Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Do handicapped individuals progress at a faster spiritual rate?  If so, why choose to move at an accelerated rate?

(A)  Handicapped people can move at a faster spiritual rate but do not necessarily move at a faster rate simply because they are handicapped.  Just as every situation is experienced and the reverse is experienced, this may be another regular learning session for these souls.  There is not necessarily more or less for them to know, only in different manners and more understanding because of the difficulties which are encountered because of the physical or mental impairment.  More than they progress quickly mankind will progress as they learn the lesson of kindness, love, and patience, as it relates to these individuals.  There is much understanding that should be taken from these souls when they are present.  No scoffing or dismissal as less capable but the patience and love expressed to all mankind should be shared on to these individuals as they too are souls in a physical existence.  There is a higher frequency with them to ensure they understand these lessons since the physical sensations they experience may not be the same as able bodied individuals.  There is extra guidance to help interpret, and after this life, to go over and clearly understand what has taken place.  This may be the form taken in a life because of previous actions.  There may be an understanding or a patience of them which can only be learned through the focused attention they now have through the absence of some ability that the majority of humans are given.  They may not necessarily progress faster, they too can ignore, or miss their lessons or step off the path and must return to accomplish what was given to them as their assignments for that specific life.  It is the absence or impairment that often gives them the focus and drive which can be missing from an able bodied person.  They may have less opportunity to be adrift from their mission because their focus is on less frivolous things since they are much more depending on others or must be more self-sufficient.  Blindness, as an example, has the ability to allow those experiencing it to become greater at experiencing other senses capable in the human body and to understand the subtle nuances in human interaction as well as abilities connected directly to the spirit plane and communicating with it.  There is less interference from mindless action and therefore less distracted on their way to their goals.  This can allow them to progress quicker or accomplish these tasks quicker or easier.  They are given a focus.  These souls can return for this specific purpose, of being disabled, when in previous incarnations they had missed the opportunity to complete some specific task.  Not true for all beings.  They are great teachers in their right.