Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Is global warming a real problem or is it simply something mankind has invoked to cause fear and for profit?

(A)  Global warming is a plan to allow man to realize the impact he has on the earth through commercial means.  There is much to understand that all humans, no matter their intent, leave a trail of debris on this earth.  There is much in that trail that is unnecessary and can be stopped.  Many feel better about recycling or using alternative ingredients. These are helpful but do not stop the overall impact when the better alternative is to find new ways of existence and means to our daily lives.  There is not much that is coming from it now since there is a fighting between science and the reasoning for it.  There are many times it should be experienced and mindful attention paid to the thoughts it creates, not the reasons why this situation is created.  There are many who blame god or some external forces.  There is much that is done naturally to promote this into the natural view but be aware that no matter what man does, nature will cleanse and repair itself if left to its own devices.  There have been many times in the history of human kind that men lived better with nature, they did not pollute for the sake of material wealth.  There was an understanding, a symbiotic relationship.  Give and take, use and then repair.  Today this is not the current overall view.  There are many who attempt to strike a balance but this may not help all those who are not working to even make amends through small tasks like recycling or using less.  This simply cannot continue and the great physical changes to your world will help right these actions which have gone on for so long.  There will be change, but not simply because of your pollution, though it is a contributor.  This is in place to cause a shift in thinking.  A new mental and spiritual age is coming, where items are created with purpose, not to squeeze the populace from energy and money.