Dare to Reach Out and Touch Someone's Life by Isadora - HTML preview

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Throughout Human History people have always feared the ones who give voice to the Truth, many

have been tortured, incarcerated, considered lunatics or mentally ill and even murdered in many


The greatest spiritual masters in the World were deeply humble, great diplomats and deeply wise

and humane people. All masters share something in common, they know that the greatest

knowledge and Truth comes from within. A spiritual journey is in fact a life long journey towards

the within.

I do not worship Jesus, but that doesn't mean I do not find him a fascinating human being, just like

so many highly evolved and intelligent human beings throughout our History suffered so much in

the claws of blindness and ignorance. Jesus suffered so much and in the end he was killed because

he spoke the Truth.

Galileo Galilei almost got killed for discovering the Earth is a sphere, another man who dared to

speak the Truth!

How many presidents were murdered and silenced because of their humanistic ideas ? Go on, tell


Nelson Mandela got in trouble (arrested for 27 years, raped, called terrorist), for being a pacifist

and wanting to end the never ending conflicts in South Africa... Another man that was not afraid to

speak the Truth.

If you search the Wikipedia.org about Mahatma Gandhi, you will read this:

" [...] and later in demanding the British to immediately Quit India in 1942, during World War II.

He was imprisoned for that and for numerous other political offences over the years. Gandhi

sought to practice non-violence and truth in all situations, and advocated that others do the same. "

- a few years later Gandhi was murdered.

The never ending list of people who have suffered in the claws of fear and ignorance is terrifying...

This is the reason why all ancient symbols of great wisdom are represented by lone hunters,

seekers of Truth: the hawk, the owl, the whale, the coyote - all of them lone hunters...

We all assume the leadership role in our lives somehow at some stage in our lives, either as a

teacher, parent, workmate, classmate, team mate... We can only speak the Truth to others if we

dare to speak and face our own Truth first, fearlessly! Will you dare to look in the mirror and

embrace your own weaknesses and flaws without shame or fear ?

If people are truly as honest as they say they are, they will show it in the way they live their lives,

let their lives be the example and path for us to follow. A true leader does not demand to be

followed by people, a true leader is chosen and followed by its people, because he or she is worthy


of being trusted and followed. What makes someone worthy of being followed and called a leader


To walk the talk.