Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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If you have reached this chapter and still not been able to get over your sexual problems, it means there is something seriously wrong or you may not have tried enough or did not adhere to the suggestions given to you in earlier chapters. If anxiety is killing you about your problem or you want to discuss your problems with a professional, you may go ahead and abreast yourself further by reading the following chapters. However, if you have time and patience, then please go back and read this book from the beginning.

Once again you may have come back to this chapter. It is time you understand about the medical treatment of your sexual problems. There are several ways to improve your condition, or get rid of the problem from its roots.  You may try each one of the following treatments one by one, to cure you of your problem:

Allopathic drugs and medicines,

Homoeopathic treatment,

Ayurveda and Unani ways of Indian herbs and medicines.

Psychotherapy and similar mental treatment.

Natural therapy.

Each of the above treatment is unique in itself and definitely one of the above should cure you and put your sexual organ back in working order.  The treatments are discussed below.

Allopathic drugs and medicines:

Multivitamins and minerals, Vit.E, Niacin and Zinc, are the most essential for men. Calcium and magnesium is also recommended.

Mechanical aids such as vacuum pumps and ring /band around the penis may be recommended. These are uncomfortable, painful and cause numbness to the penis.

Micro vascular surgery helps correct the blood flow to the penis.

Sometimes, amino acid Methionine in empty stomach works. Histidine capsules of 125/250mg, works too, in high histamine level in young men.

Hormone pills, creams, and injections are also available which your doctor may prescribe. High testosterone level increases sex drive, while low diminishes it. However, this could cause prostate enlargement and infertility in men. Testosterone alone may not help erection in severe cases; it may need to be combined with other medication, such as sildenafil, vardenafil or tadalafil.

Sildenafil (Viagra) is another successful drug that improves blood flow to the penis. The side effects are headache, facial flush, blurred vision, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, stomachache, rhinitis, diarrhea and increased sensitivity to light. In men over 65 or those suffering from kidney or liver diseases or those taking protease inhibitors, doctor may prescribe Viagra in low doses of 25 mg.

Vardenafil (levitra) was also approved by US, FDA for erectile dysfunction. It was found successful in retaining erection in men of all ages. However, it causes headache, flushing, nasal congestion, dyspepsia, body ache, dizziness, nausea, and increased blood levels of the muscle enzyme, creatine, and kinase. Those with prostate hypertrophy high blood pressure should not take this medication.

Tadalafil (Cialis) was found to be effective for up to 36 hours in men in maintaining the erection.  Headache, indigestion, back pain, muscle ache, facial flushing and nasal congestion are the side effects of this medication. Since Tadalafil can cause extreme low blood pressure, those suffering from benign prostate and under medication for high blood pressure, need not take this medicine, it may cause further fall in the pressure.

Intra-cavernosal injections are directly injected into the corpora cavernosa to attain and maintain errection. Drugs, such as papaverine hydrochloride, phentolamine and prostaglandin E1 can be injected singly or in combination, to attain and maintain erection.

Lazacor is another drug which helps increase body’s production of luteinizing hormone (LH) level. LH is produced by the pituitary glands.

Flibanserin and Bremelanotide are drugs that may be useful in sex drive improvement.

Vasoactive drug injection will definitely give that erection but causes nodule development, pain and bruise.

DHEA(dehydroepiandrosterone), an endogenous hormone secreted by adrenal gland.  This is a dietary supplement. Suitable for older men.

Vacuum device is a mechanical pump, which pull out the air from the vacuum chamber where the penis is placed, allowing the penis to be engorged with blood. A plastic band tightly around the base of the penis does not allow the blood to flow back, thus maintaining the erection. This method is painful and makes the penis numb too.

Surgery is another method to keep the erection where a device is implanted to keep the penis erect. To reconstruct the arteries for normal blood flow to the penis there are other methods too, which surgery may use to help with a successful erection in men. Surgery in extreme cases may be the only solution; in time to come it will be the most successful of the entire cure, provided the problem is physiological and not mental or psychological.

Some  known laboratory tests may  evaluate erectile dysfunction, such as: Complete blood counts, Urianalysis, Lipid profile, Blood glucose level, Blood hemoglobin A 1c, Serum creatine,  Liver enzyme and liver function tests, Testosterone level and other hormone levels, PSA levels, others tests  may be done depending upon the symptoms you may have .

Various other tests like X-ray and ultrasound of the penis and testes and spine may be done to evaluate the dysfunction.

With time, science and technology will provide safer and better treatments for erectile dysfunction, which is a common symptom in men with sedentary and nocturnal habits. In a few years from now, there would be a cure for all symptomatic sexual problems.  With time, lesser people will suffer from sexual dysfunctions, perhaps only those, who may not have enough means to afford the treatment.

It is advisable for the reader, only to take medication with the approval of a practicing doctor, as it may be risky and life threatening, if these medications are taken over and above other medications or the person is already suffering from diseases with which these medications may react.  Various side effects and contra indications must be taken into account before the start of these medications.

Homoeopathic treatment:

Homoeopathy treatment is based upon the symptoms of the patient.  Some well-known medicines are Agnus castus, Lycopodium Clavatum, Kali Phosphoricum, Ignatia Amara, Gelsemium, Selenium metallicum, Staphysagria, sarsaparilla, Damiana, Trubullus. Ter, besides there is a number of other medicines which may work wonders in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.

Agnus Castus is the most reliable remedy in diminished sex desire in males. Mother tincture in water or as directed by the physician will surely show positive effect.

Onosmodium is another extremely powerful pathogen which is used in low sex drive in males. Low potency works best or as directed by the physician.


Ayurveda and Unani ways of Indian herbs and medicines:

Some of the following herbs are safe and useful in improving sexual vigor:



Those marked with * are well-known vigour improvement herbs.

If these herbs are not available readily, which is cheap and affordable, one can try ayurvedic herbal tonics available worldwide through the net.  These are expensive but easily available over the counter or by mail.

Psychotherapy and similar mental treatment:

Behavioural training in premature ejaculation.

Counselling, sex education and communicating with partner can improve sex in a person.

Psychotherapy can help by providing mental therapy and improve sex.

Behavioural treatment can help by self-stimulation and other methods.

Natural therapy:

The best natural therapy is to have 5 pods of garlic in empty stomach then drink little milk soon after. 

Onion too is good while dry fruits, peanuts, and green leafy vegetables may improve blood circulation.

 Blueberries, bananas, and chocolates may help in improving sexual conditions too.