Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What would be a basic definition of God or the Supreme Creator?

(A)  The creator of all things in all forms and in all specific and general definitions is all that is and has been.  Growth is achieved when those things created by the supreme entity achieve growth.  The life force from which all that exists flows – that is the creator.  There are many definitions in religious texts that touch on this information.  Many are similar within their religious texts, there are similar definitions across religions that refer to the same person or same type of entity.  These definitions often refer to the same supreme high being.  The creator is that which brings into existence all forms of every emotion, each action, and each entity.  There are physical and biological processes that take place to sprout new life but these are also the formation of order as defined by the creator.  As we are all living things, we are all made in his image as many religious texts would state, we are also able to create.  We often do not create on the grandest of scales in relation to that which has created all that exists, but there is a similarity, and a likeness that allows us to act as a scale version of that which we have come from.  The perfect definition of the Supreme Being and creator would be simply; to hold a mirror to ones self.  This is the same makings of the creator.  There is no physical form, but in your true form, you are the creator.  You manifest and you create, you bring into being, you take action.  You radiate all things, and form your perspective, notwithstanding the judgment of others; you create that which you view to be the best possible manifestation for the present situation.  You create and experience all that there is to know and all that will ever be done.  You are a peaceful creator but also exhibit forces that may appear as destructive forces.  There is balance; this is the goal, to achieve the balance that the creator has instilled in all things.  The nature of this planet is balance.  Your understanding of energy and how it will not disappear, it only changes forms. This is true; this is true of all things.  There is no good or evil, only various forms in which emotion, energy, thought, and actions manifest.  An action or thought on its own is not judged as good or evil, it is only the perception of man when that action is compared to others is there a measuring rod.  There is no harsh or cruel being to scold you or punish you, there are beings that are higher in development that will help you along your path both in this plane and once you cross over and return to your home.  There are no beings to deliver punishment or guilt when you are in your true form.  There are others who exist in an alternate form, such as the human body, for purposes of learning, but not all are necessary because of their spiritual evolution or understanding of universal law and all experiences within it.  Patience and understanding is the creator, but so are all things that would be seen to the contrary of these things.  It is important to see that there is no being that opposes the creator; there are no groups of beings who are responsible for acts that you, human beings, declare as evil.  There are no beings set aside simply for the purpose of creating evil thoughts or acts.  All things, all things, all things are the result of the creator.  All things that you create are the result of the creator or are assembled in such a way that all experience and benefit.  You are not alone in your thinking.  There are times when a person may find themselves asking the question of who is god, when there is no reality greater than knowing that there is a creator within your physical body.  You may wonder this for the reason of experiencing two lifetimes, as it were, that of the physical human existence over and over again learning lessons, and that of the energy being, that of your true self in your true home world.  It is a matter of learning.  There is only energy, that which is universal in our plane, your true home.  You will grow beyond this realm of your current physical existence and that of your home that you will return to upon your death in the physical realm.  All progress and move beyond the current realm. There is much growth that is achieved by all through the experiences of all.  The creator built this and allows you to grow and create and in this manner both creators create and grow and learn from the actions of the other.  All things, all ideas and actions, beliefs and thoughts are assimilated.  Each will become the knowledge of the other.  It is not for our knowing to understand all things prior to the time of acceptance and readiness but there is a great present just as there is a great past for each individual who has experienced many lifetimes in a physical existence.  This is only a training ground.  Many interact here.  You can exist in it in many life forms.  Higher beings or those which are evolutionarily more advanced are not part of your soul chain or grouping but are simply that of another type of evolution.  There were, in the beginning, only one source or type of life, throughout the ages there have been many splits or fracturing of existence and therefore many have evolved in different ways from those who were originally directly part of their life group.  This is why there are so many types, this is why there are those who have mastered the path of non-violence, this is why there are those who are able to travel great distances across the heavens.  Do not accept the ideas that you are less evolved in every sense simply because you are on this planet.  There are many things that these beings, those you perceive to be higher evolved, there are many things that they wish to understand that you currently have thorough knowledge on and regarding.  It is important to know that they too are creators and you will learn in mutually beneficial relationships. They are not different.  There is no difference.