Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What causes ‘floaters’ in the eyes?

(A)  Often times this is not something in the eye but something on the exterior, the fluid which lubricates the eye and reduces friction between the lid and the eyeball.  This fluid can become thick and can become muddled with debris.  This area can be cleansed with pure saline wash, no extra or outside chemicals.  True tears or the natural wetness you experience is the only acceptable solution.  This area can be flushed and cleansed naturally by consuming more pure water.  This will become more flushed and cleanse the area when greater amounts of fluids are consumed as it regulates the entire body.  Fluid here will reduce tiredness; it will reduce small swirls or fragments that may seem to float in this fluid.  The floaters in this area are caused by small sections of nerve and eye matter separating from the eye or nerves.  This is caused by acidic or corrosive diets. Sugar can affect this area.  Sweetness through unnatural means should be seen as toxicity and harmful, though some small amounts in extreme moderation produce necessary chemicals within the digestive system.  It is necessary to reduce that which causes the corrosion in the body and ferments.  That which rots the gut also rots the nervous and sensory systems.  Be prepared to make changes in this area or your own eyesight will worsen.  Water is the great equalizer, the great balancer of the scales.  Much harm can be done to a body or much done to imbalance its system, but the addition of water prevents much or reduces the harmful impact.  There is a fluid in the eye and when this becomes overly acidic or corrosive it begins to eat away at the flesh it encounters.  Healing to this area in the form of reassigning the ‘floating’ matter to its rightful place or dissolving it to a state of pure energy is possible.  Your consideration of anything similar to prayer or affirmations on the true context of the problem and how you would like it resolved create much energy and healing in this area.  Direct healing can dissolve these but it is hampered if the diet is remaining the same.


(Q)  What can be done to eliminate ‘floaters’ in the eyes?

(A)  Change the diet.  Healing of any kind using energy of mind, word spoken and direct energy by others on one’s behalf.  You are learning that all is energy.  Energy is emanated by all that you do.  Direct your energy to the positive result you wish to see and make the changes to prevent such measures from needing to be taken once more in the future.


(Q)  What can be done to prevent ‘floaters’ in the eyes?

(A)  There are often times no diet orders which need to be followed and the floating debris is caused by contamination of the blood.  Though this is diet related it can be accused of carrying something negative for the body when it is working on its behalf to sanitize and clean and purify the body.  Problems can also arise from any injury which may cause damage indirectly or directly to this area.  Much change comes in the way of appreciation of sight and that which you refuse to see, because of the energy, can hamper your vision.  There is not one simple remedy for most problems, though they are all simple, most will never undertake them because they require a change in thinking.  It is your energy or the energy in which you involved yourself that creates much in your body, mind, and environment.