Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  How can humans know when a thought is from your own mind and when a thought is an idea from spirit?

(A)  There are many who will never know.  There are many great things that have entered your plane by way of information coming from a spirit guide or teacher.  There is much that flows between the two worlds as we are only as far away from you as your mind. You may know because of a change in impression or the tone with which the message is conveyed. Often the greatest communicators do not know that they are being guided, given impressions, or helped by a higher power; not necessarily a higher or better power, we say that here to emphasize the change in vibrational energy between the human form and a being of pure energy.  You can understand this change by way of using a telephone to those who have passed into another existence.  As long as the information is acted upon, that is what matters, and often times people lend more attribution to those who are guiding them when it is really on the shoulders of those in the human life to make the decisions.  We can guide, not force or unfold the life for you.  We can see no further than most current actions though some major events are on your path no matter the changes you make unless severe freewill of you or others on your plane change it.  But there can be subtle correcting to bring you back to it in some manner.