Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What purpose does our ethereal double provide?

(A)  Your ethereal double is more of an energy body; this is the you that exist beyond all other confines of physical reality and the other restrictions that you may place on mental and energy bodies in the human form.  There is much to be learned about this but also learn that no matter what term is used to describe it, this, and many other terms and practices are all the same, they are accomplishing the same no matter what you call them. There is much distraction between groups who claim to be practicing specific arts or beliefs, these are all accomplishing the same as those who they seem to oppose or who call themselves different.  An ethereal double is your energy body when you are not in physical form.  You have the ability to leave your body, your physical body, and travel, grow and learn.  It is also possible to leave your body and ‘bi-locate’ even while you are awake and your body is functioning.  The mind in the physical body has many abilities that are not studied, nor are they accepted as anything more than just novelty or daydreaming.  The conscious and subconscious mind is powerful and to some degree can operate the body for a time while the energy body is absent, though connected to the physical human form.  You are able to experience your home, other situations, there is not a separate you, this ‘other body’ is your true body and is allowed to free itself from the physical form at various times.  This is accomplished through deep meditation, by astral projection; this is what is taking place in these practices though they are all the same no matter what term you place on them.