Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Does each individual universe or dimension have its own creator?

(A)  Each area of planetary living has been located in such an area that each domain is watched over, tended to, and life and energy brought forth into it by a creator for that specific realm of existence.  This is not to say that there cannot be more than one entity infusing power and direction into the life and plane of existence, but there is only one single being that is responsible for its ultimate direction no matter what other entities or life forms may inhabit it or cross from other dimensions to assist with that dimension’s existence.  There is one lord, or God, or creator that then observes these creators and can assist them.  This is much the same way that many groups of people delegate power to accomplish a common good.  No one person on your plane can watch a massive area or oversee the production of a very complex event or complex item, this is the same for existence as you know it.  There are many assigned to watch over your area, there is only one to direct and become responsible for its driving purpose, its mission, but then there is the Supreme Being which is then responsible for all life and all dimensions.