Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Are there any negative ramifications from homosexuality or bisexuality?

(A)  There are no negative ramifications.  There are physical damages that can be done through long-term sex of a specific nature, but there is no punishment in this act or sexual or loving nature of the human spirit.  On the side you will cross to when you are finished, there are no genders unless you choose to associate with or be identified as a specific gender.  Specifically, that might better be expressed as there is equal love for all spirits and therefore equal love from each gender for each gender.  There is no definition of who may love who and in what way as the creator is concerned.  A balance of love in all forms is necessary.  Physical attraction of any kind is acceptable as long as it is not to the detriment of others.  There are some that choose this path prior to living in a physical form, there are others who choose it once they are here and it is an outward expression of their lacking love from specific parental or ‘parent-like’ figures in their life.  Though it is no less important the lessons learned in that situation no matter their motivations or the decisions to undertake them.  Many have not learned universal love and perhaps the greatest lesson is not for the soul to undergo terrible persecution for sexual beliefs or the love of the same gender, but for man to understand that there is still a soul in each physical form.  In a manner of speaking, no matter what is viewed on the exterior, and no matter the beliefs held inside that physical form, there is still a being of energy and light within that physical form that is learning, experiencing, and changing just as those who might be eager to judge, blame, or persecute.  Often there is previous debt that must be paid for prior actions, and there is persecution experienced in this lifetime that was a direct result of the actions taken by that soul in a previous life.  Quite often there is a balance in what one experiences by choice, choosing to experience both sides of the coin, both sides of the situation, this can be by choice and can be called karma, though even if they do not choose, in order to understand, you must be both the murder and the victim, this is karma.  You cannot only experience the rosy side of each action, karma is not a punishment, but the polar opposite of actions had before in order to better allow you to understand what has taken place, what is taking place, and what is being experienced by those when the other side of the action is experienced.  There is no homosexual that can be learned or loved into being heterosexual.  This is not a disease; this is not a mental illness.  There are other problems, as with all humans, that can accompany any underlying desire, urge, or preference and these are what should be addressed.  If they are uncomfortable with some aspect of their body or mind, this is for that soul to come to terms with, learn with, use as a tool, experience, and learn not to judge just as they wish to experience this lifetime without judgment and hatred towards them.  All should love each and through the physical form, more is often associated with love through sexual acts, there is nothing negative or detrimental to the spirit or soul by any form of sexual experience that they may undertake.  There should only be reasons evaluated for the motivations when they are brought on by some insecurity or any other malady that your doctors or dogmatic leaders may thrust onto a group of people.  More is being down in the mind of those who are different from societal standards in any regard than what many people will come to understand in a single lifetime.  There is no need for judgment or persecution, most often, through sexual preference or any other ‘moral’ issue.  There is no need to thrust your beliefs onto others.  It is acceptable for all to live and let live in those differing beliefs.  Many would still learn and accomplish actions, lessons, and learning by observing the actions of others without the hatred, violence and persecution that is experienced now.  Though lessons will always take place, there is always a record of what has happened, and it is possible to learn, once certain actions are entirely eliminated from earth, learn of these actions from records of previous lifetimes of other souls there will not always be a need for violence, but as it is perpetuated the opposing party in an action must experience the opposite.  Turning a cheek is far greater than retaliation.  Many will come to know this.  It is the aspect of each personality often associated with each gender that should be balanced and experienced by a child rather than ensuring that those specific aspects or natures are emanating from a specific gender on the earth plane.