Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Can our individual Souls or Spirits be multi-dimensional, can we be in a physical form and also be in the spirit dimension as well as on other planetary spheres simultaneously?

(A)  There is only one soul or spirit for each life form on your planet.  There are times at which you may experience other dimensions and exist in two locations, but this is your soul or spirit reaching out to these areas, or guides coming to you and brining you to these places for your own well-being or for learning.  There are times at which you freely leave your body and experience other areas.  There can be knowledge learned when your existence visits these other realms but is not directly a second edition of you and your personality.  There is the ability, in a waking state, to leave the body though still attached and locate one’s self in new areas.  This is possible.  Though there are not many who can do this or are aware of it now.  There is a peace brought by this because of faster learning.  Materialization can perform an aspect of this by allowing one’s soul or spirit to be a physical form in the new place, but there is much energy required for this.  In this manner there are two of YOU in existence at one time though you are still connected to your original human form no matter what takes place until it is seen that it is necessary for you to move from one form or plane of existence to another.  There is no need or reason to exist in more than one copy of you, we all learn information and knowledge as it is all collective.  What one human experiences in one lifetime, all spirits can witness, observe, and later study and educate themselves on.  In that manner we are all ‘doubles’ and copies because we can all experience the same information that one human existence experiences many lifetimes ago.