First Impressions: How to win Them All by Asmaa Kadry - HTML preview

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Rule number 2:
Eye talk!

It is not a myth what they say about


eyes and how they speak alone the


ultimate truth, and can never lie even if


you try.


Try this game yourself:


- Sit down with a friend of yours face


to face.


- Keep a pen and a paper.


- Let him choose 10 different topics


to talk about each for a minute or


two; telling the truth sometimes and


lying other times randomly while


looking directly in your eyes.


- In your paper check true or false for


each topic as you think they could




- After you're through review your


speculations with your friend. If you were focusing enough you will


find that almost all of your speculations were right.

Try it, it's AMAZING!

The explanation of this phenomenon


that while he was speaking to you, his


eyes were independently talking telling


only the truth.


So your friend had experienced two


different states:


1-In case of truth: the eyes were on


the same track with the speech and


consequently completely stable and comfortable, looking directly at you




2-In case of lies: the eyes were


absolutely troubled during the


false speech, like a very honest


person who hates to lie or even to


watch someone lying, once a lie


has been told they start to blink, to


flick and roam around


uncomfortably as they want to get


caught! And then you know that


the words you’re hearing are false.


But be careful, lying is not the only


explanation for eye disturbance, it could indicate many other things like:


shyness, low self esteem, fear or even


an eye disease!


So what exactly is the movement that


indicates lying?


When a direct question is being


asked, the eyes perform an instant


movement immediately after hearing


the question; there are five main




1- Eyes upEyes uprightright towards the sky:


mostly indicates bore or lack of


patience. 2-Eyes straight downEyes straight down towards the


ground: mostly indicates shyness


or modesty, and can also indicate


hiding the truth.


3- Eyes up rightEyes up right: usually indicates


Eyes up right


lying because in that moment they


are seeking the right lobe of the


brain which is responsible for


creativity and imagination, which


means that the speaker is trying to


fabricate an answer.


4-Eyes up leftEyes up left: usually indicates an


honest answer because the speaker


is seeking the left brain lobe which is responsible for logic and


memory, which means that they are


trying to remember something or


find the real answer to your




5- Troubled left and rightTroubled left and right movement:


usually indicates embarrassment,


the speaker feels trapped and wants


to find a way out, maybe they don’t


know the answer or they know it but


don’t want to tell.


When you communicate with a new


person eye contact during the conversation is very important; they


state honesty as well as confidence, but


on top of which they posses an


overwhelming power over people and


even animals!


Eye contact is the most powerful part of


the body language - which consists 55%


of the communication process with any


body like we said before - just try to get


a waiters attention without making eye


contact and you'll see how strong the


impact of not making eye contact can


be. Even in the children's world; the


ultimate rule when disciplining children


is to get close to them and maintain eye


contact, or else they will walk all over




The only critical point here is how long


should you keep the contact?


Research proved that communicating


people usually share looks for 30 to 60%


of their whole communication period;


less than that indicates lack of interest,


and more than that indicates a personal interest in the person himself not the


subject of the conversation. This


interest can be either peaceful or


hostile. So you should be careful not to


stare in a first meeting with anybody,


until of course you want to express


personal interest!


Generally staring is offensive and


invasive for people's FC, you don't want


to give the idea that you are challenging


or harassing! First Impressions – How to win them all !ChapterVIII 00870.jpg00871.jpg00872.jpg00873.jpg00874.jpg00875.jpg00876.jpg00877.jpg00878.jpg00879.jpg00880.jpg00881.jpg00882.jpg00883.jpg00884.jpg00885.jpg00886.jpg00887.jpg00888.jpg00889.jpg00890.jpg00891.jpg00892.jpg00893.jpg00894.jpg00895.jpg00896.jpg00897.jpg00898.jpg00899.jpg00900.jpg00901.jpg00902.jpg00903.jpg00904.jpg00905.jpg00906.jpg00907.jpg00908.jpg00909.jpg00910.jpg00911.jpg00912.jpg00913.jpg00914.jpg00915.jpg00916.jpg00917.jpg00918.jpg00919.jpg00920.jpg00921.jpg00922.jpg00923.jpg00924.jpg00925.jpg00926.jpg00927.jpg00928.jpg00929.jpg00930.jpg00931.jpg00932.jpg00933.jpg00934.jpg00935.jpg00936.jpg00937.jpg00938.jpg00939.jpg00940.jpg00941.jpg00942.jpg00943.jpg00944.jpg00945.jpg00946.jpg00947.jpg00948.jpg00949.jpg00950.jpg00951.jpg00952.jpg00953.jpg00954.jpg00955.jpg00956.jpg00957.jpg00958.jpg00959.jpg00960.jpg00961.jpg00962.jpg00963.jpg00964.jpg00965.jpg00966.jpg00967.jpg00968.jpg00969.jpg00970.jpg00971.jpg00972.jpg00973.jpg00974.jpg