Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Do I need to call my guides to bring forth energy before each healing session?

(A)  There is no reason for that to be spoken before each session.  We are with you always.  You have a direct connection to us.  When there is a need for healing you may simply conduct it and we will bring what you are unable to pull from your environment. There is much that can be done on your own and many humans rely on something outside them or believe that something outside them needs to take place before a change can happen.  All is done in the mind and with energy that is present in all living and natural things.  This is where healing also comes from, not just the spirit side where many things like these are normal occurrences.


(Q)  Should I let you know what I am about to do when I am beginning a healing session?

(A)  This is helpful for us.  Communication is simple for us, not difficult as you first perceived.  Your thoughts about your actions will draw helpful entities nearer to you and will proceed with any advisement or help during the healing process.


(Q)  Do I need to call my guides before each automatic writing session?

(A)  This is something you should do until the process becomes more natural and concrete for you.  There is much that can be done by using a system or a routine until you become more confident and comfortable.  There is a need for you to take the place of another at this table and you are doing it rightly.  There will be a time when this is not the preferred method of communication for you; though it is building your ability and strength and confidence at this time.  These are all important.  For there will be a time when your technology may not be as accessible as it is now.


(Q)  Do I need to call my guides to place a protective shield around me before each healing or automatic writing session?

(A)  This is helpful but not necessary as each person is protected; on their own from within.  Because you are doing work for a higher good and greater good than selfish reasons, there will always be protection for you from within your own body and mind. This does not always come from an outside force.  We do not always intervene since the majority of energy and action takes part from within you, weather you realize it or not. Calling it something that happens outside of you by another force is possibly easier to understand, that the realization that all protection comes from your actions, commands, thoughts, and beliefs.  Nothing good will come to you if you don’t believe it first. Negativity will not join you unless you call it or sow this with your actions.


(Q)  Am I conducting my automatic writing sessions correctly?

(A)  There are things you can do to improve them but this is not a concern at this time. This is the process by which we communicate at this time.  There is not a need to rush things as all information will come as you are ready.  You are looking for a confidence or confirmation of your ability to communicate with us.  You may seek this if you wish but it is not necessary when you know by your own account, and that of others, that this information is coming from a place much higher than your current position on your human existence.