Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2) by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q) Is there any trait or attribute that is legitimately genetic and that we receive from our parents?  What aspects of our physical selves are determined by the traits and attributes of our parents and what is determined by spirit before our lifetime?


(A) There are many things that can come from the blending of genetic material of two beings that come together for the purpose of creating the human form.  It is highly dependent on what the being within the human body hopes to accomplish within the lifetime.  There are many aspects that were predetermined.  It is not always, but often necessary that races are born to the same races.  There are some slight differences but this will usually be the case.  Often it was necessary to make distinctions because in an earlier version of the physical existence it was necessary for the family to be bonded to the new being.  Bearing some alternate resemblance, no matter what benefit may have come from it, would have not had the correct impact no matter what outcome was necessary.  It is important to understand that general appearance will be manifested this way for the purpose of creating similarities, but there is no requirement that all offspring resemble the parents and it can be changed and altered.  There are family structures that are aligned or misaligned and the genetic traits and perceptions of the family and within the family can play important roles in these areas.  Even subtle changes or nuances can cause problems for those who are not readily open to some outside influence.  It is important to know that not everything you do is impacted by your physical existence and there is much that comes from outside your body that changes your impression of it.  It is not your unhappiness that changes your outlook of yourself.  If you were only to be left alone on this plane you would find yourself to be the most beautiful being in existence.  This is not because you are the only being, but because you would have no outside words or comparisons being made by others or you comparing yourself to others or to some arbitrary expectation of what beauty can be or should be.

There are many aspects, nearly triple the amount of potential genetic options that are determined by a team working without before your arrival here.  It is important to also say now that the items that are said to be genetic, personality, and even some disorders, these are not genetic but it is simply the being acting out and manifesting what it is constantly subjected to in terms of expected behavior and what is tolerated.  Often a being will be said to have some type of personality disorder, this is not truly a disorder.  The offspring will also associate with it and will appear to have genetically inherited this trait, but it is simply the offspring mimicking and continuing behavior that has been perpetuated.  Often these are not conscious decisions but it is the only known path so it is followed.

There is much more that is decided by you or on your behalf before your arrival.  Items such as eye color may not be important or they can be highly important.  There are many aspects that can be trivial to a being's existence or they can be the very item that every other moment depends.  It is important to say that there are many things that are decided for the being that also impact the family and these are not the fault of the family, they were not deficient, they are simply now experiencing something that they chose to engage in with the new offspring.  Handicaps and physical deformities are not simply for the being experiencing them within that seemingly broken body.  It is not the fault of the sperm or the egg, nor even is it necessarily what the mother or father engaged in during gestation, though the acts towards the fetus carry weight and energy and these too follow the same cause and effect pattern of the rest of the universe.

There are no universal answers in this area.  Some beings rely heavily upon the physical engineering that takes place within the womb while others are manipulated for the benefit of the being that will inhabit the body.  There is not a universal answer nor are there advantages or disadvantages in either case.  One situation is not superior or inferior to another.



(Q) Many spread the thought or hold the thought that you should not indulge your fantasies.  Is this true?  What is the purpose of a fantasy or desire that is held only in the mind and not expressed in the physical?


(A) There are many energies that simply need to be expressed.  It will depend very much on the being and to what they are attempting to gravitate towards and accomplish.  For many the mind is powerful enough that the fantasy can be carried out in the mind and all outcomes theorized and understood without ever engaging in one single step towards their potential goal.  This is true for all goals, this does not need to be a sexual lust that we are considering, and this can be something as physical as murder or the desire to climb a mountain or any other act, great or small.  The mind is a powerful learning center and it is much of what the non-physical being uses out of a physical existence to understand and test processes and experiences, though this is often a limiting experience when you are not fully engaged.  It is very suitable for the non-physical being in daily living, but to fully understand that which occurs and all that is possible, it is important to have the physical experience and to immerse yourself in it fully.  To observe with your mind your possible outcomes and the impact it may have is one aspect, but to be surrounded by and immersed within the situation is vastly different.  It is not a manner of being prepared, you do not need to be mentally prepared in the sense we are discussing, you need to be able to understand all that is possible.  In the non-physical mind it is often difficult to understand processes and emotions and how they impact the being.  This is not because they are foreign emotions; it is because they are not necessary at all times.  It is not necessary for you to know all languages in many living cycles, and because it is not necessary you do not have the desire to know. Because you do not often need the emotion of hate or greed it is not easily discernible to you as a non-physical being.  It is a matter of calling to you that which is necessary.

You should or should not indulge fantasies and day dreams as a matter of your own desires, ambitions, and goals.  There is no universal truth in this area for all beings.  To simply say yes to all desires is not accurate for all but is accurate for some.  Many use common phrases and tag lines from the human existence to justify their action or inaction, placing the responsibility on others or the nature of society, or some other arbitrary institution of life. It is necessary for advancement to understand balance.  You do not need to have control at all times, in the sense that you constantly restrict yourself from all things, nor should you willingly engage in all things that you are presented with, and at the same time it is possible that you should, and it is possible that you should not.

Do not hinder yourself by worldly institutions or thought processes.  Do not use only the wisdom of another as your guiding light.  You need to actively use your own mind to understand what is or is not for you and what should be followed.  You are a unique individual that emanates and radiates the universal possibilities present in all areas and all things.  You do not need to limit yourself because you feel that others expect you to do this.  Have faith in yourself, do not rely on the faith others expect you to have on mere words and phrases that do nothing but often place oppressive shackles on your existence.  It is a matter of balance; do not depend on the life of another as your sole map in your life.  Only you are responsible for your mission.



(Q) Where do new beings come from?


(A) New beings on your plane are already in existence.  They are simply being brought into a physical existence for the purpose of experiencing the life they have been interested in living and the goals and experiences they have chosen.  It is not a matter of simply two beings in the physical world having sex and bringing into life a new being.  There is a great deal of work and effort and discussion that takes place before the being, or any being, is assigned to the particular body.  This can happen an eternity prior to the couple ever meeting, this can happen during the time the mother is carrying the child.  There is a great deal of energy and involvement when it is being determined what being, or which being shall provide the life force for the physical body being created.  There are new experiences always being created and new expectations for living beings in all forms.  This is the reason for constant creation.  There is no creation simply to have creation, no creation simply for creation’s sake.  There is a method to what you might call madness or a method to the actions though it may not be readily available at all times.  The necessary actions will take place, at times there are non-physical actions that follow physical actions, and there are physical actions and outcomes that follow non-physical actions.  What we are saying is that so there are times that, for example, in the bringing of a physical being into the earth plane, the physical act of sex will bring about an available body to be inhabited and therefore the process of obtaining life force to inhabit it is undergone, and in other circumstances there is a life force that needs to inhabit a body so that physical production of a new physical human being is conducted.



(Q) How is the non-physical energy being formed?  From what source?


(A) There is a universal presence, a commonality in all of you; this is because you are all from the same source.  You may decide to return to it at some point in your existence as your true self, or you may not.  It is not for anyone to decide but your own mind, your true mind.  There is not a great being that determines when a new spirit shall be made.  There is only the source of all life that springs forth a portion, an abstract of itself, so that new life can begin.  There is a great deal of this that you will not understand but it is important that you open yourself to it.  The reasons that you are not alone, the reason that you are all connected is because your true forms all emanate and radiate your true source.  You are all part of the same being; you are all part of the same energy.  The bible explains that you are all part of the same creator, and essentially, the essence of this story is true and accurate.  You are all formed from a single source, a single entity.  You are not from an individual who decides that you must experience life; you are not present for an eternity from the time of the big bang and then assigned a physical body for a human existence.  There is not a line in the fluffy magic clouds of heaven where you await a physical body in which to inhabit.

Your source is just that, it is a source; it is the energy in all things.  All things come from the source; you are a similar being to the true source of all life.  You are able to create as is the source.  You are able to experience and learn and produce things in your environment as is this source.  All things that are true for all beings are true for the source.  All things that are true for the source are true for all beings.  You are all able to isolate yourselves and mock yourselves, and have yourselves.  The source is also capable of this but the source is also capable of self love, the connectedness that you share with others is often because you were sent with similar purpose, but often the love you share or the experience or interest that you share is due to the fact that you are parts, pieces, and beings from the same radiant source of all things.  There are many levels to this discussion, suffice to say at this time, you are being informed that you are all one being.  You are individualized in this life time to experience specific actions, you are a source among sources for the purpose of learning what can and cannot be done and the implications of cause and effect on this plane.  This plane is necessary because the source cannot provide for you another way of learning at the rate at which it occurs here.  The rate at which you learn is often slow but you are measuring this by human measurement.  Be calm, be still.  The source is infinite, do not worry that you lose your individuality when you leave this existence.  You do not become part of a being of which you have no control.  You retain individuality and your essential being no matter what form you take, no matter where you choose to inhabit; no matter what purpose you intend to focus.  You simply do nor do not associate with things and this is by your own choosing.  You will understand a great deal about this at a later time, but your connectedness is because you are all from the same source, all things, all things ever created are from the same source.  All things can be produced by parts of the source, you, and you as a being can create, you are the source, and therefore, in that context, all things are also created by the source.  You are not governed by a supreme being.  You are the Supreme Being, you are the creator. 



(Q) Why are more brought into existence?


(A) Many worry about population control.  The possibilities are endless in the minds of human beings who are concerned for their own personal resources and the fear that is produced in them by others who make the worry about their own supplies and quality of life.  The fact remains that souls will be produced into this plane at a rate not determined by man.  There is no human who shall determine the rate at which new beings will enter this plane.  They are brought forth for the experience, to lead others, to follow others, to see all things about life, to engage with others, to lift others up, to hold others down.  What one sees as positive another will see as negative, this is true and not true and is a matter of cause and effect but is relative to the eyes which with you are viewing the scenario.  There will be new beings because more wish to have the experience, more wish to undergo the lessons, more wish to help, more wish to interact and understand.  It is not a matter of what will happen or will not happen, there will be changes to the rate and number, but these are not for many to control.  Actions of many may seem to interfere with this number but many of these are predetermined for larger purposes.  It is understandable that many have concern for large populations, but all beings have selected the life in which they live, even if they appear unhappy, they are living within the purpose of this existence as they saw necessary prior to entering.



(Q) By what process is it determined that they can enter this plane and have a physical existence?


(A) As you progress through lessons in physical learning, learning of the mind, and your current learning systems allow you to experience more advanced lessons, so does the life of the true existence.  Your non-physical existence allows you to grow and produce thought and reasoning and use new experiences to understand the world.  It is by this process then that new experiences are needed in order to understand and grow.  Once a being has been prepared to a certain point it is open to them to experience many things or one thing in this existence.  There is not a group that will come before they are ready, they are simply experiencing what it is they needed or wanted to understand.  No one enters by mistake or miscalculation.  There is much intent and purpose in this action and direction.  You have free will but you do not have the ability to press a button and take the elevator to this level simply because you desire it.  Even the newest puppy needs to learn to walk before he can experience the green grass at the other end of the yard.



(Q) Is there a simple method for ocean water desalination?  Is there a simple method to make any water safe, clean, and drinkable?


(A) The reason for your drinking water problem is that no one cares much for the way in which products are created or produced for consumption. Even the rain water for watering crops and cleaning, there is not much concern for these things so long as they are produced and continue to be produced for mass consumption.  It is the fact that so many believe that there is a never-ending supply which causes the problem.  So many are unaware of the effort that is taken to produce clean water and that clean water is not clean in areas with clean water, and there are areas in which there are no industrialized or commercial means to obtain water.


There is not a rant or tangent which we want to undertake to drag people to the conclusion that we are overly concerned with the Earth and nature, these things will survive no matter your input, but for your time here they can produce beneficially or be a hazard and detriment as you see it.  You willingly pollute your own drinking water, but many do not see it this way. You create runoff which you care not where it ends up and many are unaware of where it ends up.  That it “ends up” anywhere is a terrible impact.  Chemicals are intentionally and accidentally allowed into the ground, inter rivers, lakes, streams; sanitary water supplies for cities are impact by these practices.  The water that would have been drinkable by much simpler means cannot now be processed without further detriment to the beings that consume it.

It is important to say that not all beings care for certain areas of life but the beings that do have concern should take physical action to remedy it.  So many allow beings who do not truly have concern, they allow these beings to be in charge, in control, wield power over things which they do not truly care for, meanwhile those who do care, and those who would follow another path are sitting in their living rooms offering complaints or suggestions, or passively go with the standard of society, while offering up criticism to no one in a position who has authority to change the practices.  There are many who are full of good intentions but they make no effort to persuade others. While it is not necessary for you to do or not do anything it is important that you realize that finding a solution for yourself is not the only possibility, finding a solution for a greater number than one is beneficial to all beings on many levels.  Offering education, making it available, it is important. Dragging beings to the table to receive an education is not important and should not be the focus.  Stop polluting your water and you will have an easier time cleaning it; you will have true water, rather than a method for carrying inactive chemicals which have only been made neutral by other chemicals added to your water for safety.

Desalination is not an easy process nor will the entire water supply of the world ever change fully to pure drinking water free from that which would harm you now if you ingested it in great supply.   The method now that is best for all includes filters and a method of boiling.  Adding any chemical to the water to make it clean is not a method of clearing.  You are additionally polluting that which is already dirty.  Eliminating process which involves polluting your current supply will make water reclamation easier in the future.  It will take a great deal of time to see the benefits since nature must first undo what has been done before it can do what is normally done.  Make improvements and take actions to include in your water supply, water drainage, downspouts, sink drains, sewer and storm drains only water.  Only water should enter these areas.  Water does not need the extra work of hauling contaminants which should have never been created in the first place.  This is true not simply for obvious pollutants but for excess food, excess waste, water and the current cleaning process should not be further taxed by placing food scraps down the sink drain.  Soaps and other materials, excess drugs, should not be included in any system which drinking water is processed.

The realization for many that all water is recycled in a stringent process may be absurd, but that which you send from your home will one day return.  It is important to understand the impact and implications of the actions you take today and the waste you crate today.  Take time to lessen the waste you create and the methods by which you seek to reduce the time it takes to complete a task.  There is so much more you can do when you are not only concerned with creating more free time.  Your free time only becomes filled with other plans and objects that do not fulfill you.



(Q) How do we help make water all over the world cleaner and get companies and people to stop dumping chemicals and pollution into it?


(A) Stop using the chemicals and properties and actions as an individual that create pollution in your drinking water.  No matter the effectiveness of cleaning the water you still have to clean it on some level because it is being used.  You'll have to stop engaging in these practices in order for the solution to be made.  Not all will come to this willingly, but when many stop, when many use their own chemicals that are not truly chemicals but in line and in-tune with nature, there will be a pursuit, financially, of companies in these areas and those products will become available.

Fear nothing you experience in this lifetime. Fear will block more from your learning and experience than it will protect you.

You are seeing some of this now in certain products and foods.  For much it is just clever phrasing to offer the view that something is better or healthier when it is truly more detrimental or at least neutral to you.  It is important that you investigate things and locate actions and products which are sustainable.  All things are sustainable to some degree but at what cost to other areas do you wish to keep the specified product or action sustainable?  It is important to understand that all actions have a reaction, cause and effect.  Anything that is made now is because someone wants it, it may not seem as though you or anyone else is outright saying to anyone that they want a product, but quietly consuming is the very voice that these corporations receive.  You can complain, but in the pursuit of profit the change will only come once the profit is attainable in the products and services that the populations are willing to purchase.

Start small.  You do not have to hold negative emotion or energy because so much of your water in so-called civilized lands is unsafe.  You can begin to find alternatives, you can find new means to gather the same products and have the same outcome for you but with less impact on other areas, there will be less cost on other areas, less impact.  Using fewer things that require so many resources, only to be thrown away, in all aspects, not simply water, this is the problem.  There are items you purchase and have in your possession less than one day, less than one hour, they have no use after 30 seconds of use.  Find new means for these tasks to be accomplished that use fewer resources and create less impact on the resources you need daily. Doing so will provide easier means of obtaining your resources and simpler means of providing access to these resources such as water and air.

It is normal to use things, to use items, but to cherish them, even the most mundane of reusable napkins; this is the attention we wish to bring you to.

Creating for yourself the ability to change your environment will create the ability and readiness for the environment of others to change much easier. Do not feel you are engaged in lost causes.  In order to have two beings engaged in a specific act, you must have one being.



(Q) Some forms of healing bring outside energy from other beings or the environment through a channel, others use only the energy of the healer/medium/channeler, and others use both.  Is one method better or stronger than another?  Is there any negative possibility in any of these?


(A) There is always a desire to help and this comes from the initiator, the being in the physical plane.  This being is not dependent on others to harness their personal energy or environmental energy for the benefit of their own being or that of another.  It matters little the method so long as they understand that cause and effect of energy usage.  It is not necessary to refill your own energy in the same manner one refills their own cup once they have used the entire resource.  It is possible to fully recharge by rest and relaxation, good health practices, diet, maintenance of the mind and body overall.


It is important to know that this is true in all areas where energy is concerned and this should be all areas.  We are not saying to you that you must record tally marks of incoming and outgoing energy.  The method by which energy is traded, exchanged, used, and restored are too numerous to record accurately by current levels of understanding, and even to the initiated there is a never-ending level of counting that would take place.  It is necessary that you record only in your mind your intention so that you too are not in need of healing.

It is important that any program you choose is one that you feel completely at home within.  This also means that, as with any study, you address your concerns; you dismiss that which, after careful study, is not for you.  It is not necessary to be entrenched in any specific dogma because they are all true to some degree and at various times are what specific individuals will need.

It is important that if you decide to call for the assistance or pure usage and delivery of energy from outside beings, beings other than yourself, that you understand that this energy can come through you, and can be delivered without you.  It is not important in many cases which is more desirable.  It is important that you understand your work as a channel makes you more susceptible to certain actions and emotions of others.  Experiencing their energy can be detrimental if you do not recall your own attentiveness.  We do not mean to include in this the energy of the being bringing additional healing energy to you, we mean only the one who is in some perceived state of detriment and wishes to have it corrected.

There is not one method better than another.  You should understand that your body, when used as a physical channel for the delivery of outside energy, or as an antenna to receive naturally occurring energy or the energy from another being, that when you do these things you are often raising your vibration.  You can call yourself a medium or a channel because you are literally an “in between” for the energy to reach from the healing assistant or spirit being to the physical being in the human form requesting the energy.

It is important to say that when we discuss the higher or lower vibration of energy we do not intend to define one energy as superior or inferior to another.  It is important to understand that the energy that we speak of simply expresses the nature of the energy.  Even your science notes this aspect – in order to touch something physical, a solid, the particles are moving at a much slower or lower rate, those that are gases, non-solids are moving at a faster or higher rate.  In this way then we can see that a being without a physical body is moving at a faster or higher rate and energy will be delivered to a lower or slower container, the container of course is the intended being to receive healing energy of some kind.  As the medium or channeler you are existing somewhere between these two realms.  You are aware of energy, you raise your vibration.  It is not necessary for a spirit guide or being to use you but in many cases it assists greatly in the delivery of energy.  Think of a river with a lock and dam and how it is made easier to travel because of this devi

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