Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What can you share about Phil Hartman’s life’s purpose and the manner in which he died?

(A)  This is not something that should be readily examined by those on your plane.  He was a great man and fully enveloped himself in his work and entertaining others. He was completely happy in his career and making a living by brining laughter to others.  This is also an example of how one’s own interest may not be in balance by measuring it against other areas of his life.  He was also unable to make changes in his life which needed to be made.  Though this end was seemingly tragic, his own life was brought to a close on his terms.  There is not much that could have prevented it unless he felt as though there was more learning that needed to take place.  The manner in which he exited your plane may not seem comfortable but this was also an experience for his wife.  Greater attention should be paid to the mind altering substances on your plane, both naturally occurring and those that man has made.  There are some for good and some that cause negative impact on the mind and body.  The Hartman’s are now at peace with one another.  Each do not share a hatred for one another.  Both have fully understood their purpose and mission in life as it related to others and the relationship between them.  Do not worry for them.  This was not a tragic event.  It was not a planned event but was acceptable in the terms under which it had taken place.