Dare to Reach Out and Touch Someone's Life by Isadora - HTML preview

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OK, so now, lets talk about the craziness from Friday night.

So, two weeks ago, on a Friday I was walking from work to my flat, when I bumped into a guy that

seemed kinda lost... He was asking for a priest !! I was really surprised! A priest ?? Why the heck

do you need a priest ?? He said that he was suppose to meet up with his sister that has

schizophrenia, but something happened ! Something went wrong ! And now, he was penniless and

unable to get a ticket to go back to his town! The priest was an idea since he did not know who else

to ask for help (I thought to myself - "priests are freaking useless, and I don't think that they would help you anyway" - ...but that is my viewpoint!). Strange story overall, but he seemed to be in

distress. So I got this mad thought in my head - to just accompany the guy to the Bus Station, buy

him a ticket (don't give him any money, but get him the ticket instead!! ) and that's it ! And that's

what I did. He asked for my phone number and said to me that he would pay me back, and

thanked me a million times, I told him that there was no need to thank me, but it would be a great

idea to learn from this experience and don't do the same mistake again!!... Of course I never

believed that he would pay me back, besides I was not concerned about that at all, because I very

quickly during the following week earned the cash that I had spent on his ticket in tips alone !! No


And that was what happened two weeks ago !!

Two weeks after this event, also on a Friday night, I was walking back to my apartment, after

work, and there was a moment when I felt strangely drawn to just take a different street, its a

parallel street that gets me to the exact same road to my apartment, and I only used that little street

once or twice years ago. But strangely, I just felt drawn to take that street that day instead. Now, as

I did this, the name "Michael" kept popping in my head very persistently (I hate when that

happens, it freaks me out! )

All of a sudden, out of the blue, a guy interrupted my walk and asked me if I was interested in

going to a gig !! I am serious !! Just like that !! I laughed uncontrollably at first, and then asked


" - Is this a prank, or are you serious?! Why would you give a free ticket to a stranger?!" - he said:

" - My friend said he couldn't make it on the last minute."

Then after considering it, I asked him:

" - What is the gig and what time does it start ?" He replied:

" - It's a stand up comedy and starts in about 20 minutes! You ask many questions, it is a free


I said to him:

" - Ok, let's do this, let's go!" - Then he stretched his hand to shake mine to introduce himself:

" - By the way, my name is Michael, what's yours?"

By now I wanted to burst out laughing hysterically but had to control myself !!

So we went to the gig and I told him that 5 years before I had a similar situation happening to me,

my companion couldn't make it to the Def Leppard concert on the very last minute ! So we finished

the night with a couple of drinks, he wanted to kiss me goodnight, but I made very clear that "I am


not interested in sex or kissing."

So I walked back to my apartment, pretty late... yeah... life is very strange!

So I will make the "synchronicities" / "coincidences" more obvious now,

Notice this:

- both guys appeared on Friday after I finished work;

- both guys were talking about tickets;

- both guys were experiencing the FREE ticket dilemma (ah ah!)

What do I see and conclude of these experiences?

These experiences when put together make perfect sense, because when I gave the Bus ticket to the

first guy two weeks before, I knew in my gut that he would never pay me back, but I also believe

that there is the law of cause and effect in the Universe. I knew that Universe would give back,

maybe in a few months, or years, or in a few life times later, but I know that the Universe bounces

back everything you give! So, when I met the guy called Michael, two weeks after also on a Friday

night, with the same strange "free ticket" situation (to see a stand up comedy gig), I knew

immediately what was this about - this is the magic of the Universe at work !!