Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2) by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(A) There is no greater peace available to you than for men and women of like-mind to work together for a common goal.  The mission here is not to change those you encounter who have differing views.  No matter the situation being discussed or the cause that has anyone concerned; know that all situations and events have a common thread.  If you must use religion and must keep it in your life you are not wrong or negative, this is a result of cause and effect.  Know that your religion is not the only religion, nor is it more correct than other religious studies, this is simply the belief system that is right for you right now.  In the same way, you should not view another religion in a negative way, less than your religion, or somehow demeaning to those who believe in it, it is simply correct for that person in that moment.

Examining religions there are many common core beliefs, there are some branches that offer specific differences and make the more unique than others, but they are what is correct for that person at the time, you will not force them into a new way of being.  If they choose change of any kind it will be done of their own free will and not simply because you forced an idea into their physical sense.  It is not faith alone that keeps man apart, it is the idea that it is somehow protecting him, when, it may better illustrate the point if you view any religious text as a manual for training the mind, in certain respects.  Where the mind goes the physical shall follow.  Simply because you cannot manifest a green apple in your hand at this immediate moment does not mean that your mind cannot create and impact the physical world without your physical work.  When your religion speaks on healing, helping, and assisting others and prayer, these are all things that are done in the mind.  Because many do not believe this can be done it is the excuse that a text showed them the way or because of prayer or meditation they accomplished this task.  Divine intervention is more often the result of your thought or action more than it is some other-worldly being. There is much done to protect an individual if it is needed and part of the predetermined course for an individual, however, many acts are simply the unfolding of human events and do not require praise to anyone other than the human spirit.  In this way mankind does not take credit for its own inventions or creative endeavors.  Often time's religion is blamed; the difference in religion is blamed for a war or smaller altercation.  We forget that all belief systems want peace, even if they are wanting peace only for themselves and to damn the others, war does not bring them peace, mankind blames higher powers for wars when all war does is bring lessons to this plane that need to be expressed as they have not been learned and retained for many.  There may be some intervention for the individual level but it is not the act of some higher power that allows you to ride into battle unscathed for your country's honor – this is the cause and effect process of your mind.  Know that it is not as capable in the physical body as it is outside of it; therefore it is possible for your work to have not been enough or to be seemingly undone by the work of another.

It is not a matter of peace for the sake of peace but to reach an understanding that no matter what belief is held there is a common thread in all beliefs.  Self-preservation is at the root of all beings, some beings are more stable in their ability to see true danger and discern false danger, danger to the ego, and they are able to act accordingly.  It is this understanding of the self, to understand that no attack warrants a return of the same energy, that allows beings to reprimand others who follow violent paths, even then that is done without the knowledge of what the other being's true purpose in this time is being used for and to what end.  It is without fear or prejudice that all things will be accomplished.  There will always be differing views but there will be a time when fewer and fewer social classes are defined by these types of beliefs and while differences will be held they will not spill out into public address and public prosecution of those with opposing views.  Specifically, it is possible to hold office without judgment or use of power that is viewed by others as being skewed because of your personal beliefs.

This is a work in progress, it is not the heathen who does not have religion, it is not the heathen that needs to have an understanding of religion.  It is the follower that needs to examine his purpose, mission, and reasoning for being a follow.  While there is no belief system more superior to another it is important to understand that if you do not believe fully in a text, you are causing doubt within yourself because of higher knowledge.  It is important to understand that while you may use parts of a text associated with a particular religion, it is that association with that religion which will also draw energy into you and out of you based on the energy within this plane regarding this religion.  Labels are important to society and all words and works have energy associated with them.  If you are reading page 492 and study it in-depth and this is your religion, you will be impact by the pages surrounding your paragraphs of faith.  Draw only into your life what you examine as truly being for your purpose.  Do not accept additional attachments simply because they are free and included and no additional cost.  There is always a cost or toll, it will always impart energy to you and exchange among others.  Examine these things; allow it to be tested by others if you feel convinced.  Learn to ask questions.



(Q) What lessons or lesson types are available here? Why do we choose to come to this plane, in this existence, to experience them?


(A) There is a manifestation of energy here not present in other realms for the purpose of education.  There is a generation of energy that takes place here through the interaction and shear volume of learning experiences taking place.  There is not much accomplished by reading if you cannot physically grasp the subject.  Quite literally then it is necessary for you to engage in actions for the purpose of experiencing these emotions firsthand and realizing their benefit or detrimental impact on you and others who encounter them.  It is important to realize that no matter your time spent here, in duration or what you fill it with, it shall be beneficial to you and others, ten fold, in comparison to that of learning in other areas where you shall reside.

The important aspects here are many.  It is not simply love, compassion; not just these emotions.  The understanding that these emotions are in each action and no matter your view, no matter the perceived action you take; these are the motivations in all actions, or the lack of their presence.  It is important to understand your position and how it impacts others around you; by this we mean that no matter what you do you are always an example.  No matter your action or reaction, your energy is a guide for others around you, for only moments they may see you, for years they may accompany you, but it is the group energy that is important and the energy of the individual, on a large and small scale.  You have the ability to impact several and several also have this same potential.  It is important to know that all reactions spread out from the point of action just as a drop of water in a large lake.  All points of action have an impact larger than what many perceive.  Many feel that they are alone and isolated, even for these beings this is not true.  You may examine your mind to find the cause for these feelings but even your actions, even when you feel there is no benefit, no purpose, no one watching, they are serving as a guidepost for many others.



It is important to understand that no matter the method you chose to learn any subject, learning always takes place when it is desired and study follows.  The means do not justify the degree of learning; the intent of the individual is what determines the level of learning.  It is important for you to know that there are many who do not seem to evaluate themselves and their actions, this is not necessarily a sign of a highly developed being or one who has a great deal of development left to take place before self evaluation.  It is not for every individual to have introspection on this plane, to evaluate things deeply as they happen or nearly immediately after, there are many who will evaluate at a later time.  Also, do not feel that you are burdened, not burdened, highly evolved, or less evolved than someone who is communicating with spirit guides, receiving extrasensory messages, or any other related skill.  These skills are simply a matter of practice and development.  They do share information whey they are truly working within their element, but often this can be compared to the skill of an athlete – they are an excellent athlete, this does not mean that they are exceptional in all areas of their life, though it also does not mean that they are not.

Peace and understanding, while these are objectives, while they are attainable, it is important to work through the necessary motivations and energy in order to achieve it.  Nothing done by force will be granted, learning these emotions and how they relate, and how all beings are connected through these emotions – it is important to learn.  It is often very obvious your connection to all life when you are not in a physical body, but also it is often impossible to determine your beginning and your end.  In a physical body you are defined as one being by the regular senses, while you should realize your greater connection, it is not important for development.  Do not rely on higher powers or higher alternatives in order to live fully in this life.  Do not hope for some higher purpose or power to nudge you before you grant yourself the happiness and peace that you deserve.

While these may sound like lofty ideas that are out of reach for many, the smallest emotion within your body that creates conflict is your true self telling you that you are not living in accordance to your self balance, to your true plan, and it will invite you to correct these actions.  This previous statement is true and is important to say before we include, as in many areas, that not all paths include the same events for all beings, not all paths include the same type of events for all beings.  A person may seem to be on a terribly negative path full of hate and anger, but it is possible that they are living the life that is in balance with themselves and their true self.  While this is far from the truth in most cases, the external manifestation is often a mirror, or a window into the hate within the self, it should be used to illustrate the method by which all can live.



There are not specific tasks that should be done.  There are not lessons in this manner.  There are lessons within many actions; the energy within them is what is important.  The resonating energy within all things is what is important.  It is possible for two separate individuals, one living in an industrialized society, and the other living in a mud hut, to undergo the same level of lessons and personal development and growth.  While one may have encountered these situations on a grassy plain, the other experienced them within the confines of the concrete city.  Different energy will express uniquely to the individuals engaged in the activity.  Often the groups with which you associate are groups that you have on the non-physical plane.  If these beings were not known to you prior to your birth into this plane, they may have come to you because of the similar energy, similar life path. While you may not associate with them entirely on the non-physical plane you may have decided to do so immediately before your presence here as a method of understanding the skills and lessons that were to present themselves to you.  You may experience different lessons within the same being and they within you.



There are not present lessons that are determined and assigned to specific areas.  The only aspect that is often expected, though there is much effort to spread the energy types, is that those with similar plans, similar histories, they will gather and congregate.  What is not often grouped together is which beings within a group are interested in maintaining their current state and which beings are interested in opening to new ideas, new aspects, new developments, new understandings.

While you may initially group together out of physical attributes, it will be after any understanding and development is actualized, that you group based on what you hope to achieve, rather than physical attainment or physical attributes.

Hoping for a harder life to bring you greater joy is not a difficult idea to maintain, but it is not a hard life, there are not obstacles that are difficult. There are experiences to have.  Often there would be no understanding if you believed you were living in a game, in a temporary situation.  You are not given things to test your physical mettle by some exterior being; these are tasks that you have assigned yourself prior to your enlistment as a physical human being.  Life is not as hard as what many make it.  Learning is not difficult; it is the process of expectation on outcome that proves difficult for some when their outcome does not match their expectation.  You cannot know the outcome, you would not be learning in the same manner within the physical if you knew all aspects.  Your physical and non-physical bodies are connected and in this life they are dependent on each other, just as your need for knowledge and development and your need to be partially veiled from the future and previous cycles are dependent on one another.

Life will go on, no matter your beliefs now, there will be change in the future.  Your purpose as a being, your true higher self, it is the sole purpose. Develop, grow – when you grow, we all grow.



(Q) In regards to learning and higher education, is this the best way for humans to learn? If not, what can be improved? How should learning take place?


(A)The true learning does not take place in a classroom.  So many of your current classrooms fail to produce anything beyond the emphasis of memorization and recalling simply to produce test results.  There is not much gained simply by memorization of facts.  There should be the permission to study what the being finds useful, what the being is called to, what the being finds interesting.  There is nothing more than sheet of paper being churned out by various institutions in order that you become more civilized and easily assimilated into the work force.

Understand, not all areas of study are in a deliberate way leading you to a vast summation of nothingness.  It is important that a doctor, your medical doctors, be well-versed in the human body so that they too become well trained and practiced in their methods.  You do not want  a return to barbaric practices simply because someone has said your school system is not worth the effort.



The problem with all forms of study is that there is no emphasis on how to think, on how to bring in new ideas.  All ideas are learned, you learn what has been done previously, you learn to follow rules and regulations, and you learn to simply continue what has been done.  There is no emphasis on how to bring new ideas into being.  There is so much time between the inception of an idea and the manner in which it can be finally implemented in society because of so many clinging to the ways that have come before them.

Your institutions are placing their emphasis on the production of test scores. All institutions.  There are many that have connections for higher job placement, but it is what you are learning to do, learning to be placed within a job, no matter if you are the leader in that job, or connected to some high level of society, or you are a person thought to be in a lower form of work, you are being prepared for jobs.  The ones who are less successful in jobs is often not because they aren't trying, but they are not interested.  There is no complete route, as it would seem, that is readily available to those who do not wish to pursue the current establishment in terms of advancing a paper certification for the attainment of a job in the work force.

Those who fight and resist learning are simply not ready to learn by the ways and means currently offered, and that is the problem, there is no alternative for many beings, there is no alternative, nor are they aware of an alternative.  Parents and guardians currently send their children to the buildings that they attended simply because they believe they must do what was done before them.



It is quite possible for a being to learn all that is needed in order to live a happy and productive life, and after a specified time, they could attend a school of structured learning if they wished to pursue a more technical and advanced area.  Even more widely stated and easily understood is that all things can be gained by your surroundings, too much there is knowledge regarded as power and those with the knowledge to not have the kind nature to share with those who wish to learn.  It is easier to place that concern in the hands of others.  It is possible for you to learn what is necessary in life and then to attend a study and practice center to show you the skills and lessons needed to enhance your life or to be productive in some manner or form.  It would suffice to say that you could attend these areas when you are not present in the mind and ready to learn at the time  the structure was given, or if there simply were no methods for you to learn.

When education is allowed to develop in the individual, at the individual's pace, in the areas the individual wishes them to take place, this is when there is a success.  A basic understanding of the world is helpful, but it should be noted that the basic understanding of the world is often not taught by schools, it is taught by interaction and studying the world.  What is taught is how to interact within society and in what manner you should be thinking. This provides no alternative to other practices.  You are taught how to play by the rules, you are not taught the true nature, which is that laws that exist in nature are true, all others were created by man and will not provide you with the building blocks you need.  Man made laws are temporary.  There is no law created by man that will stand the test of time.  Laws great and small are this way, one day murder is legal, the next day murder is illegal, the next day it is legal in certain circumstances or by certain authorities.



You are not taught these things in a learning environment.  You are taught about events but not the true nature of events.  We do not mean to say that reality is being shielded from you but only that there is not a deeper understanding of the events that took place.  So much is removed from the situation to be stuffed into books to be later passed on to those who could care less, this is not a proper method of education.  Study what you love, and what you desire, not simply what you wish to have added to your stack of papers so that you can be fulfilled in some other way.  When the knowledge is gained that you truly desire and that which will benefit you and others, the method will not be important.  This is true as you learn about the world or learn medical practice, or some other technology.  Anything you want to learn is at your fingertips but all learning takes place in the mind.

There is no universal method for teaching and learning, and as with most areas, this is where the conflict comes into being.  There are widespread practices being carried out that only a few benefit from.  The progress that they can see is arbitrary, the grading method is not concrete, all is left to interpretation.  What you need is for your mind to be open and to study as you will.  This does not mean that you cannot benefit from such higher education and learning, but often those who have problems are simply not meant for this system, and because there is only one widespread system, there will always be problems and complications.  You can go beyond school, you can learn because you desire to, not simply because you are being made to so that you can be successful by some long-term means.  It is important to understand for yourself what it means to be successful.

Success in study does not mean that you have to sit for hours at a time memorizing facts.  For some, this is necessary, for others it will not be.  Do not be ashamed if you do not fit the criteria that is currently set forth.  You will find your path and you will find your way.  This is not simply an excuse for you to abandon all hope of education or that you should not learn. Simply, you should be willing to learn and understand a great deal but less emphasis should be placed on learning in the manner in which it is currently conducted or forced.  True education comes when the mind is willing, and many now feel that once their higher education is complete, that they simply never need to open their mind again.  This is also untrue.  It is important, that until you leave our physical existence permanently, and even beyond, your true purpose, your universal purpose at all times, is to learn, grow, acquire knowledge, have new experiences, not cling to a repetitious patter for all of your days.



(Q) What are “walk-ins?”


(A) A walk-in is a being who is here temporarily.  As the term implies, there have been many who are here temporarily, who do not experience birth and death, who are here simply to experience a duration of time for some specific reason.  It is necessary for many to accomplish these things in the manner that they do for their own growth and development but often when something is owed or undone from a previous life on which something greater depends, it is necessary for a being to bring into physical being this action.  There have been many instances when a walk-in intervened in an incident and later was never found or seen again.  This is often an example of a walk-in.  It is not some great mystery.  Life by physical means is simply a matter of bringing together the correct particles and atoms, and ions.  It is not a matter of the stork bringing into existence the necessary arrival.

For many it is also possible that some are living as a shell of an existence. What we mean is that many are living without complete function over their body.  Many are living passively, and so much so, so careless, so passive to their life, that a being is able to use their body in a manner beneficial to someone around them, to intervene, to, for a moment, inhabit the body and then leave again without the full taking over of the body in a long-term human physical sense.  It is important to know that this is not a punishment, this is not a demon, but it is possible for this to take place.  For many who reside simply in their own minds and not fully embracing their physical attributes, a walk-in is capable, with all authorities giving permission, to reside within the body and use it for brief periods.



A walk-in is not a demon or negative entity.  It is no different than a tree that exists or any other energy being inhabiting any other physical form.  It is a method to teach and understanding that which is necessary, often in brief instances and short moments when something must be done in a specific way on the behalf of many.

There may come a time when you believe that you have finished your work, this does not allow you a time to exit unless it has been determined to be a time for your exit.  You will not give up the right to your body for another being to enter it unless it is decided that you must exit the physical plain completely.  It is not an underestimation by anyone that this can or cannot exist, you will reside in your body, but there may be others who come and experience it first hand while you are to the side of existence within your physical body.  Do not be ashamed or worried that this has happened.  It is simply a practice that has happened.  You are not lackadaisical if this has happened, it can happen by predetermination.  You will not give up your body so that another can occupy it for the remainder of your time here.  You will not go before a court to have your place assessed or judged and your willingness to give up your place judged.  It is not possible for you to leave your physical body and the being of another enter it.

The sensation that you have disappeared or that of when you leave your physical body and return can cause this sensation and cause some to explain it in this manner, but you will not leave your body entirely for it to be controlled by another.

It is necessary to say that you are not alone in your thinking nor is anyone else alone in theirs, the reason for this sensation, and the reason that many have decided that this practice takes place, the swapping of souls within a body, is because there are other tournaments that have taken place within the body that cause dissociation.



(Q) What is the purpose of so much HIV in Africa?


(A) There is a need for the entities who reside there to experience much of the energy that is taking place.  There is a need for others to learn how to help others.  There is tribal warfare and other interactions taking place which need to be placed secondary to human existence on a much larger scale.  The need for peace is not a mission simply to have for the sake of selling books and newspapers and making others feel good about their work or missions there.  The added benefits, the overarching goal of peace and the way in which it carries over and spills out into other actions, this is the purpose.  There are many who have never known hunger, these beings now reside in very opposite circumstances than to what they were accustomed to in past lives, but this is by their choosing and for their benefit.

It is not for the judgment of anyone that this epidemic has taken place in this region.  There are many from the same soul being group who have been brought into this area and it is necessary for the progress and growth and understanding of the group that it exists here.  Know that this is not universal truth regarding HIV/AIDS, there is not the same reasoning in every instance but the turmoil found here is the regions method for expanding and developing.  Expressing energy that needs to be released is the method by which the violence is brought about.  There will be greater motivations for alternative means as the current infants develop into adulthood.

Civilization as we now know it will not survive in its current state in this region, by far, the most tragic events have yet to pass.  They will move and grow beyond them, but the worst is yet to come for those in the area.

This region is not a battle for all world fronts to interfere, as with all areas of development, any method of peace by force will not allow peace to prevail for any considerable amount of time.  Eliminating what is seen as a negative energy or entity will not prevent its existence in the future if it is not experienced now as it should be.  There are many who wish to help in this area, and there should be none who should be prevented from assisting, but consider the means by which you aid.  Are your methods personally driven? Are your means and methods supportive of all who reside their no matter their views?  Are you attempting to change those who reside there?  While there are no correct or incorrect answers it is very important that you realize, in all aspects of life, not every battle will directly impact you, and if you involve yourself you should not expect change to occur by what you feel is correct.  What is correct for you in your life is not necessarily correct for all. This does not make anything false simply because it is different, but know that your universe and perception of it is not the same as others you encounter.



Where shall the children go?  This is the question; often the concern is how the children will be raised in this area.