Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What can you tell me about police and law enforcement on this plane?

(A)  There is a reason that this was started but there will be no need for them in the same capacity once major changes start taking place.  They fight to keep their ground when their ground should be held by the people.  There are too many souls and spirits who wish for control when they simply should let go.  Some of these enter policing and there is no good for all that comes from it.  There are times when this group is used as a strong arm for the majority, though the majority is only perceived, since often the government leaders are not the majority.  This is much that can be done to ease the tensions but there are still personality conflicts that will only disappear when everyone focuses on what is truly necessary and genuine on the earth.  Forcing behavior is not necessary.  How many police have been able to stop a crime once someone calls out for them?  Again, with this outside action, all comes from within.  You are your own greatest protector.  You know from your work that no matter what you do, if something bad is going to happen, it will be done when you are out of site.  If there is a plan in action from the higher plane for a particular reason there is no intervention on your part or anyone’s that can stop it.  There is a reason that you are in this position.  You can see these outcomes and these reasons people use for their existence and ways of thinking in these positions.  You can bring change but change will come slowly and many personnel changes are necessary.  Many do not believe the world can survive without some form of control and enforcing widespread rules onto their neighbor.  Agree that there are differences; no need for control or to force a behavior.  There is much that can be done if a person would accept responsibility in their lifetime for actions and focus on things that are just and true. Murder can still happen, but there is no need to punish on this plane for these actions. Greater action and growth is undertaken within the entities experience of this action, and then they can experience all sides of the action once they come out of your human existence.