Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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There are reasons for men to forgo sex or let their desire die down. Some such reasons are discussed below;

PEYRONIE’S DISEASE: In this disease the penis is bent or curved. It may not pose any problem in urinating but it may be painful during sex.  The reasons could be genetic disorder, penile injury or deficiency of vit.E. This condition may be common during middle age and may disappear by itself or oral medication may improve the condition.

PROSTATITIS: This is an infection or may be an inflammation of the prostate gland; this condition may cause pain during urination and ejaculation.

URINARY TRACT INFECTION: The bacteria enter the body through the urethra.  The bacteria could cause prostatitis and may even enter the kidneys. All these conditions could cause pain during sex.  Oral medication as well as drinking plenty of water may sooth the condition.

YEAST INFECTION:  This may cause irritation in the opening of the penis which causes pain during sexual act. 

DERMATITIS: A skin condition which may cause severe pain itching and irritation near the penis. The causes may be some cosmetics, soap or any chemical to which the person is allergic to. Circumcised men are spared of this condition. Others who have it may experience pain during intercourse.

HERPES: Herpes is a very painful condition around the penis and at best, sex may be avoided until it heals.  Precaution should be taken not to infect the partner while the condition persists.

PSORIASIS: This bacterial infection makes intercourse very painful and aggravates the already sensitive skin to deteriorate further. Sex becomes very painful.

PHIMOSIS & PARAPHIMOSIS: When the foreskin of the penis cannot retract over the penis and when the skin cannot be pulled forward over the penis, respectively. In both these conditions there is pain during intercourse. Surgery is the best option.

HYPOGONADISM: Due to low testosterone level in the body, there is no or less growth of hair on the face, shrunk testicles, enlarged breasts.  In this situation, the person has little or no erection and mostly such conditions may be attributed to genetic defects.

STDs: These are a major public health problem all over the world. Untreated or complex cases may lead to cervical cancer, upper genital tract infection, infertility, HIV as well as defects in new born babies.

ANAL CANAL CANCER: Anus consists of three different histological types of mucosa, glandular, transitional and squamous. Tumors developed from any of these three types of mucosa are referred to as anal canal cancer. Several sex partners, anal intercourse, anal warts and infection with HIV infected person could all be the cause of this syndrome.

To improve the condition of painful sex men must locate the pain during intercourse. Pain in the inside or outside, front or back, at the tip or underneath then penis. Only when you can locate the exact spot of the pain as well as the nature of pain, piercing, dull, sharp, burning, and irritating, can you tell your doctor exactly what and where the problem lies.

Check your penis and testicles for any growth, cysts, warts, and lumps.  Let your doctor know about this immediately before it turns cancerous or serious.  As a matter fact any abnormality in your sexual part or anal opening may be taken seriously and immediately reported to your doctor.