Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Water: The king amongst all that we consume is water. Water heals and hydrates us. Water when taken in small doses throughout the day in short intervals, keeps us hydrated, energized and eliminates toxic wastes from our body. Small doses of water also put less load on our kidneys, while keeping us hydrated throughout the day. Our body is almost 70% water and 20% water is found in our muscles in the form of glycogen. We must maintain this level all the time, especially during the hot summer seasons. Irrespective of your thirst, water must be taken at intervals, for it to keep your body going efficiently throughout the day. Sometime, water could be mixed with lemon juice, adding little sugar or salt for taste. It makes the drink refreshing, adding some vitamin c in the process. At other times water could be partly substituted with watery fruits like watermelon, citrus fruits and cucumbers. This way you also get some meaningful nutrients.

Multivitamins and minerals: In our daily dietary intake, we consume very little vitamins and minerals, much below the recommended daily allowance; also some vitamins are not produced in our body. This leaves our body working less efficiently with lower ability in absorbing all the nutrients from the food we eat. Superficially this may not be visible; however, intake of vitamin and mineral supplements only shows a marked improvement in our physical and mental health. This is because vitamins by itself are only a catalyst; it helps otherwise in improving the absorption of nutrients from the food and drink we take. This is why it is mandatory for us to take multivitamin and mineral supplements for optimizing the absorption of nutrients from the food and drinks we take regularly.  Several multivitamin and mineral capsules and tonics are available off the shelves from the local chemists, which are economically prices.

The general health benefits of certain essential vitamins are given below:


  1. boosts immunity
  2. has anti-cancer effects
  3. prevents/reverses aging of the skin
  4. shortens the duration of diseases
  5. assists in growth and repair of body cells
  6. fights skin disorders
  7. improves vision including night blindness
  8. speeds wound healing
  9. builds resistance to respiratory infections


  1. protects against metabolic imbalances caused by alcohol
  2. helpful in the treatment of anaemia
  3. improves mental ability
  4. beneficial in treatment of heart disease
  5. useful in neurological disorders
  6. capable of detoxifying lead
  7. helps control diabetes


  1. protects exercisers from antioxidant damage and boosts athletic performance
  2. protects against anaemia
  3. promotes normal growth and development
  4. protects against cancer


  1. maintains normal function of the skin, nerves and digestive system
  2. protects against and detoxifies pollutants, alcohol and narcotics
  3. relieves migraine headache
  4. lowers cholesterol and protects against cardiovascular disease
  5. may prevent or treat mental disorders
  6. may be of benefit in diabetes
  7. may reduce high blood pressure


  1. vital for proper functioning of adrenal glands
  2. helps fight infection by building antibodies
  3. lowers cholesterol and protects against cardiovascular disease
  4. prevents and alleviates arthritis
  5. speeds wound healing
  6. retards aging
  7. detoxifies alcohol
  8. helps prevent fatigue


  1. boosts immunity
  2. helps normal function of the brain
  3. protects against cancer
  4. relieves symptoms of PMS
  5. helps assimilate carbohydrates, proteins and fats
  6. helps reduce stress
  7. protects against metabolic imbalances
  8. protects against nervous disorders caused by oral contraceptives
  9. helps control diabetes


  1. alleviates neuropsychiatric disorders and prevents mental deterioration
  2. protects against cancer, especially smoke-induced cancer
  3. protects against toxins and allergens
  4. needed to supplement vegetarian/macrobiotic diets
  5. energizes the body


  1. produces healthy hair and prevents greying and balding
  2. boosts normal health of sweat glands, nerve tissue, bone marrow, male sex glands and blood cells
  3. boosts athletic performance
  4. may ease muscle pain
  5. alleviates eczema and dermatitis


  1. maintains nervous system, intestinal tract, sex organs, normal patterns of growth
  2. prevents birth defects and is beneficial in the treatment of mental retardation
  3. protects against cancer
  4. promotes healthier skin
  5. beneficial in the treatment of atherosclerosis
  6. prevents canker sores


  1. Fights cancer
  2. boosts immunity against colds and other infections
  3. combats cardiovascular disease
  4. protects against smoking and various pollutants
  5. necessary for proper functioning of the brain and nerves
  6. blocks the conversion of nitrosamines into carcinogens (cancer-causing substances)
  7. lowers cholesterol
  8. helps increase life span
  9. helps prevent diabetes
  10. combats gum disease
  11. encourages iron absorption


  1. protects against cancer
  2. beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis
  3. offers specific protection against tuberculosis
  4. enhances immunity
  5. properly utilizes calcium necessary for strong bones and teeth


  1. protects against neuralgic disorders
  2. boosts the immune system
  3. helps prevent cancer
  4. relieves muscular cramps
  5. extends life span
  6. protects against cardiovascular disease
  7. protects against air pollution and other toxic substances
  8. increases sexual and athletic prowess
  9. helps prevent disease of the breast


  1. beneficial in the treatment of cancer
  2. promotes proper blood clotting helps prevent internal bleeding and haemorrhages
  3. protects against osteoporosis (the loss of calcium is reduced)

Minerals are essential for an active sexual life, for male as well as female. Some essential minerals which we need for a healthy body and mind are: Boron, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicone, sodium and zinc. Zinc being the most important mineral of all, is discussed below.

ZINC: Called "the ultimate sex mineral" by Men's Health magazine, zinc influences a man's fertility, potency, sex drive and long-term sexual health. Zinc is essential to sperm production, and most men can blame decreased semen volume and testosterone levels on low zinc supplies. In fact, each ejaculation can expend up to 5 milligrams of zinc, or almost half of a man's daily allowance. So if you're getting ready to start a family, a little extra zinc could help boost your fertility.

Scientists at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Michigan investigated the effects of zinc on testosterone levels in men between 20 and 80 years old. The study revealed that young men who restricted dietary zinc intake for 20 weeks experienced decreases in testosterone, while zinc-deficient elderly men taking zinc supplements for six months experienced increases in testosterone production.

The good news is that it's easy to keep your body's zinc stores in check. Zinc is abundant in cereals, nuts, and beans. Zinc supplement is freely available with your chemists.

Fiber: Unless you are suffering from Irritable bowel syndrome, fiber is essential for your healthy bowel movement, fat and cholesterol molecules absorption. Fibrous foods are cereals, legumes, pulses, grains, nuts and vegetables. The opposite of fibrous food are refined food, such as flour and fat. Refined foods are the cause of several diseases and promote low sex drive; it has property to promote poor health. Each day a person needs to consume about 40 grams of fiber in the food. If we eat right we consume this amount of fiber, without us knowing or keeping a tab on our diet. Sometimes, when fibrous food is missing from our diet we should supplement it with psyllium husk soaked in water. This way we take in fiber for our gut to work efficiently. 

Carbohydrates: The bad carbs is the simple carbs which comes from sugar, cakes, pastries, soft drinks and white flour. This is bad carbs and therefore, inferior fuel for our body. In time it will add to the already deteriorating physical condition a person may already be in. Such carbs only fill you up without providing you with any nutrients. Complex or the healthy carbs is derived from natural source, such as wheat bread, brown rice, nuts, wheat, rice, yam, potato, vegetables, cereals, legumes, pulses, grains and fruits. Unless a person is suffering from type II diabetes, it is necessary for him to get his carbs from these natural sources. All these high quality carbs provide nutrients to your body to function efficiently. We need to understand this to be able to identify the food before we take a bite of it. Since healthy body is attributed to healthy sex life, it is imperative we encourage the consumption of healthy complex carbs in our diet. If you are already suffering from some sexual problem, eating of food containing bad carbs will definitely add to your malady.

Protein: Again there is bad protein as well as healthy protein. Meat of any kind is extremely rich in protein, but for our purpose here, it is a total no no. If you are reading this book for yourself or for anyone else, naturally you are seeking a cure to some sexual problem. If that is so, meat is a bad protein for those already suffering from sexual problem. Especially the red meat variety, rich in cholesterol, in time it clogs the arteries responsible for engorging the penis with blood flow, leading to sexual dysfunction. Besides, meat protein is difficult to digest, it decays in the stomach, could give you additional diseases and generally not a clean protein anyway. People eat meat because of habit and for its taste. It is a myth that meat only gives you protein and strength. If that was so, elephants, bisons, cows, horses, rhinos and hippos would not have been so big and strong.  Vegetable protein from cereals, pulses, grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables, potatoes when taken in combination with or without little milk or milk products, gives you equally good quality protein, sufficient to give you strength and stamina. Eat protein intelligently. Do not have too much protein in one meal; you cannot digest more than 20 grams of protein at a time. So try and have some protein in every meal. This way each meal would be rich in protein at the same time it will get absorbed in your body quickly and efficiently.

Fat: There is no end to defining and elaborating on its different kinds. Suffice to say, fat from meat or any animal fat from meat and dairy are dangerous and deadly. We do need fat in our body, but instead we need to worry how to eliminate excess fat from our food rather than how to get some more fat in our food. Fat is ever present most of the time, whenever you eat a spoonful. Whenever you eat protein and carb, there is some fat present. When you cook, you use fat as a medium. You need to keep that fat at a minimum, while also checking for its source. Best fat comes from sunflower, soya and olive oils. Thumb rule is, those fats and lipids which freezes in the fridge are bad for us while those which remain liquid are good for us.  Vegetable fat is better than animal fat. Fat from nuts and fruits like avocado are good for us too.

FOODS: Some foods help you boost your sexual power, this is not because, it has some magical power, but only because it contains natural nutrients which help improve your physiological and mental functions.  So when your mind and body function smoothly, it is natural your sex health will be benefitted. 

Some foods/vegetables universally known to have sex health properties are given below:

Almonds and other nuts/ dry fruits: Also helps reduce bad cholesterol called LDL(low density lipoprotein) which clogs the arteries to the penis, restricting the blood flow and the cause for sexual dysfunction. Almonds contain certain nutrients and vitamins such as, magnesium, vit.E, potassium, protein, phosphorus and zinc. Similarly, other dried fruits and nuts, such as peanuts and walnuts are equally good source of nutrients and help improve sexual health.

Vegetables: Some vegetables have healthy fat while many are a good source of vegetable protein, such as soy, Bengal grams, legumes, beans, lintels. These also contain dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. One must eat leafy vegetables too, such as spinach, celery parsley, and lettuce to get all round nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables like beets and pumpkin are packed with nutrients.   A combination of several vegetables throughout the year will only provide a balanced diet. Green tea has maximum anti-oxidant properties and needs a mention here. Its anti-ageing properties will definitely help in improving the general health.

Fruits: Fruits such as bananas give you an added sexual energy, it is also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and potassium and manganese. Again, fruits must be taken in moderation but regularly. In moderation, as it contains fructose which may cause diabetes in a person of sedentary habits. Regularly, because not all fruits contains all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients, so a combination or alternating may provide all the necessary nutrients in human body. Pomegranates and blueberries are proven fruits having excellent anti-oxidant properties.

Legumes/beans/lintels/ grains/pulses and cereals: Many from these have a high source of protein and taken in combination, will provide a complete protein intake. Besides, these are all good and healthy source of nutrients and vitamins and minerals. One can supplement it with vegetables, fruits, nut or little milk to boost its valuable properties. When taken in combination regularly, throughout the year, these foods provide you with uninterrupted nutrients for a healthy sex life and without worrying about cholesterol, diabetes and other maladies in life. For instance oatmeal with little milk enhances its nutritional properties. Sunflower seeds and flaxseeds are packed with nutrients.

Dairy products: Dairy products are actually not recommended in large quantities. Small amount of milk and cheese are sufficient to turn your cereal, fruits or bran into a powerful meal. So you need to avoid excess milk products in your diet. Leave that extra milk for the calves; they may have been deprived of that glass of milk on your table. Yoghurt is the best form of milk. It is an excellent anti-oxidant and improves your gut health too.

Soy: Once upon a time soy was regarded as a source of high vegetable protein. It is the same today but with genetic engineering to maximize production, it is a good source of cancer too. So soy products should be used with caution in your diet.

As a matter of fact all those naturally grown and unprocessed foods are all health giving and full of different nutrients, each one supplementing the other. However, caution must be exercised to ensure that some foods and vegetables which may cause allergy to the person, needs to be avoided from their diet.  For an example, gluten in wheat may cause allergy to some people.

Pungent foods such as garlic, onion, ginger and asparagus are all rich in nutrients which may boost sex health in a person. They also create immunity in the body, when taken regularly.

There are lots of fruits, vegetables and other naturally grown foods that we do not even know. Different people in different parts of the world will be able to show you the magical properties of such herbs, fruits and vegetables, which they eat to survive and use some   to heal them from illnesses.  You will find it amazing how many different types of plants are found on this earth and in the water which have excellent healing and sex giving properties. We are ignorant and deprived of those at the moment. Maybe, science will develop further and gather such plants and create a centralized bank to ship it to different parts of the world for the benefit of humankind.

It is disturbing to see humankind spending billions of dollars worldwide trying to explore the sky, whereas we are yet to explore and utilize the natural resources for our benefit. There should be an international consortium which should invite people from all villages and remote areas, across the world, asking them to provide details on different plants and vegetation proven to help improve the health and deter diseases in humankind.

Meat, poultry, honey and other sources from living creatures have not been discussed here, as these foods, however much touted as health booster, ultimately leaves some adverse conditions in the human body. Cholesterol, bird-flu, swine-flu, mad-cow disease, foot and mouth disease, pollen allergy, diseases of the vital organs are all caused due to living on diet rich in meat, poultry and derivate from other living creatures.

A combination of several herbs will definitely help in improving sexual health and increase sex drive in men as well as in women. A combination of sex stimulating herbs, vitamins, minerals and extracts will surely show remarkable improvement in male and female sexual drives. Coupled with this, if the person takes a combination of health giving cereals, legumes, pulses, grains, nuts and other ingredients, the general health as well as the sexual health of the person will improve.  It is all about upgrading from bad eating and living habits to a better and healthy one. Naturally, there will be an improvement in the sexual health when there will be an overall improvement in the general health condition.