Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What geographical changes to the U.S.A. are expected to manifest in the next 30 year period?

(A)  There will be many changes and many are taking place, according to your time, at a very slow pace now.  Though there will be a continuation and expansion of current events that will promote flooding and tropical rains and increased heat.  There will be mountains where there were only rivers and plains before.  This is a time of drastic change though some will only say it is Mother Nature or global warming.  Events that are coming will include great flooding along many rivers, while this is a natural event as the spring becomes summer, this will worsen in fall and summer through natural events and underground release of water into the area.  There will also be mountains that are going to erupt from the earth’s crust and cause drastic changes to the landscape and river locations.  These will become a slowly growing event until it is then seen that the earth landscape is changing and that is the reason for the flooding.  There will be many changes but none that man cannot change and adapt to if there is the drive, will, and openness to do so.  There is no time like the present to prepare for an emergency.  There is a time for worry and this is not it, there is no need to worry about natural events. Worry, in itself, is also unnecessary as there is a stress created that may not motivate but cause depression and worry because a person may feel that the events are out of their control and out of line with their own personal path, this is not true.  Birds will still sing, the beauty of nature that many appreciate will be present and continue for all time no matter the changes.  Look for flooding and earth quakes as these are the major events that will bring change.  There will be eruptions coming soon; this is not for you or this area. There will be eruptions in this time period and you will see them, though many can move to different areas, there will be many warning signs, many will not move and will perish. For some this is their divine plan, for others it is simply a stubbornness to accept that the world is experiencing a natural revolution in energy.  Many will blame or look to religion which will not help them, for they feel that they will be saved, or that their god is punishing them.  There is no punishment since death is not the end of life.  People must learn from these events that life is continuous and that there is no reason for petty concerns or reasons for war.  We can help you all unite for the common good in a society that works together on a few common beliefs.