Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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One significant change in a woman’s life is the onset of menopause, which may take years to finally set in. Menopause can take place in a woman’s life any time between 45 to 60 years of age.

After the onset of menopause women generally feel older and mentally, sexually less active.  This may not be true, but a misconception, which most people carry with them.  After menopause, women are free from menses and childbirth, as stated earlier; they may become more active sexually, or enjoy sex without the thought of getting pregnant again.  They generally have grown up children which allows them more free time and less responsibilities. They could find time to go on holidays and enjoy sex with their partner as and when they wish.

The problem with older women is not menopause but low level of hormones and dry vagina, both major setbacks in having a normal sex.  Low hormone level diminishes sexual desire in women while dry vagina is the cause of painful intercourse.  Fortunately, both these problems are trifle now with hormone replacement therapy or any of the branches of medicines which may provide cures for the low level of hormone and the availability of lubricants for dry vagina.

Older women must be warned against sexual inactivity.  No amount of age defying creams, moisturizing lotions or anti-ageing portions will ever help her in maintaining her youthful looks unless she indulges in a regular meaningful sex.  If she had been sexually regular and active since her younger days, she need to regularly indulge in the activity as long as she feels fine with it. This will give her elevated hormone level with glowing skin and lesser body fat. This is one sure natural way to a youthful look and feel.

If all fails and you still have that low libido with low self-esteem, see your doctor immediately.  He has the cure, definitely!