Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Are Akashic Records throughout all universes and dimensions or does each have its own way of mapping out what occurs within its boundaries?

(A)  There are many areas where Akashic records exist, or are created, but there is only one central location where all beings can find and locate and browse them at their leisure. This reading can occur for learning purposes.  There is much that is done to create learning and this is a tool.  No deed or action is unrecorded; this is not for punishment or celebration but to learn from actions and situations which other life forms have found themselves involved.  There is a great passing coming to you where there will be a change and more information will be available to those who seek it.  Much of the information in the Akashic records can be viewed or read by those on your plane with the assistance of their guide or light being.  There is no need to worry about their contents for they only record unbiased information; there is no opinion in them.  All actions on all dimensions are kept within.  There are those that an entity may not understand because of the higher realms of beings that are creating them with their actions.  These are not to be read by those who are not yet ready to understand them.  There is a veil at times that is only lifted when a being has progressed to a level of spiritual understanding in order to know the things they are reading with better clarity.  Think of this in a similar way as you progress from infant to child throughout your lifetime in a human form.