Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What can you share about Julian Assange from wiki leaks?

(A)  He is a man that is attempting to do good by exposing the hush-hush activities at the top of the perceived food chain in governments.  There is no reason to fear that he is not loyal to humanity or that his work is affecting anyone that was not already affected by these actions.  Exposing lies and deceit in government is necessary to bring attention for people who have believed every word that a government leader has said.  There is no reason to take anything as fact, investigate and become aware.  Assange is for you, he is with the change, he will not be understood until people take the time to examine his work rather than what is being blasted at them through the media, which is biased and leaders who are biased.  All is about control; they fear his actions because they are having their skeletons exposed.  No wool over the eyes any longer.


(Q)  Did he commit a crime as the media have said?

(A)  There is no reason for him to be in jail or on trial by our standards, however, by earth’s rules he may have exposed a side of his personality which he can not quite control and is impulsive.  There is a side to him which still needs to evolve and he has come here to learn this.  There is no reason to fear him.  He is a truth seeker.  He will help move a change into our time for you.