Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Q: How important is it for women to maintain their testosterone level?

A: Women too produce and maintain certain level of testosterone in their body. Unlike men, they produce a smaller amount of this hormone. Testosterone maintains the bone and muscle mass in women, with an increase in their libido. They also feel elated and better after the replacement. Health and sexuality is bound to improve with the replacement therapy. However, there are side effects to this replacement; hoarseness, body hair growth and acne. Technology is yet to find a suitable way to maintain the testosterone level in women. Immediately after the injection the level goes up too much and decline gradually. Excessive use of this hormone is not suggested.

Q: How do I avoid sexual problems?

A: If you were born a healthy child and your parents never had any history of sexual diseases and problems, it is likely you will always have a healthy sex life. However, as we grow we change our lifestyle and habits, leading to sexual problems also. Some advice on how to avoid sexual problems is given below:

  1. Stay away from excessive drinking and smoking or any similar habits.
  2. Eat healthy; avoid rich food and late night activities. Maintain good habits most of the time. Avoid unhealthy lifestyle.
  3. Exercise daily and remain active always.
  4. If you are on medication, adhere to your doctor’s advice as well as have your medicine on time.
  5. When depressed, seek help.
  6. If you have sex related issues with your partner, discuss the matter instead of brooding.
  7. Stress, worry, fright, anxiety, anger, revenge and similar mental phenomenon are bound to create a temporary aversion or inability to sex. Do not worry this is natural, you will get over it.
  8. Always keep calm and never get too excited while having sex. It is all very impressive movie style, but in real life you need to keep your mind focused to avoid premature ejaculation due to overexcitement.

Q: Why cannot some women climax during intercourse?

A: With age, circumstances and prevailing physical and mental conditions, some women lose their sex drive sometimes. On set of menopause, pregnancy, illness or family feud, all goes to disturb the sex drive in a woman; being the cause for not reaching climax during intercourse. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder may be overcome by talking to your partner or the doctor. Changes in habits, living conditions and better environment may improve the condition. If you want to get into better sex health than you are already in, get help. Professional advice, medication with a healthy physical and mental condition may see you through the bad patch; you could experience orgasm once again!

Q: There are several advertisements in the net claiming magical cure for sex problems. Do they work?

A: Yes they work. You pay a fortune for the herbs and extracts which are sold in its country of origin for a fraction. The “Designer” herbs and extracts are all impressively packed and labeled with “supplement facts” and indication of use. If you read this guide book, you are sure to find several such herbs and extracts which are readily available in powder and extract forms over the net.  They work equally well without burning a hole in your pocket or if you are a woman, in your purse.  Buying such designer packs are a colossal waste of money. The seller of these designer herbs and extracts only laughs all the way to his bank counting the cash you parted to him.

Q: How does exercise help increase sex drive?

A: When you exercise you use your mind to get into those strenuous activities. You naturally strengthen your mind. With the strenuous activities you strengthen your body. After the exercise your body releases endorphin, a hormone, precursor to a better feel and heightened mood. When your body and mind are both strengthened, naturally and logically you are in a better shape and in a better position to enjoy better sex.

Q: Is there any alternative to testosterone hormone to increase sex drive?

A: Yes definitely, please read chapter “Natural sex and health foods/herbs for all”. You will find several such herbs and extracts which will definitely improve your sex drive. They are cheaper and safer, without any side effect.

Q: Is there any medicine which may reduce sex drive in a male?

A: 5-HTP may reduce sex drive in males, because it converts into serotonin. Serotonin is a depressant. Depressant anyway causes low sex drive.  Please consult a doctor before the use of this medication.

Q: Is menopause one of the causes of low libido in women? Is there a way to improve the sexual health of such women?

A: On set of menopause is depressing, coupled with an uneasy mental as well as physical conditions. During this time women goes through a bad patch in life. Sex may not be the first thing in mind, partner’s support and assurance is mandatory. However, there are several herbs which may help women to pass through this phase and get into a better physical as well as mental health in enjoying sex. If you read the chapter “Medical attention to your sex problem”, you will definitely find a cure.

Q: What will boost sex drive in males and females?

A: Exercise, herbs, healthy foods, vitamin and mineral supplements coupled with a healthy life style are all necessary to super-charge your sex organs. This is the best, natural and safest way to enhance your sex drive, male as well as female.

Q: Does medication lower sex drive?

A: Logically yes, of course. If you are on medication, it means you are ill or diseased. If you are diseased or ailing, naturally you will obviously have a low sex drive. Next the medication which you may be taking could interfere with your sex health. Medicines such as Beta blockers are definite to lower your libido. Seek your doctor’s opinion, if the medicines he prescribes for you will interfere anyway with your sex life.

Q: Is insulin the cause of low sex libido in men and women?

A: Insulin is a hormone and can never be the cause of low sex libido. Diabetes gradually lowers sex drive in male as well as female over time.

Q: I had to get my uterus, tubes and ovaries removed. Now I have no sex drive. Can some remedy improve my condition?

A: Consult a physician who may be able to select the right medication with the right dosage to get you back for those romantic moments. I feel hormone replacement therapy, herbs and extracts as well as a healthy diet of nuts, cereals, fruits and vegetables will bring you back to somewhat enjoy sex again.   Unfortunately, there is no definite permanent cure here.

Q: After child birth I have lost interest in sex. What could be the reason?

A: Many, if you want to know. First, after child birth and while you are breast feeding, your sex drive will dip all-time low. Second, with the baby around, it is a whole time work caring for the new born, naturally there is no time for sex or romance now. But this is temporary and you will get over this soon. Keep having multivitamins, mineral and herbs to restore and tone your mind and body.

Q: I am unable to conceive, what could be the reasons?

A: There are many reasons for not being able to conceive, some are listed below:

  • Ovulation problem/ infertility.
  • There could be a defect in your fallopian tube or it could be diseased.
  • Infertile sperm or azoospermia, oligospermia.
  • Certain diseases could also be the cause, such as pelvic inflammation.
  • Premature menopause or ageing.
  • Infertile or unhealthy ovum.

Q: We are married for many years now, sex has become routine. We do not discuss any sex related problems anymore. How to tackle this situation?

A: Problem gets bigger, when it is not discussed. The best way to discuss such problems is not in the bedroom during relaxation and intimacy time but away from it. Fix a time for this and focus on the subject honestly and be clear of what you want. Do not accuse your partner, things will get worse and it could also lead to a strained relationship. Best is to discuss with a view to solving the problem for both of you. The intention should be good and noble while the problem should be genuine and you are willing to do something about it as well as provide support in need.  Once you start the conversation you break the ice. You can then onwards take up the issue normally and at any time of the day. You could even suggest an appointment with the physician for correcting any sexual issues.

Q: Any suggestion on healthy sex for ageing people?

A: The slowing down of the body and mind are all due to lack of proper physical as well as mental activities and not so much due to ageing. As young people, we keep our mind active and our body busy. With age and retirement, we tend to go little slow, till such time we get slower. This is the beginning of all problems sexual and otherwise.

As we age it is compulsory for us to de-stress ourselves by engaging in activities such as yoga, exercise, cycling, gardening, breathing and Zen exercises. We should also exercise and busy our mind with cross-word puzzles read serious articles and always tease our brain in whichever way we can. Eat light and moderately, easy to digest foods.  This way we will lead an active and healthy life, keeping at bay hypertension, vital organ diseases, weakening of the muscles, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases. Talk to some professional people on ways to meditate, exercise and taking vitamins and supplements. You must eat food rich in anti-oxidants and those which will de-toxify your body and mind.

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