Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What are the so-called, ‘Root Races?’

(A)  Root races are that which founded the human existence.  Some of these are brought forth now in this plane after having reincarnated in other times and have learned from their experiences.  These can be experiences which will cause them to be a greater catalyst in this time or to be for a higher good.  Many do not realize their previous experience and many simply go about their lifetime not knowing, though  always being drawn to that which will accomplish a greater and higher good for those that they are coming in contact with.  A root person may simply be a being who is no more advanced than you but has made the effort and changes in order to bring back something higher than their self to the next lifetime they encounter.  These beings are often at a higher vibrational level and experience the world in a different way.  Often more open to emotions and often experiencing great trauma or distress in a life to bring about change and to create a karmic payoff of previous actions.  There are more beings as part of root races than there are new spirits, but not all have progressed to new heights.  Some will take many lifetimes before their work is done.