Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What is astral projection and how is it accomplished?

(A)  Astral projection is the complete elimination, through a focused, calm, and meditative state, of all senses and feelings that are only perceived or generated through the physical body.  You completely disconnect but are able to safely return, to your physical body.  It is merely a term, astral, for that body which is your truest and highest self that inhabits your physical body at present.  To project into the astral plane is only to experience all realms, or a specific dimension, through disconnecting from your physical body.  There is no specific astral realm.  Often this term is used by those who project but there is no specific astral realm.  This is simply the term that for you could describe leaving this physical world.  Though it is quite possible to experience others times and places or locations in this physical plane where the earth is located.  The process is through meditation and awakening your entire energy body, your entire true self, this entire form of energy that inhabits this body.  There is much that is located in the brain but often this is where the perception of your world stops.  The eyes are here and there is much that is not considered for sensing or interpretation because it is with the physical eyes and the mind that the thinking becomes accustomed to being done.  It is important to sense every area within the physical body, become aware of each part of it, and allow these new sensations to become aware of it.  Intend to leave your physical body, shifting your awareness and creating a visual impression of you in your mind of this new location will shift your ability of perception and controlling the present location of your body to the control of your thoughts much as is experienced by those who are on the other side and helping you.  It is imperative that you state or intend to have a specific purpose; this does not mean that you are not simply allowed to experience the world, your habitat, without the constraint of your physical body, but you should intend to do so.  Do not simply sit and meditate and then become discouraged because nothing has happened or been experienced.  Such as dreams, there are many that happen, there are many where you project astrally, where your true body leaves your physical body, and you travel your world or others.  It is because the mind has not considered, in the physical form, these experiences to be important.  It needs to become accustomed to these experiences and understanding that these are true experiences that you wish to recall and remember.  Often this method of mind body separation is experienced but once the event has taken place there is no accurate recollection by the physical body.  Training the mind to retain this information while you are in the physical body is important.  You should be aware that there is information available to you, you can return to this world, your true home, at any point for knowledge and wisdom.  It would be through the practice and focus of your thought and meditation and that it can be accomplished.  Often the ability of those who attempt to develop this is short lived because they are not able to achieve extended periods of departure from the body.  For many, once they realize that they are not simply thinking about another location but are able to move within it and truly perceive it because they are there, they immediately return to their body because their focus and attention is not true to the level necessary for extended absences.  This is why this disconnection is often experienced through sleep; this allows other areas of the body and mind to overcome the actual and perceived obstacles through the mind and other limitations that are true and those that you simply perceive.  It is through this dream-like state that in waking consciousness the world can be experienced by you as well as other worlds.  Simply stating that you are willing to do this will begin your journey.  There is much that can be accomplished in terms of skills and abilities in your physical existence and some of these will also better equip you when you return to your home, once you discard your physical body.  Others simply help with guidance and information and perspective while within this lifetime, there are no skills and talents that do not help you fully appreciate this lifetime, the true nature of existence, and the true experience of all creation, none are simply for a carnival-like fancy of entertainment.