Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2) by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q) Paramedic/EMT:

What is the role of first responders during a cardiac arrest? Are they interfering with a soul's blueprint?


(A) There is a goal for everyone on this plane, to learn to trust your instinct, to learn to let go, but for many in these positions, in these jobs, in these volunteer rescue positions, there is not much room for debate.  The individual is never recognized because a protocol or some governing rule is being used and dictates, with relatively small room for investigation and arbitrary work, though it is only considered arbitrary because currently you do not recognize anything but the physical.  It is important that there are many who are aware when a case may seem to require different results or different actions from those who arrive on the scene, but there is not much presently being done to allow flexibility in this area.  More effort should be focused on the family and transitioning them to a place of understanding what has taken place.  What needs to be explained is not anything relating to a religious point of view.  You may keep a religion as a guiding principle, but you must grow beyond it.  You must also know that no one wants to hear differing views or opinions until they are ready, but they have also the potential to have moved beyond your conversation content.  Be willing and able to be a flexible person in conversation and report.  It is not necessary for you to approach the surviving members as if they are now scared or broken and in need of permanent help to their psyche.  Many are prepared for their loved one’s departure, but more should be done to aid the family. That is not to say that they are unable to help themselves, but given the present socially acceptable ways of thinking, there is more harm and distrust present and taking place when there is transition from the true being, from the physical, and into the true world beyond the physical plane.  Less hurt and damage could be done if the nature of things were not placed so much on realizing that god has a plan.  You have a plan; you decided the majority of your plan independently and with the advice of your guides and teachers. What you experience is directly your responsibility, saving any act of free-will which imparts another action of another being into your life.  It is merely the saving grace of many who would rather believe that some being sits high in the sky meting out justice and lessons in the form of life and death scenarios.  This is not the case.  Your true being is aware at all times what is real and true, but there is much work, often unintentionally to a certain degree, to dismiss what is real.  Often others are so frightened of what is taking place because they have been taught to fear, they will dismiss and spew hatred onto those who are only attempting to help them down the path.  In the case of any ambulance emergency, you will not save or bring back someone who is not already in the mode of not leaving.  There are very few instances when there are deaths that were by free will and the being shall leave the body only to speak with their guides and teachers.  Once this visit has concluded and it has been decided that the being is to return to the physical, then the physical body returns to action once the being has returned.  Your action of a responder, when nothing can be reversed, is to follow your protocols at present but do not ignore the scene, do not ignore the family.  Do not belittle or demean them; empower them with the knowledge and process that is taking place.  Some will fear your words, some will address it as a relatively easily relatable idea, but it is for you, each and every one of you, to realize that there is no death.  There is only transition, and the transition that takes place puts your physical family member or loved one from this plane no further from you than the length of your arm.  There is not a separate location miles away in a fictitious castle in the sky.  All will come to you in time but you know that you must begin to view new methods and ways.  Examine them.  Allow your self to rescue more than the pulseless body in the room.  Protocols will change when health and science address more than the physical.  Individuals can do this now by taking the time to talk and discuss with the family.  There is no urgency to be had on anything other than the aid of your spirit brothers and sisters.  Do not act in haste simply because arbitrary constraints are placed on you for irrelevant reasons in your current situation.  Promised to those that are dying is the ability of their loved ones to be made aware of the true nature of death.  Many will take lifetimes to understand, but for those that take convincing, it is the first responder that has that role and ability in them.  It is important to say that the need for a being to transition is important at various times and while they are so attached to the physical it is this promise that aids them also in their transition.  You are not a medical professional only of the physical existence.  There are many more dimensions to measure this physical reality, those shall be addressed and remedied by you with great skill, care, and expertise.  Begin learning now.



(Q) Population Control: Is population control a problem on earth or just an excuse used by some to further their agendas? Euthanasia, assisted suicide

(A) Population control is not an issue in the sense that the earth is being overrun by rampant births with no room for them to cohabit successfully. There is much talked about this subject in terms of fear and security of each nation, as though the birthrate is going to continue to soar to rates that overrun the national food supply and medical authorities.  It is important to know that specifically these two areas should be addressed for all people. Medication; that is the true evolution of medicine to incorporate the non-physical body, and the food supply brought in line with more traditional and historically used production methods.  The current process of farming and medication administration is not sustainable without causing more harm and more damage.  The detriment to those who eat this food and use these medical products is not aiding them in a manner which is sustaining to any level of their being.  In the best cases they are merely putting neutral substances into their bodies which do not cause harm of any kind.  There are vast sections of land that are uninhabited on your planet.  It is not necessary to seek out other worlds simply to have more room to expand.  It is important that the living, specifically the sheltering methods, how they are currently conducted is also not sustainable.  Many should not live in the manner in which they do.  This does not mean the slum lords of large cities. This is the manner in which they are far removed from the earth and that which they take from it.  To learn where and how to sustain yourself without dependence on another, that is to say some dependence is necessary, but the complete and total method of ignoring the processes involved in food production and acquisition, and the method by which homes are constructed and how the land is made to live around your homes, rather than all of these aspects being in harmony with each area of your existence.  This must change.  Many of these methods will not be readily followed because there is no commercial application to live in harmony with the tallest tree in the forest or in harmony with creatures that live in the deepest depths of the vast oceans.  Daily, there is not consideration of these things but there are signs that make it available to all to know that they are not working in a proper direction.  It is also true that no one will come to these terms unless they bring their own mind to it willingly.  It is a challenge for many to live with the earth.  It is not an extreme view to live in harmony, you will not revert to dirt floors and unsanitary conditions, but the method for many physical beings to be present on this plane at once, these new but old methods must be implemented or there will be greater health problems and fewer resources to sustain the population growth.  It is also important to say that no matter the human impact on the earth, the earth will always survive, the earth will strike balance, and the earth is quite capable of purging and acquiring energy.  The earth does not ignore its own signs such as beings in a physical body.  You can do harm to your physical body, there will be signs that you need to change and repair can be made quickly if you follow these indications and your true self speaking to you.  The earth can be harmed but is aware of the harm and will correct it.  It may not be immediately evident the corrective action taking place, but there is always balance to the earth. Left to its own devices, without human interference, the earth will heal and repair and maintain balance.  The earth can exist without you, but the earth is here for you, to live with and support one another.  It is by harmony and balance, it is not a resource to always be bent to your will alone for the sake of profit. I t can provide everything.




(Q) Euthanasia

Message for right nowIs it necessary to control the population? (A) There is a drive by many to end life and find the means to justify this action.  There are just as many who willfully involve themselves in the life of another to prevent that life from ending.  It is important that no life can be ended before the spirit has agreed to leave, if done at a predetermined time, or done so in line with a lesson to be completed, or done in line with your highest plan and good, only that you had agreed so previously.  It is not important the means, but there should be a method for determining the level of happiness or mood of the being trapped within a physical body if they are otherwise able to communicate.  There are many who will give up, but there are many who will fear this just as they fear the actions in their lives that precipitate other events which they fear.  They will no more engage in ending their life by this method than by the hangman’s noose if it were readily available for pain and suffering or for any other reason they saw fit. It is not important to justify an action that does not readily involve you but that if one chooses to end a life and is intent on it; there is nothing to be done beyond ensuring safe passage.  It is important to understand that there is no right and wrong answer or decision in life and the measuring of actions in this way is done so by human terms.  This is a very rudimentary way to view the world when it is merely just cause and effect.  There is not wrong or immoral, they are all decisions with which you can base your future actions, gain knowledge and experience, and engage with others. There is much pain and suffering experienced by the hand of another which is often disguised as that pain which is caused by a disease.  Know that much pain or dis-ease in a body is calling attention to the body system or area.  Pain, a great deal of pain, is in the same way working to call your attention, your management ability of your physical body, to this area.  There are many who may not feel the drive to carry forward through the pain, but if an exit is attempted before a predetermined time, know that all actions will still take place that were necessary for any level of development of another, or even the being making the voluntary exit.  Lessons pushed off or not experienced are not held back for all time, they are not ignored, some change forms, others are delayed, but they will still come to pass in the physical, the future physical, or in the energy body once you return to your non-physical home.   Medicine in many forms ignores the true nature of the being.  In the form of pure pain that cannot be reversed by medical means, the method of communicating with the true body, meditation, directing focus on the self where it was previously ignored.  These are the things that need to take place.  There is much disharmony in the person who is experiencing long-term pain that is not managed.  Even in physical beings who are pushing their pain aside through various efforts, it is merely masking an issue by hiding the physical manifestation of some idea, method, action, thought, or other energy or physical or non-physical attachment which needs attention or releasing.  There is not good, there is not bad, there is only action.  One action leads to another action, leads to another action, and so on.  Actions cause energy and emotion and reaction. This is what is done.  What you experience may be necessary for your development.  The mystery of your physical existence is knowing and not knowing when change should occur and when it should stay the same; to know when there is a higher being interfering for your highest good, and when there is an experience brought on simply for you to change and take action within.  No matter the purpose, no matter if you rise to an occasion or simply experience, or change course entirely, this is an experience. Experience each moment; as each moment, past, present, and future, are the greatest moments.  Emphasis should never be placed on one of these over another.  The past is your teacher, the present your classroom and the future is your ability to create anew.


Today’s channeled message(Q) National Rifle Association: Agenda/Powerful Politics

(A) The National Rifle Association is not built on fear, but to some degree, it is developing a perpetual use and need for existence out of fear.  Originally it was born from ideas relating to colonial freedom and the right to bear arms in the traditional sense of your land being invaded by unrighteous means or motivations.  Today it continues because there are many who fear that there will be a time when gun ownership will be forbidden which will make them more easily taken prisoner or more easily taken advantage of because they are unarmed.  There are some who believe there is some subversive political action that will require them to defend themselves.  The primary importance of owning any firearm is not the protection it provides.  No matter your life’s plan and no matter if you own a firearm or not, there are certain situations in which you will find yourself, even if you live in a protected bunker, as you worry about the outside world. Their agenda is simple but those that associate themselves with it are not always sensible by widespread terms and portray gun ownership as some sort of violent fanaticism.  Guns are not harmful, nor will a gun protect you necessarily any better than any other action in your mind.  The sense that force is a better tool than communication is an idea that makes many uncomfortable.  They are not willing to attempt this as an idea and allow it to fail and then prevail.  They are concerned that with failure they are exposed and without protection.  Peace can be had without weapons, there would be new methods of learning experience, and that is the point; to grow beyond current means, but it is not necessary to fear your neighbor.  The NRA is a mirror of society in many areas, that many are afraid, that many fear, and they do their best with what means they have available to protect themselves though this form of protection is not protecting the mind.  Their hearts can be closed as can their minds.  In some cases there are a small percentage of members who wish to be challenged, not as a learning experience, and not as a method for greater understanding, but because this is the moment that they have been preparing for, the moment when the government or some outside force or idea is going to steal their freedom. The confrontation is a moment in which they can release their idea and methodology onto the world, or simply release it into what they see as an opposing force.  Gun rights, ownership of firearms, it should not be politically ruled or governed.  There are various groups on both sides of any weapon debate that propose tough rules and laws and punishments for violations.  What is more important is the freedom of many to choose and the education of the public to discern and education on the matter.  Simply because one owns a weapon does not make them a violent person, nor does being weapon free make you a peaceful person.  There are individuals who band together in groups to protect rights that they fear will be taken away. Those that do the taking by laws are also reacting to fear and worried behavior.  There is much distrust; at some point along this time line someone needs to stop and afford others the chance to allow trust, to allow other humans to realize they are all having a similar experience.  It is not good, bad, indifferent, or neutral; it is only existing.  It exists for many reasons for many people.  There are many who see them as a threat, but for much more time to come there will be violence on your plane and weapons used by armies and by individuals.  The true peace will come when the last shot is fired by a man and his opponent realizes that this is not an opportunity to strike back, but also an opportunity to not seek revenge or gain a desperate upper hand.


(Q) NRA: why are they such a powerful political force?

(A) It is not wrong to fill a void or occupy your time with something.  It is important to identify what it is about yourself that yearns for this feeling and bring it into balance with other aspects of your being.

The powerful force of which you question is not simply the mind of a few gathering into a stronger force for some sake of protection.  At the top of this pyramid there are a few who are interested in power and promotion of ideals beyond what the everyday member wishes to accomplish.  The volume of their membership and fees allows them to fight stronger willed opponents and root out and help collapse the campaigns that seek to restrict their movement.

Neither campaign, for or against weapons, is a negative mission, it is the purpose of the weapon in the hands of each owner that is important to any discussion.  Giving every man, woman, and child a weapon is not a negative impact, it is what the mission of the individual determines its purpose, this is the important aspect not discussed.

Their campaign is widespread but as with any campaign, their message is not a regulated one, we do not mean that weapons should be regulated, but with many campaigns the desire of the party is for simple unregulated promotion of their idea, rule, or law.  This is the problem, for nothing is universal in the sense of development of the being who visits this plane. You cannot have a widespread rule or law, for no two beings are similar, no two beings react in the same manner; no two beings will follow the same road.  Differences among beings are not to be seen as positive and negative, they are only to be said as not similar to yours, none of which makes either being more correct.  Violence will not be erratic if all guns and other weapons will immediately be removed from the face of the earth. Violence will not be eradicated if all guns and other weapons were slowly and methodically removed from the face of the earth.  No matter the manifestation, fear and lack of knowledge about the self, these will appear. It is in direct conflict with their sanctions that any such matter be discussed about methodically carrying out their objectives.  The purpose is to go for full measures in their favor, and in many cases, no matter the cause, you aim for the most you desire, fight for it, and hope that you receive some portion of that goal.  Their fear is great, their money is great.  They will not undo or create anything in this plane which is not already preparing to take place. They will not usher in new violence or eradicate old violence.  It is simply an outlet for many of these similar minds to express much of their inner being in the way that they are aware.

Simply permitting weapons does not solve nor hinder crime and violence. Many are aware of the implications.  Many choose the opposite means no matter the situation.  There are no set rules that pertain to all beings.  It is important to realize that.  It is important to say again that no being is capable of judging any other being on this plane.  You are not in a position to offer judgment against another being in terms of life and death; though it will take this action for many to realize it and to grow beyond their current state. It is possible for all to learn and grow beyond this action, and it is even possible to learn and grow beyond it without actually taking place within your hands, but many will follow into it and then recall the experience at a later time and gather knowledge from it.  It may take centuries and immeasurable amounts of time to see change, but change is always occurring in the most subtle of ways, contributing to a larger picture.


Is it necessary to control the population?Today’s channeled message (Q) Law of Attraction

(A) This is a method by which like attracts like.  This is evident in water droplets and can even be identified by each object of any size having gravity.  As an individual this can be accomplished for you by using your mind.  That which you focus on, dwell upon, and fill your time with will attract greater sums of that particular content.  That which you fill your thoughts, actions, and energies will emerge in greater abundance as the universe and all of creation is attracted to and pulls towards that which is the same.  Often it is said that balance is always being struck in nature, and this is true, but opposing forces do not necessarily coexist side by side for easy comparison.  The sum of all things, all actions, and all energies is the sum that must be evaluated and you will see, mathematically, that all on this plane is neutral.  What you attract to you does not manifest mysteriously, this is evident in the physical world as much as it exists in your physical and true mind.  Gathering of similar atoms brings together greater beings and complex organisms.  Each of these contains energy; some energy can be released as a bolt of lightning, instantly.  Other energy is slower, the rate at which the energy is gathered or the rate at which it is expressed into the world is dependent only on your mind and where you place your focus and desire.  Where your mind goes so goes the matter around you and all that is in the universe.


Q) Is marriage a viable concept? Today’s channeled message: Learning

(A) This is an institution that survives out of guilt, pressure, insecurity, and longing for external stimulation though you are ignoring many other opportunities internally and externally.  There is much about this institution about possession.  It was born in a sense that it has always been done but there is much concern about the possession of one being or another and the treatment of beings as property.  Recently, in a wide scope, this has become celebrated, it is incorporated so heavily in society that possession is celebrated and those who do not engage in it are mocked or shunned for choosing a different path or ignoring this concept entirely.  The right to enforce your partner to abstain from any other activity with another being, sexual or otherwise, is the problem.  There are many who agree this is an ancient practice and assumes that those in a partnership will not find true happiness or meaning until a marriage is executed.  Many fear being alone, many fear abandonment, just as putting a small band-aid on a severe trauma patient does little for the patient, involving yourself in the prospect of marriage does not truly address your discrepancies in personality, or that which causes you to have fear, it slows them, masks them, they will appear, they will be addressed, perhaps in this lifetime, perhaps many lifetimes from now, perhaps outside of a physical body entirely.  There are many who involve themselves in happiness with another person and often times this partner can occupy their space for the majority of a lifetime, but there is much that is done to pressure or control a partner with expectations.  While one partner may not realize this is being done, the other partner is growing, both should be growing and changing and activating all possibilities in this lifetime.  Marriage should not be viewed as a requirement.  Marriage should not be viewed as some everlasting prospect which holds you to the earth with any sense of accomplishment, that you would lack any good deed because you are married or not married.  The celebration of mutual unions can be had, should be had, should be celebrated or addressed by any means thought necessary.  However, do not assume that because you have agreed to join your physical existence together that your paths in life with also follow the same road.  Also realize that the mutual coming together for the child.  There is much that should be done to achieve a union for this purpose.  It is not required from every being, but for many it is simply bringing new life, for others it is bringing new life and raising the new being with the same individual, and for others it is a matter entirely different.  All beings, to some degree, in some area seek a sense of permanence.  The very nature of all things around you show you that all things in life are very impermanent.  This is not a detriment to your environment.  This is not something you should fear or worry over; it simply is in existence in this manner.  Fearing change is a simple statement, but many do fear it in some area.  They build physical and non-physical barriers and habitats to protect themselves from learning what is truly within their own being.  Change should be welcomed, change and temporary permanence, perhaps a better method for describing the situation, should not be judged so harshly.  For many, they will not take the advice or adhere to the societal pressure or demand and more conflict is created because of this. Independence can be achieved in both realms but more anger, hate, and rage is being done because this institution is so engrained in society.  You can see that there are many unions, detrimental and positive, that exist without marital, religious, or government sanction.  The possible union, the possible benefit, the potential for hate and dissolution of a union is just as possible no matter the term associated with it.  There is simply a method needed to create control measures.  Many things are done in many societies simply because they have been done before.  There is no real examination of the benefit, purpose, or use of the act.  Marriage is about equality and mutual understanding.  Two people or many people can mutually benefit one another without control, but perhaps the control is what they desired to experience in this lifetime.  The essence of any institution on the earth plane is that it should be evaluated for each individual.  Coming to terms with the temporary state of all things in life and learning to allow the energy of the human experience ebb and flow without constant fear, judgment, and acting outlandishly because of these things.  <