Boost Your Body Image with NLP by Nick Ritchie - HTML preview

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Scale Tipping

Scale Tipping is a tool that can be used anytime with any belief that a person may want to adjust, through a simple process of outweighing the negative belief with

positive reinforcement. Think of an old kitchen scales that has an old bag of wheat on it. If you want to remove that bag of wheat from the scales, you would need to either do one of two things; 1) take the bag of wheat off, or 2) put a heavier item on the other end of the scales. Let’s say you decide on option 2, and put a large sweet potato (positive reinforcement) on the other end causing the scales to tip

in favor of the sweet potato. What you’ve just done is add enough weight to the

scales that they have no tipped in favor of the sweet potato. Scale Tipping helps to tip the scales of body-image in your favor. So instead of your living your life on the negative receiving (effect) end of the spectrum, you begin living on the

positive creation (cause) end.

We can all chose to either be living at cause or effect. People who live at effect always blame what happens to them on things outside of themselves. People who

live at cause, understand that they are at cause for everything that happens to

them in their lives, and as a result, take personal responsibility for that which is true. Taking personal responsibility is empowering. Blaming causes on things

outside yourself is giving your power away. I’m not saying that everything that

happens to us in our lives is our doing. What I am saying is that we can’t go

around always blaming what happens to us on things outside ourselves. Instead,

we make a decision to take personal responsibility and keep the power within,

because we are the creators of our own reality – in more ways than one.

Scale Tipping helps to adjust a particular set of values and beliefs through a

process of writing down 100 reasons why… Why you want to replace an old

disempowering belief with a newer empowering one.

Here’s how to use Scale Tipping to change a belief…



[1] Take out several pieces of paper: Lined or unlined, it doesn’t matter.

[2] Write at the top your question: Your question will be based upon the belief you want to shift. In this case, the question “loving my body is important to me

because…” will serve to impress a change in the way you view your body-image.

[3] Write 100 reasons why: Start out with getting your first 50 reasons in one sitting, and then add the other 50 over the rest of that day, or following 2-3 days.

[4] Read daily for 30 days: Pick it up each morning upon waking and each evening before sleeping.

Following the Scale Tipping process you will notice a substantial difference in the way you feel about yourself and your body, over the course of one day, one week

and one month – the more you read this list twice daily, the more permanent

change you will create.