Do you want to know what love is?
When someone loves you, they let you go through your lessons and help you to ascend. That's love.
They don't pander to your ego, they don't help to keep you stuck in egotism, "not enough-ism," in your victimhood, in your superiority complex, in your emotional issues, powerless, whatever... and they don't feel sorry for you because they know you chose to do this growth before you were born!
They help you grow beyond what you currently perceive yourself to be. These are all problems associated with living as a physical person in the lower mind.
The one who loves you helps you to reconnect with higher mind or to help that current connection grow stronger. They help you become an actualized, powerful authentic person.
This is what Ivo has done for me in the past 19 years, 14 years of which were as a nameless guide I spoke to in my head and another 5 with the realization that he is an ET, a twin flame and my love of a million years, not just a guide.
THAT is love. What we call love here is codependency, which is the language of the Matrix and the language of suffering at hand of another person! Connect to your ET team and you'll find a whole new world of loving people to help strengthen your soul connection.
More of Sharon's blog posts at: https://