Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Are Tarot cards in and of themselves able to give accurate readings, or are they just a prop for psychics to use or some kind of combined thing for a psychic?

(A)  Tarot cards are useful for speaking the mind of the medium or psychic that is using them.  There should be an instinct at work that brings forth more information once the card is viewed.  There are those not working with guides and there are those working with guides.  With guides’ manipulation can take place to bring forward the proper messages in order to then connect and trigger the medium onto further information.  Yes, they can be used to verify information.  Though, those who are simply flipping cards and reading their prescribed meanings are not necessarily giving great or in-depth information.  These cards can provide accurate information if a connection is made with a higher being or one is working with that soul.  There is much that can be brought forth with tarot cards but many do not realize that they can move beyond this method to give direct information from a spirit of light without any interference.  Some though will not move passed it as they are too fearful of inaccuracy or are unaware that they have this ability.  There are many who will give correct information but it is important to have thorough knowledge of the deck of choice and ensure that this deck is attuned to your vibration.  These are not card games and should be a serious focus and endeavor for those who are willing to study it intently.  They were brought about as a means to trigger the mind with general expressions that are more aptly applied to the situation or question at hand, though those who have a direct connection to spirit will know that there is more information and guidance available upon seeing that card as they are often imbued with further information, whether they realize it or not, they may be giving it as what they feel is personal counsel but is often an idea, thought, or sentence that was given to them by a power much greater than themselves.  As with all communication and guidance it is important to work in this field and focus your attention to it.  Greater information will come to those using them that will allow them to move on.  There should be a set schedule of study and practice to allow further development.  There is no reason to think less of this manner of communication as long as you are aware of how practiced the card reader is and their focus and attention.  Accurate information is not always had from a person in this lifetime who merely reads these instruments a few weekends per month. Greater intuition is at play for those who are using them though they should ensure that they are reading the situation from a different vantage point and not the energy of the questioner who is simply thinking of that situation.  A great change will come that will unlock greater potential and make those aware that they too can have communication with spirit.  Many do already but do not realize that these are not their own thoughts. Seriousness is not the point; experienced is the purpose in order to fully engage in the higher information.