Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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If you are in a physical human form you are experiencing what is called the cycle of incarnation; that which most individuals call reincarnation. There are many other dimensions, planes and/or levels of consciousness for individuals to incarnate and experience, but since we are in a physical form that will be the focus of this information.

Karma is simply the balancing of energy. Energy only changes form, it is never lost.

There is always a reaction, in the same amount of energy, to that which is done by you. It may not be in the same form, but it is still experienced, sometimes scattered, sometimes in one action, but it is always in the same measurement of energy. This ensures direct learning by what one‟s own actions are creating. This is direct information on what one is doing but also by what one is thinking. Like attracts like, a law of attraction is not merely a passing fad. There is a change coming where people will come to understand 36

that energy must be balanced.

Reincarnation simply means your soul has been entering into a human body through many different lifetimes. Each lifetime is a chance at learning spiritual lessons. These lessons lead us once again to the awareness that you are a co-creator with the Creator of All.

Those on the wheel-of-incarnation for example may have one or two lifetimes close together. They then may wait for several thousand years before reincarnating again.

Many things are factored into being reborn again and again into this physical dimension.

Through these physical Earth lifetimes you are operating under what many consider to be a universal law, the law of karma. Karma in and of itself is not a universal law as many believe it to be. The basic principle behind it operates on this physical dimension –

cause and effect.

In the beginning God gave his new creations a life force of their own, that of conscious awareness. With that came the ability to create independently from their Creator using their new found free will.

These souls were provided with what are called universal laws (which are unique to each level of consciousness). These laws were set into motion by the Creator of All to help these new souls in understanding their new abilities.

The Creator of All‟s desire was for his creations to become self-aware. Then, they could become companions and co-creators to the Creator of All. Yet along the way to self discovery many of the co-creations became lost.

Many souls became trapped inside their own creations. They lost the knowledge and remembrance of who they were and what they were. Through the laws put in place by 37

the Creator of All they started on the path to rediscovery. Through reincarnation and karma they began their journey home, working on reuniting with the Creator of All.

Incarnating into this low dimension (3rd density) is basically one path many lost souls chose to aid in their journey home. You can advance or progress more rapidly using this method of incarnation. Other souls have chosen not to get involved with the cycle of incarnations. They have decided to move at a slower pace on their journey back to rejoin with the Creator.

A soul will go through as many lifetimes as it takes to bring them back to the enlightened awareness of who they truly are.

These lifetimes, which are influenced by karma, bring with them their own set of problems. To progress at an accelerated rate one can move forward by passing the chosen tests and lessons. They may also lose ground by failing the chosen tests and lessons as well.

For example, the lesson of caring for Mother Earth in her time of ascension – that in and of itself can be a very powerful lesson to challenge oneself to try and master. Failing to master it can cause a soul not to advance and even lose ground depending on how their free will is exercised.

Nations and governments experience karmic justice just as individuals do. If they make war and create destruction on another nation or government then they will suffer the same karmic fate. War will come unto them in order to balance out the negative they have created.

Causing harm physically, mentally, spiritually and/or emotionally to yourself and/or to others adds to your negative karmic debt, which in turn must be worked off in order for 38

your soul to advance and become enlightened.

Negative karma comes back to us in many forms. Such as living through repeated negative life experiences with individuals we have wronged in previous lifetimes.

Many souls take on physical karma, such as reincarnating with deformed or diseased bodies and/or mental or emotional problems/illnesses. They do so to pay back the negative karma they perpetuated upon others.

For example, the soul that lived as Genghis Khan reincarnated back as the „Elephant Man.‟ That soul wished to balance out part of the negative karma through ridicule and physical pain it received in that life experience.

Karma is not a system of punishment, it is simply a spiritual tool used to balance out the negative we create with our free will. What we sowed, be it positive or negative, we must in turn reap.

The repayment of negative karma comes in many forms. Say for example you and a spirit companion have incarnated to this physical dimension. You are female and your friend from spirit has come to earth as a male. In the shared lifetime he rapes and/or murders you. This lesson was agreed upon for the two of you to experience; one as the attacker and the other as the victim.

After you both return to the spirit dimension you then agree to switch roles and reincarnate so that you are now male and your spirit friend is now female. You now rape and/or murder your friend to even out the negative karmic debt from the earlier life together, which was all done as a learning experience.

Great lessons can be experienced under the karmic (negative/positive) umbrella of life. Can you see the unconditional love behind such a shared event?


The Creator of All does not interfere with anyone‟s karmic debt. Not those of an individual soul, not those of a nation or government, or of those of a society or civilization.

The Creator of All will not stop that which was set into motion by us and for our benefit. We will feel the pain or pleasure of that which we have created and are currently creating in the way of karma.

Yet, it is always possible to create a new direction. There are those who have created atrocities against life, and may move from that quite quickly, and do much good to balance the world in which so much negative energy was directed.

However, there are some who will be seemingly trapped by it because they do not experience that act, and then learn to move away from it. Some repeat acts because they enjoy it, but are counseled upon return to attempt to allow them to gain the knowledge that was contained within that action.

There is much good in all or, that is to say, there is the potential for the good in all to shine forth, but there is not always an influence of good. It is possible to create what you wish to experience, but know that certain trials will be experienced if you planned them before your experience on earth. Emanating good will give you the impression of release from this karmic operation. Though, know that you attract what you do, you attract by actions and thought. Know that you may commit a terrible act, and you may think that in order to balance it you must be on the receiving end. This can be the case in some form, but know that you may have already done so in another life, or that you will in your next life. There is balance to everything. A label of karma only explains the nature of balance in the universe and those planes the creator has developed.


The Akashic records map and record each activity that occurs in each life forms experience, not just of humans, but all life in every way, if there is, what you call consciousness, there is a record for it. There are records for each lifetime and records that are followed as a plan, and as a recording of what has taken place. There are records for planets, though many are being created as we speak to you now, and serve more as only the recording, and less of a plan as there is much left up to the individuals in an experience at any given moment.

There is much to be known about these and how they relate to each universe. Each universe or plane will be able to be experienced by you. These are not separated and do not have separate records. All are contained in one area. You may have the same access to them as any spirit or energy being. Each is located where all can review and research, review past lives and events of any in existence. These are not private for education, and learning comes from others and their actions. The knowledge will grow by expressing that which we cannot by way of viewing the actions, and though that were taken by others in the experience they had in their given lifetime.

There is much to be learned by this great hall of records, but understand that what goes into them before you arrive in a human form can be changed, after your birth and life start, all becomes a recording of what actions were taken. Each lifetime is categorized and each separate spirit can view each carnation they have ever had to view and track progress or trends in the way that many keep records on your plane now. There is much need for understanding and reviewing these.

These are becoming more easily accessed on your plane, but there must be some discretion by the entity that brings it forth and the requestor. Not all information is 41

helpful in a lifetime, though if a spirit in human form is asking for them, there is a clear possibility that he or she is able to cope with previous actions. Be them positive or negative.

There is a need to review these from time to time. Review them prior to creating a plan for a coming future lifetime. There is a need to track these and all planes have access to them. This is one area where all beings may converge no matter their origination. Each may have access to each, but some higher forms are not shared with all for knowledge may not be ready to be shared. For its impact on those that read it and are not yet ready to understand the concepts contained within it. Peace to all is a trend that is increasing in number within the records as a shift is coming. We are able to map and track these actions, and determine how a shift might occur or see that the mind of men is changing from what it once was.

We are entering a new age as you say, and will be experiencing a new „reality‟ that becomes the new normal, and less aggression towards those of peace and thinking and mental ability. Sharing of knowledge and dropping dogma for only dogma‟s sake, will happen. These all can be seen in records here.

Each plane has their own existence, their own purpose, and you can travel to these, though not all can experience them for extended periods of time.

These archives have existed since the creation of the very first soul. They contain all the information and knowledge of each individual soul entity. All creations of the Creator of All are registered within these etheric imprints. There is no need to worry about their contents for they only record unbiased information, there is no opinion contained in them.


The Akashic archives also contain a soul‟s past lifetimes, its present lifetime and even its future planned lifetime. While in the spirit dimension a soul can access their collective thoughts and imprints. This gives them an overall understanding of their souls overall progression or deterioration. This explains where the soul entity currently finds itself; where it needs to go in order to complete its journey of remembrance.