Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part II

Part II




When she was courting the child’s father,

Life was wonderful,

He loved her,

She was beautiful,

Her smiles were radiant,

Her curves were magnificent,

They would go for outings,

He was nice to her,

He would flood her with gifts,

You are forever mine!

They would shout out to each other,

As they walked across the village streets,

Sometimes love can confuse a promise and a lie

Love was on fire,

People whispered until it was not anymore,

They never behaved as the contemporary lovers do,

Parading themselves in manners that,

Undermine the society’s moral,

Village elders praised them,

Even the young maidens and the married.

Were jealousy of them.

When the time is ripe, we will get married

He promised her,

Those words were like a furnace,

That purifies gold,

They burnt through her heart,

Through her mind,

Through her body,

They made her weak and strong,

She couldn’t think of another,

She was caged,

She was no longer free,

She felt heaven was hers,


This was not just strange,

But the most beautiful,

Thing ever,

In times when finding a man to marry,

Was becoming a journey,

That only a few succeeded,

Not because, men rejected women,

But the number of women,

Was above the existing number of men,

It was a competition,

Survival for the fittest indeed.


These were golden moments for her.

She became proud of herself,

She now knew,

She will never walk alone,

I already have a man,

She always said to herself,

We’re gonna get married after school,

Then we will vanish to the beautiful city of Nairobi,

She would add, while gazing at the stars,

She felt comfortable,

She was his, was he hers?

She could do anything for him,

Even if it meant something,

That was considered an abomination,

At her tender age.


Love can cripple your heart,

If you don’t embrace her with wisdom,

She can make you blind though you may have eyes,

She can make you weak, though you may be strong,

She can turn your tongue, even if you,

You are known to be the best speaker,

She can make you mad,

Steal your conscious,

Make you helpless,

It’s not that love is cruel,

Neither is it a sadist,

To make you suffer in pleasure,

Even Samson with all his strength,

He became so weak,

That he gave up his most kept,

Divine secret.

Love has a way of caging your heart,

In one place,

You can never free yourself,

Freedom becomes a rare song,

Advice becomes an adage,

Who would want to listen?

To other external voices,

If it’s not their Love’s?

Love is both a pleasure and a tragedy.

Pleasure because it drives away,

The pains of loneliness,

A tragedy because it takes away your heart,

You become another’s possession.


Their love was incomparable,

Their passion shone like new moon,

Even the stars must have been envious of them,

He wanted her and she needed him,

She gave out herself to him.

She was his.


Was he hers?