First Impressions: How to win Them All by Asmaa Kadry - HTML preview

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Freedom Circle

his is a very important


concept everybody should grasp as a


cornerstone in social relations; it's


called: the FC or freedom circlefreedom circle.


This represents your highlights and


guidelines for a better social behavior. Imagine a double circle just


like a CD; this double circle




every human being on earth!(Fig.1)




The small black circle inside symbolizes


the person himself, while the white circle


around it symbolizes his freedom league.


This circle indicates one's boundaries,


what he does or does not accept within his


own space to keep a comfortable state. It can be wider or narrower according to


people's types, thoughts, educational


levels and cultural backgrounds, but it


does exist for every body somehow.


Every body have their own freedom circle


around them, and they'd rather keep it


clean with no interference what so ever,


which is technically impossible given that


we are not living alone on the planet, and


any close contact with others guarantees


this interference. No body can live without


interference unless of course they want to


become socially isolated. If you wish to know what could happen for


a socially isolated person you could look at


a homeless, those are mainly people who


couldn’t bare any kind of interference and


thought that isolation will grant them


comfort and peace, and even those get still


their share of interference from time to




Such an extreme image gives you an idea


about how far people would go just to


reserve their freedom circle and keep it


interference-free, it’s an instinct to feel


free, and it should be rule number one in


dealing with any human being.


Person A Person B A----B
Close contact
No interference Presence of interference


As people get closer the


interference gets greater, until


it reaches its maximum limit


between married couples. SeeFig. 3


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