Earth Awakening by Sharon Stewart - HTML preview

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Adama of Telos: Unity Consciousness

Adama: Congratulations, Sharon, you made it.

Me: Thank you.

A: You are doing the Course in Miracles and now have managed, for a small length of time, to see from the higher perspective of us all being one and of one mind. Yes, you are one mind with those in Agartha, and of those within the heavens. All one mind. It is beautiful, extremely beautiful!

You have gone from thinking as the lower mind does, which relates to the physical body as being the primary source of existence. There are those you have encountered in your life that feel that there is nothing beyond physicality they are so mired in their lower minds. Love them despite their erroneous thinking.

Earth was created in order to experience separation. It is a learning school. You see the curriculum that Ashtar Sheran had specified is tier 1 for the initiate of cosmic education and if you will post that here then others can know as well, because all have completed or are completing the 7 tiers of divine knowledge now.

Understanding present state of being.

The Origin of all life and form.

Remembering who you really are.

Learning how to transform (yourself) for lifetime knowledge and research.

Organized molecular manifestation on infinite levels of form.

Understanding the higher purpose of choice in those standard states of being and what your higher goals are.

Memorizing, living, and mastering the seven states of Heavenly life.

Begin the work of raising levels of matrix and energy states within a heavier core existence such as Earth.

So you see, this is the earth curriculum for many right now. For lightworkers and starseeds, it is a question of removing what is in the way to block their remembering. For earthlings, it is a question of doing the learning for the first time. The lightworkers are the old souls with the knowledge already innate and the earthlings are learning this as they are first time initiates of this course of divine knowledge.

You have made a milestone jump in your remembrance because you were able to hold the energy of unity consciousness over the course of a day. And your posts this morning express yourself from this higher perspective.

Me: And I'm sure as my vibrational frequency lowers, I'll drop down into unhealed negativity and back into duality consciousness, and there's no shame in that. I just heal it and the more I heal it, the more I'm able to hold the frequency of unity consciousness. It's a process that everyone is going through.

A: So you asked me, “What is unity consciousness?” It is the frequency of love. Non-judgmental, non-divisive, uncritical. It is unconditional love of all. It is the frequency of God's love. God is us. We are god. We are god mind. All have that within them. It is to be remembered. For those earthlings, it is to be remembered but for the first time.

That is the purpose of physicality – to create a false state of separation. But it is the mind that is not separate and the higher mind must be sought out to experience unity again. A return to source that we all seek. To believe that you are separate from others is believing in the illusion.

Me: Yes, imagine a life where people don't think they have to attack you because they realize that you're all one mind.

A: Life in separation, especially as dense as it is on the surface, is difficult. But it is all for the learning, especially now with the dark being removed. Earth will be re-zoned not to include free will. It will be re-zoned to specify non-violence. Violence will never be permitted again upon this planet.

Me: Hallelujah!

A: Aggression won't be allowed and earth will once again become an Eden. It will be a planet of learning still but it will be glorious with your people on a path of self-realization. With your advanced DNA and your individual minds focused on creation and spiritual advancement of technology, it will be glorious. You will make such a contribution to the all of life!

Me: Me, yeah, that's an idea, Adama. Thanks. Higher collective mind and individual minds. Some kind of way to distinguish which I'm talking about: the separated mind or the unified mind because we have both.

A: Your separated minds, your physical minds, will align with the higher collective mind and will work in unison with the rest of the galaxy and universe. It will be wonderful!

Me: Oh yeah! And you're going to be the top soul of earth, aren't you?

A: Yes, I will be the representative for earth's inner and outer peoples to the galaxy.

Me: What if we want someone else?

A: I will work with a council.

Me: What if we want another representative?

A: (smiling) I will prove myself worthy of your vote.

Me: Okay! I know people here get fearful that the positive ETs want to take over, and the dark likes to promote that fear within us. So I think we would prefer a democratic system where we vote you in as our leader.

A: Very well. I am already representing all of earth to the councils and I speak of your matters as well as earth is all one collective.

Me: You'll have to win over the outer surface populace. That's all I'm going to say. They might try and hold out for Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed or Ala.

A: Very well. (smiling)

Me: So another thought, when will the Agarthans show themselves to us on the outer surface? What should I call us as a group? I can't say earthlings because you're earthlings as well. Surface earthlings maybe. When will that happen?

A: It has already happened for some. However, I remind you that your people are to become multi-dimensional first. Then you will meet and see us. Your focus on physicality needs to be pointed out to you. It's not important to have a physical body to relate to another human. There are many beings who are disembodied that you are learning to relate to, and this comes from becoming multi-dimensional.

Me: True. So what about physical contact?

A: It won't happen before the re-zoning of the earth. As long as your people are violent and aggressive, we won't be showing ourselves to you in the masses. We choose those who we enact with by virtue of your mindset. If it is fear-based and aggressive, then you won't see us. If it is loving and calm, then you have a much better chance of meeting one or more of us, either astrally or in the physical. Eventually, we will be as one people.

Me: Thank you Adama!

A: You're most welcome, Sharon. Again, congratulations. We are most happy for you.