Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Is it necessary for man to punish man on this plane?

(A)  It is not necessary for man to pass judgment on another man for many reasons.  Your existence is only temporary, only you will judge your actions, and the actions of those involved may be for the experience that was brought forth for them.  There is much strife on your plane but there is always a need for those in a human existence to learn to forgo violence and hatred when they have been wronged, just as there is a need for those in a human existence to learn to stop hatred and violent actions.  This cannot be experienced on the levels of existence in the spirit dimension where you will return once your time in the human existence is complete.  You can promote peace and make information available to alternatives, but there will only be peace where you decide to create it in your own environment.  You cannot change others, only observe and allow them to be.  You should be peaceful first.  This will radiate to those around you and throughout many planes of existence.  Worry about others, or brining them to your thinking should not haunt you or frustrate you.  There are many who are not interested.  Making information, an alternative view, available to those on earth will allow it to be digested by those who are interested when the time is right for them.  Many come to a lifetime here for nothing but strife, hatred, violence, and evil or wrong deeds; there is no reason to judge them, for they are experiencing just as you have, though there focus may be on different areas than on what you are currently engaged.  You too were once in their shoes.