Boost Your Body Image with NLP by Nick Ritchie - HTML preview

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Hypnotic Script

Richard Bandler says, “We are all in a trance, all of the time.” What he means by that, is that as we go about our daily lives we are constantly focusing on our

environment (internal or external). We awake from a sleeping ‘trance’ only to

move into another ‘trance’ as we think about last night’s activities while making breakfast. On the commute to work, we slip into another ‘trance’ thinking about

what’s happening at work and what we need to get completed. While at work we

find ourselves day dreaming (another ‘trance’) about relaxing down at the beach

with our other half-naked friends, before heading out that night for drinks and

dinner with the besties. As we commute home we find ourselves in another

‘trance’ as we are captivated by the evening news stories on the radio, completely missing the beautiful sunset occurring just to the left of our horizon. Because we are so caught up in a trance-like state almost all of the time (in our heads), we tend to miss some of the most beautiful moments because we are not ‘present’

and living in the moment. What I also wanted to point out was that for most of us, we are constantly moving in and out of one trance-like state to another.

The reason I wanted to provide a short hypnotic script for you to read daily, is

because since you’re already familiar with moving in and out of trance states, why not create a trance-like state reading a message that will serve to reinforce a

positive body-image? This is simply another tool you can use to boost your body-

image by reprogramming your unconscious mind. If you would like to use this tool

to improve the way you feel about your body, continue reading on… Otherwise,

simply scroll down past this hypnotic script until you reach the next chapter

called, “Modelling” and continue reading from there.

Sitting comfortably read this daily for 30 days to reprogram your mind:

As you read these words noticing how your eyes move quickly and easily over the




Feeling your clothing against your skin as your heart beats in your chest allowing you to continue breathing comfortably…

As you focus on these words notice how your breathing relaxes, even if just a


Allowing yourself to relax even deeper now…

These words only serve as a guide to help you relax further and further…

Noticing your eyes focusing on each word, allowing you to take this message with


The shape of each word becomes more and more apparent to you the more

words you read now…

You find it so easy to read these words that you could try to look away if you

wanted to, but you really don’t want to because it’s just so comfortable as you

continue reading…

Noticing as your eyes move over these words… These words are speaking directly

to your unconscious mind now…

As you read these words you know that beauty is not something that comes from

adding or changing parts of yourself…

Beauty is something that comes from loving yourself regardless of how you think

you may look on the outside…

Even as your eyes move over these words your unconscious mind is absorbing all

of the message contained here and now as you continue reading…

Your body is an extension of your higher self - your spirit… However, you

understand that your spirit is not inside your body…



Therefore, as you read these words you realize that your spirit began guiding your body from the moment you were brought into this existence…

At birth, your mind was clear and ready for new experiences… You began to find

things you liked and didn’t like…

And sometimes you even took things that others liked and didn’t like…

Sitting here reading these words you realize that what other people think of you

and your body is of no concern to you…

Other people’s perception of you only reflects their perception of themselves…

When other people see something they dislike in another person, it only reflects

their dislike in themselves…

Following these words with your eyes, you know you can feel understanding

towards other people’s perception of you, because they are only seeing and

feeling what they dislike in themselves…

This means they are struggling in their own way with this world that has been

imposed upon them since birth…

And by freeing yourself from needing validation from others, you liberate them by your own actions through showing them what’s possible…

Reading these words now you understand it is possible to love yourself because

you were already born loving yourself…

You’re been shrouded by darkness for too long and now it’s time to burst through

that darkness so you can love yourself once again…



You can burst through the darkness quickly and easily by making a decision to

push through the darkness and into the light now…

Enter the light now….

As you read these words notice the feeling of love for you and your body now…

You understand you are more than your body…

You are more than your mind…

You are a higher being experiencing life here in this reality…

And this reality is yours to create moment by moment…

Instilling all of these messages inside of you now…

Reading these words now as you feel yourself becoming more and more

conscious of your surroundings…

Noticing the device you are reading this from now… As you begin to completely

focus on everything in your environment…

Remembering everything you have read here, as you’re now completely focused

and energized…
