Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What is the basic operation of Karma on our dimension?

(A)  Karma is simply the balancing of energy.  Laws put forth and even studies by Einstein may be considered universal laws as well as those he used as the foundation of his principals.  Energy only changes form, it is never lost.  There is always a reaction, in the same amount of energy, to that which is done by you.  It may not be in the same form, but it is still experienced, sometimes scattered, sometimes in one action, but it is always in the same measurement of energy.  This ensures direct learning by what one’s own actions are creating.  This is direct information on what one is doing but also by what one is thinking.  Like attracts like, a law of attraction is not merely a passing fad.  For what you do there is always a vibration with that of the similar.  There is a change coming where people will come to understand that energy must be balanced.  In this lifetime and with other lifetimes, though many are attempting to work out karma in current lifetimes, there is much that is done from one lifetime to the next to balance the energy that is doled out and experienced to ensure that there is a balance.  This does not always mean seemingly good is always balanced with what is called evil or negative, but that there is a set purpose for energy and a set level of energy.  Karma can be said to simply be the explanation and title assigned to that which is natural and universal, and even explained by your scientists, but this applies to much broader scale and to every aspect of life than what they currently know, but are coming to know.  There is a need for change in this thinking.  Some need to balance the experience with the opposite action by comparison. Others experience it and move forward but experience more because of the energy in their thoughts and actions. 


(Q)  Are we always subject to Karma?  Is it possible to rise above its influence?

(A)  It is always possible to create a new direction.  There are those who have created atrocities against life and may move from that quit quickly and do much good to balance the world in which so much negative energy was directed.  However there are some who will be seemingly trapped by it because they do not experience that act and then learn to move away from it.  Some repeat acts because they enjoy it but are counseled upon return to attempt to allow them to gain the knowledge that was contained within that action. There is much good in all, that is to say, there is the potential for the good in all to shine forth, but there is not always an influence of good.  It is possible to create what you wish to experience but know that certain trials will be experienced if you planned them before your experience on earth.  Emanating good will give you the impression of release from this karmic operation.  Though know that you attract what you do; you attract by actions and thought.  Know that you may commit a terrible act and you may see that in order to balance it you must be on the receiving end.  This is the case in some form, but know that you may have already done so in another life, or that you will in the next.  There is balance to everything.  A label of karma only explains the nature of balance in the universes and those planes the creator has developed.