First Impressions: How to win Them All by Asmaa Kadry - HTML preview

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Body language

ere's a shocking fact: Only


seven to eleveneleven percent of your


communication is carried out by the words


you choose to say!


Researches has shown that people derive


only about 7%7% of the meaning of a


conversation from the words the speaker


uses, about 38%38% is based on the tone of voice, and a whole 55%55% from the speaker's


body language!


This scheme is called by the public


relations experts: the "55/38/7 rule".




It's not only (what you say) that counts, it's


(what your body is saying) during the


conversation much as well.


This is the difference between contentcontent and






- The words and sentence construction


is content.


- How you say them and what you do


while you say them is context. The full contextcontext is everything - other than


the words - that can be seen and heard


“experienced” by every one involved, and


whilst the content is clearly vital for


communication to happen, the context can


have a really dramatic effect on the


message received.


Body language is only one part of that


context, other parts are:


- Where you sit or stand; how near or far


from your speaker?


- Who else is in the room?


- Time of the day, week, year.


- History of previous communication.


So when you meet someone for the first


time, every thing you do is actually


forming a part of that history; which will


affect every communication between you


two in the future.


That's how important first impressions


could be.


Body language is a major component of the


context and it can be divided roughly into


three parts:


three parts:


The stuff you can do nothing about:


your gender, race, age, height, etc. your gender, race, age, height, etc. The stuff you can, with effort,


change: the way you dress, your hair,


weight, etc.


weight, etc.


The stuff that you can chose to use


like: gestures, the way you stand, eye


contact; duration and intensity, tone


of voice, facial expressions, etc.


The most powerful of these is eye contact


as we will explain later.


There is no credible way of learning new


body language gestures, as they always


seem artificial or bolted on. The way to


approach modifying your body language is to think of it as a "style"; when you think of


your cloths, your accent and your gestures


as your style, you can begin to deploy


them at will.


In other words you can begin to choose to


turn parts of your body language style up


or down for the effect it will have.


This way you get control over your body


language that looks and feels natural, but


is also easy to change.


So what are the Dare the Doo's's andand Don'tsDon'ts in a first
are the D 'sandDon'ts in a first


Here is some tips and tricks to apply:


Here is some tips and tricks to apply:


Always stand up straight and never


slouch. You need to use your


maximum height and slouching


makes you appear shorter,


nevertheless that it projects an image


of low self-esteem.


of low self-esteem.


Do not make repeated, nervous-like


gestures. When speaking to someone


it’s important to use body movements


but never fast and repetitive ones.


This either can show lack of


confidence, or a hostile nature. They


are both too bad for your image. are both too bad for your image. Based on the information we are


going to see in the upcoming


chapters; you need to create your own


personal space and make sure to let


others know their borderlines. Do not


let them walk all over you; this is not


of any less importance than


respecting other's spaces.


respecting other's spaces.


Dedicate all your attention to the


person you are speaking to; do not


frequently look around or in you


watch as if you're uncomfortable or


not interested.


not interested.


Keep your voice moderately low and


your tone calm even if you were nervous or upset; a high or sharp


tone of voice indicates weakness


other than strength like one may




You also need to apply 13 simple but


important rules we’re going to discuss in


details, taking care not to overplay it;


people notice the difference between


authentic and false gestures, and the social


actors are not really welcome among good




What to do is not the only important thing


to know when doing or learning something


new, it’s “why you’re doing it” that counts, so ask yourself why do you wish to impress


people? Understand that we’re not trying to


manipulate or play people by learning ways


to impress them, on the contrary, you see,


humans are social beings, they derive their


happiness and stability out of their


peaceful relationships, seeking healthy


relations is crucial for a good high quality




Remember, winning people’s hearts is an


act of love, and it should always come out


of love. First Impressions – How to win them all !ChapterIIIIIIIIIIII 00216.jpg00217.jpg00218.jpg00219.jpg00220.jpg00221.jpg00222.jpg00223.jpg00224.jpg00225.jpg00226.jpg00227.jpg00228.jpg00229.jpg00230.jpg00231.jpg00232.jpg00233.jpg00234.jpg00235.jpg00236.jpg00237.jpg00238.jpg00239.jpg00240.jpg00241.jpg00242.jpg00243.jpg00244.jpg00245.jpg00246.jpg00247.jpg00248.jpg00249.jpg00250.jpg00251.jpg00252.jpg00253.jpg00254.jpg00255.jpg00256.jpg00257.jpg00258.jpg00259.jpg00260.jpg00261.jpg00262.jpg00263.jpg00264.jpg00265.jpg00266.jpg00267.jpg00268.jpg00269.jpg00270.jpg00271.jpg00272.jpg00273.jpg00274.jpg00275.jpg00276.jpg00277.jpg00278.jpg00279.jpg00280.jpg00281.jpg00282.jpg00283.jpg00284.jpg00285.jpg00286.jpg00287.jpg00288.jpg00289.jpg00290.jpg00291.jpg00292.jpg00293.jpg00294.jpg00295.jpg00296.jpg00297.jpg00298.jpg00299.jpg00300.jpg00301.jpg00302.jpg00303.jpg00304.jpg00305.jpg00306.jpg00307.jpg00308.jpg00309.jpg00310.jpg00311.jpg00312.jpg00313.jpg00314.jpg00315.jpg00316.jpg00317.jpg00318.jpg00319.jpg00320.jpg00321.jpg00322.jpg00323.jpg00324.jpg00325.jpg00326.jpg00327.jpg00328.jpg00329.jpg00330.jpg00331.jpg00332.jpg00333.jpg00334.jpg00335.jpg00336.jpg00337.jpg00338.jpg00339.jpg00340.jpg00341.jpg00342.jpg00343.jpg00344.jpg00345.jpg00346.jpg00347.jpg00348.jpg00349.jpg00350.jpg00351.jpg00352.jpg00353.jpg00354.jpg00355.jpg00356.jpg00357.jpg00358.jpg00359.jpg00360.jpg00361.jpg00362.jpg00363.jpg00364.jpg00365.jpg00366.jpg00367.jpg00368.jpg00369.jpg00370.jpg00371.jpg00372.jpg00373.jpg00374.jpg00375.jpg00376.jpg00377.jpg