate our soul enlightenment. This is accomplished by way of bringing to the forefront our innate mediumistic abilities. These abilities are brought forth through the use of a standard meditation technique.

The following instruction will give the necessary foundation for an individual to start on the pathway to their ascension journey.

First let us discuss some basic information for those who are new to meditation. We can then discuss what abilities can be manifest through the practice of meditation.

As one opens themselves to meditation they can easily transcend from one inter-dimensional consciousness to another. Thus making contact with those soul beings that are eager to assist with the soul ascension of those still in the human form.

The majority who begin meditation in earnest will progress smoothly through it.

While there will be a minority who will have some difficulty at first, yet if they 103

persevere, they too will be able to progress spiritually.

One must truly desire to advance their soul through meditation in order to develop their ability. They must be strong willed enough to stay focused, and be committed to finishing what they have started.

As one becomes aware of the seven zones of consciousness, one will then become aware, through meditation, of the seven centers of enlightenment; these spiritual centers being called by many, the chakras.

Through meditation you can open these centers, giving them new life. Here is the basic information on how to meditate, and form a secure foundation to start your spiritual journey.

Meditation will bring forth your ability(s) which will manifest themselves as mediumistic and/or psychic in form and nature. Those same abilities used by Jesus of Nazareth some two thousand years ago.

Let‟s begin by explaining the basic difference between a Psychic and a Medium: 1. Medium‟s are the ones who bridge the gap between the physical dimension and the spiritual dimension. They are in direct communication with soul beings from the other side. They transfer information received from those on the other side to you here on earth. A true medium may or may not go into a trance state.

Mediums may use one or a combination of abilities (mental and/or physical).

They bring forth information through clairvoyance, clairaudience, direct voice and automatic writing just to name a few.


2. A psychics abilities deal with the physical dimension and they are not tuned into the spirit dimension. They use ESP (extra-sensory perception) and/or intuition to read your thoughts/vibrations. They commonly tune in to your sub-conscious mind to receive information directly from you. They are not in communication with any being from the spirit dimension.

A true medium should welcome not only advancing themselves but in helping to advance all of humanity.

Those who are of a good and pure heart will do best in this endeavor. Service to your fellow man/woman/nature is what the Creator of All seeks from all his soul creations.

In the spirit dimension there are those beings that maintain contact with the physical dimension. They seek out those who actively desire to grow spiritually.

Once you demonstrate your willingness, a group of like minded beings will come together to start the necessary process of reworking your physical body. At that point they will decide on what would be the best type of mediumship suited to you as an individual.

Those who gather around you have been known by many names throughout history.

We shall use the basic names they have been called by in the past 300 year period.

This group will consist of a Master Teacher, a Guardian Angel, a Chemist (Spirit Doctor), Gatekeeper (Messenger), Health Guide, and a North American Native Indian.

Others will come and go as needed depending on what type of ability(s) you manifest through your meditational development.


For a better understanding let us give a brief definition of each member of a typical group and what their primary functions are:

1. Master Teacher: This is the most advanced enlightened entity that oversees your human life, and those assigned to help you. From the point of spiritual awareness he is the highest evolved soul entity involved in your life. He observes and watches over the others from time to time, and makes any necessary corrections as the others assist you. When you reach the point of death, he has the final say as to whether you stay on earth, or you are allowed to cross over to the spirit dimension. If he determines you have progressed as far as you can, then he will instruct your guardian angel to return your soul to the spirit dimension. If you still have work and/or lessons to accomplish, then your soul will not be allowed to leave the human body it occupies. Your spirit group will then try to assist you in completing your chosen lessons.

2. Guardian Angel: He is the main spirit being who oversees that life you are now living. He and the other spirit helpers will assist you as you go through this life you programmed. You have free will up to a point. Your guardian angel, with help from your other guides, will try and help you accomplish your goals. Your guardian angel will supervise how and when the others will interact with you.

3. Chemist: He deals mainly with the chemical make-up of your physical body. As you progress toward developing your mediumship potential, it is his primary 106

function to keep your body chemically balanced. Such as adding and/or subtracting certain chemicals. Chemicals needed in your body to sustain the desired effects of your ability(s).

4. Health Guide: She deals with such things as basic nutrition, sleep and exercise.

She assists the others in your group with the development they have chosen for you. She offers advice on what foods are necessary to fortify your body. She advises on what is needed in conjunction with the chemicals that are being introduced to your physical system.

5. Gatekeeper: She allows other spirit beings who are not a part of your inner group to use you for communication. She allows this communication from them only if they present no danger to you. Otherwise she stops them from interfering or using you in any negative way. They are not allowed near you during the time of communication between the physical and spiritual dimensions. Your gatekeeper and the others take turns mentally staying in tune with you. Just in case you mentally ask for guidance, healing or whatever, and they perform that task for you.

6. North American Native Indian: His task is to build and supply the needed power/energy necessary to produce healing and/or physical phenomena. This depending on what you are manifesting with your meditational development.

North American Indians were masters of natural/spiritual laws, and understood 107

how these laws operated. In the spirit dimension many have agreed to assist those in the human form with their development.

Let us now define the mental and physical abilities we have been referring to throughout this book. Those basic abilities used by many mediums and those used by Jesus of Nazareth. They are broken down into two main categories; that of Mental and that of Physical abilities.

You may check into other sources for more in-depth information on these, and other mental/physical areas of interest.

Here is a brief description of each category:

A. Mental Development: In mental development the conscious mind plays the major role. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are just a couple of abilities we will use for example. Clairvoyance (to see) is where spirit beings thought impressions are registered on your mind. These thoughts come through as a vision, symbol or impression, or a combination thereof. Clairaudience (to hear) is where the auditory information coming from a spirit being is received by the individual as a voice they hear inside their head.

B. Physical Development: In physical development the unconscious mind plays the major role. Direct voice, materialization, and levitation are just a few abilities that can be produced by physical phenomena. In physical development a spirit being will use energy from the individual to produce the desired effect. Ectoplasm is a sticky substance which 108

is sensitive to light at the present time, and is drawn from a developed individual‟s physical body. Ectoplasm can be visible or invisible to the human eye. The spirit being will draw out the ectoplasm material from the developed individual physical body. It will then be used to cover parts, or even all of a spirits body, so that it may be viewed by those in the human form. In the very near future, ectoplasm will be used in the light; this will be brought into the physical world. Many are developing this or returning to it now.

Another aspect of development is one in which an individual can place themselves in a Trance State. There are seven levels of trance an individual may experience, from a light trance to total control of an individual.

A spirit being may come into total harmony with the vibration of an individual‟s brain pattern. At that juncture the spirit being can completely control, with the person‟s permission, the individual‟s body while in the 7th level of deep trance.

At that level it gives the spirit being control of speech, and all other main faculties of the individual. That in turn allows the spirit being to communicate directly with those who present.

Just note; at no time does the individual‟s soul during deep trance leave its physical body.

Meditation is the key to attuning yourself to your spirit group‟s vibrational pattern.

Here is the basic set of instructions to get you started on your inner journey: 109

1. Start with a basic chair which has a straight back to it. Center it in the middle of the room or thereabouts. (Later on when you‟re more advanced, you may sit in a more comfortable chair, or lay on a bed as long as you remain awake.) Place your feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed. Rest the palms of your hands on your thighs, arms uncrossed. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes.

2. The room you choose should be quiet, and the lighting should be low. Begin sitting in near darkness to help shut out the external stimuli to help quiet the mind. If you have trouble clearing your mind, play some soft meditative music. Concentrate on that until you have more mental control. You may also do a breathing technique to help relax. Breathe in through the noise, and hold for a count of seven. Then breathe out through the mouth, and hold for a count of seven. Repeat this for a total of seven times. As your ability advances, you can start increasing the level of light, to where you will be sitting in a normal well lit room.

3. To begin your development, say, out loud, a prayer or invocation of your choosing.

You may use the Lord‟s Prayer or you may use this invocation; “Creator of All please bring forth the positive energies to join with me for this development. Let your pure white light surround me and protect me. Thank you dear Creator.” Next call to your spirit group or guardian angel out loud. Ask them to come and join you for this development. Saying it out loud allows your spirit group to turn your voice vibration into energy. This energy can then be used to assist them in lowering their higher vibration to meet yours.


4. Now close your eyes and begin your meditation. Start by meditating 15 to 30

minutes. More if you feel comfortable with it but don‟t overdo it (see the „Warning‟

section). Do what feels right for you. No two people progress at the same rate.

Some individuals can meditate every day; others may choose only once a week or three times a week. Be punctual for the starting time. For example if you plan to meditate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2pm. Then be punctual for the 2pm starting time. If you pick random times, not all of your spirit group may come to work with you. If you are there on the same days and times you choose, then they too will be there. Don‟t rush your development. Things in the physical dimension take time to manifest.

5. When you have finished meditating you may mentally say a closing prayer. Or simply say you are going to close, and thank your spirit group for coming and working with you.

WARNING: At any point you feel mentally and/or emotionally out-of-control, STOP

meditating for a period of no less than 30 days. Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed. Pay attention to the intensity of the vibrations you are experiencing through your spirit group. Start up with your meditation only after you have regained control physically, mentally and/or emotionally. When you begin again move at a slower pace. Meditate only once a week and for only 15 to 30 minutes. Don‟t force 111

yourself, let things flow smoothly along at a pace you can handle.

Each individual is different in what they may experience during their meditational development. Take note of the basic causes‟ of the eight listed items below. They are usually a result of your spirit group either adjusting your chakras‟ and/or adding chemicals to your physical body. Do not be alarmed, simply relax and allow them to proceed. Some individuals, not all, will experience one or more of the following. This being based upon what type of ability(s) they are manifesting: 1. Sensation of spinning and/or floating/levitating upward.

2. Temporary memory loss.

3. Images/visions inside the mind‟s eye.

4. Headaches (associated with the third eye).

5. Stomach aches (due to chemicals being added).

6. Pinpricks (around the head and/or neck area).

7. Seeing waves/clouds of one or more colors.

8. Voices/sounds heard inside the ears/head.

Note: Some individuals never experience or feel any of these during their development.

Each person is unique and will progress in different ways. Don‟t compare yourself to others, each has his/her own path to follow in life.

Jesus of Nazareth once said, “He who believes in the works I do, will do even greater 112

works.” (Healing, Levitation, etc.)

Enjoy your journey through ascension!