Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part III

Part III




Mother and son, together,

They are bound by love,

A love that no man can understand,

She believes, he is gonna be the best boy ever,

He’s gonna grow up to become a most,

Influential and powerful man,

And when that time is on the clock,

He will deliver her from,

The miseries and afflictions,

He will set her free from the bondage,

With which the world has vowed,

To entangle her with.


You’re the best, my son,

She always tells his son as she cuddles him.

You will rise and rise,

Even the sky won’t be your limit,

The world will know and understand greatness,

Through you, my lovely son.

Nations will crave for your wisdom,

She adds.

She is mother that understands,

A mother who knows the best for her son,

She doesn’t care what the world,

Is busy gossiping about her,

She only knows her son,

Her son is her joy and peace,

She will do anything for him,

For what more could be she living for?

If the not the only blessing God,

Was gracious enough to give her,

Though many thought, it was a curse,

From an immoral act as some said.


Mothers are sacred creations of the universe,

They are noble in ways men can never understand,

Only, He the Creator knows.

Their hearts are dynamic,

They may be soft but not weak,

When it comes to defending the fruits of their wombs,

They may be alone, with no one for help,

But they will always find a way.

Mothers are to be honored and valued,

It doesn’t matter if they are wealthy or poor,

If they have a disability or not,

If they are single or not,

They must be cherished and valued,

They must be respected and obeyed,

If they are in trouble, they must be protected.

They are the present and the future.

Without them we are not us,

But the society, Mary was in,

It never gave any respect,

To the greatness of women,

It only saw them as tools,

For procreation, nothing more,

They had no say in important matters,

Their place is to take care of their husbands,

For a woman to survive in such a society,

She must be more than bold,

She must learn the tactics of conquering men,

And their relentless behaviors and taboos,

Its not the strength that will make her rise,

But the wisdom she has.

She must be wise in her endeavors,

Wisdom, strength and zeal,

Are the best combination for a woman,

To excel in such society,

Mary had all of them,

Her stand shook many men,

They became bitter of her,

Even other women scorned her,

They saw her as an outcast,

Who does she think she is?

Aren’t we also women like her?

She thinks she can just change our taboos?

But Mary couldn’t be moved,

She was a woman of her virtues,

If how she lived displeased others,

It didn’t matter neither bother her,

This is my life, I decide how to live it!


It’s true, a woman’s greatest enemy,

Is a fellow woman.