Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Spiritually speaking cannabis (marijuana) was used in religious rites and initiations as far back as the 3rd millennium B.C. Jesus of Nazareth used cannabis and taught others how to use it for healing sickness and alleviating pain. It has been used by Jesus and other religious figures throughout history for certain practices, which were designed to enrich the greater good of spiritual enlightenment and greater peace for humanity.

The drug war on marijuana has been lost and it‟s time to legalize its use just as alcohol has been legalized. As with alcohol, marijuana can be controlled by the government; taxing it so that billions of dollars can be used for the public good rather than spending billions of tax payers‟ dollars trying to win a war that was lost long ago.

Alcohol was a hard lesson to learn during the time of prohibition. That battle was lost until that drug was legalized and taxed for the public good.


It‟s time now to learn the same lesson with marijuana, to legalize and tax it for the welfare of society. How many individuals must be jailed over something which is far less harmful and destructive then alcohol? It contains medical benefits in treating the symptoms of major disease and illness such as cancer and eye disease.

How many are in prison now for purchasing and/or selling marijuana? It is a relatively harmless drug compared to alcohol, cocaine, and heroine. The elite need to stop manipulating drug laws. They do so to contain and control the vulnerable and destitute citizens of the world. The elite profit from the restraints and misery they place upon the poor huddled masses.

Legalized drugs such as nicotine (cigarettes) and caffeine (coffee, soft drinks, chocolate) are far more destructive and/or psychologically addictive then marijuana.

Marijuana is a natural herb, as with alcohol, this substance in excess is not for humankind. When smoked it does have healing properties considering the smoke that is created and the chemicals it produces. In moderation it is a very effective healing agent, especially if combined with mind energy healing.

Hemp is classified as a drug under federal law because of its minor relationship to marijuana even though it does not contain enough THC to give an individual a „high‟

from it.

Hemp production is relatively cheap and can be used to make food, medicines, paper products and rope. The top elite want to control its usage in order to maintain their alternate industries which include producing their expensive synthetic medicines, lumber industries, genetic foods, etc.


Some points to ponder:


Farmers on three other continents are permitted to grow hemp crops (paper, rope, etc.) for industrial production.


The level of THC (main ingredient of marijuana) found in the standard production of hemp is minuscule. An individual would be physically and/or psychologically unable to receive a drug high from smoking or ingesting commercial grade hemp.


Through government regulation, just as the drug alcohol is regulated, marijuana can be legalized and decriminalized. It can be sold using the same safeguards that are used in the sales of alcohol, nicotine and prescription drugs.


It takes billions and billions of dollars to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate individuals of nonviolent drug offenses each year. Billions of dollars that could be better used and spent on such things the public truly needs. Such items as Education, Social Security, Medicaid, and other community based programs.


Studies show that those who drive under the influence of marijuana drive slower and more cautiously. Those who drive under the influence of alcohol drive faster and more erratically causing fatalities.


In the United States, not a single death has been attributed to the basic act of smoking or ingesting marijuana.


Research demonstrates marijuana use does not lead to cocaine or heroin addiction, just as alcohol does not lead to cocaine or heroin addiction.

The time has come to let Mother Earth freely bring forth cannabis. To help those 34

individuals who truly need the restorative healing properties of this medicinal drug.

Humankind needs to openly embrace its place in our religious and spiritual heritage as well. Stop being so afraid of positive change!