Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  As the earth is undergoing physical and spirit evolutionary changes at this time, what can humankind do to help and/or assist?

(A)  There is much you can do.  Be aware of the energy around you and the environment that you create with your thoughts, actions, and energy.  This has a greater impact on the whole of man, and the spiritual realm, than what you may realize.  There is a great peace that is achieved by working to understand those around you, their reasons, and the world, and its direction.  Daily meditation is a wonderful experience that should be experienced by all and this will help each in the ways that it should, specific to each person.  Share knowledge, share wisdom.  There are those that will understand and many more will follow.  Some will only understand when there are more public experiences with it.  Some have a herd mentality.  There should be a greater understanding by all to delve deeper into news, information, and more.  Do not take things at face value.  Worry about your world, work to change it.  Worry shall be the motivation.  When there is fear that something is drastically changing beyond control this will cause many to change their view and create peace in their environment.  Work to create change and realize that resistance will first be expected but that there will come a time when the common practice is much different than what it is now.  Some will not be concerned and this is not for them.  When they become the minority there is no reason to scoff at them or return the negative energy in which they shared it onto your beliefs.  Be patient.  Work for understanding and life lessons that are universal to all beings.  Peace to all.