First Impressions: How to win Them All by Asmaa Kadry - HTML preview

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ne might get the idea that


interference is always a bad thing,


something people try so carefully to avoid


but still get inescapable share of it.


Fortunately that’s not true!


Interference could be positive or negative


of various extents according to the sort of


people and the kind of relationship.


Sometimes it is crucial, even asked for, sometimes it’s essential for psychological


and physical well being and stability or


even for existence.


Generally interference can be categorized




I. Positive interference.


II. Negative interference.


And each of these are subcategorized into


three types:


three types:


Vocal interference.


Vocal interference.


Physical interference. Physical interference. Interference by actions

I. Positive interference:

When the individuals involved share the


same preferences (like in case of best


friends), or when the interference happens


to be to one’s favor, that makes the


interference positive.


Advice, medical procedures, surgery or


even teaching and tutoring, and any other


kind of intruding scenario are all kinds of


interference that we can never shut off or try to live without.

1111. Positive vocal interference:

From its name this interference happens


vocally, i.e, through speech.


Picture this:


- It's almost your midterm and you're


not paying much attention to your


studies because you’re so busy


practicing your hobby, so your


mother starts to ask you about school


and encourage you to spend more


time with your books and leave your


hobby to the vacation. It still is interference, but if she didn't


interfere you could be failing your exams,


so it's actually a blessing that she did!


Or this::::


- One day you seem to be so sad at


work, your colleagues notice that


your fiancé who's working in the


same department is not so well too,


so they start talking to her about you


and how disturbed you look today like


there isn’t enough air in the room or


something, they tell her how eager


and scared you were when you


proposed to her, and how happy and relieved you’ve become once she said


yes, and they just kept going on and


on until you suddenly found her


standing in front of your desk smiling


and willing to make up.


Was that interfering? Sure it was, but it


came to your favor therefore it is a positive interference.

2. Positive physical interference:

From the name also this type involves a


sort of physical contact.


- Hugging your child, kissing your


sister or tapping on a friend's


shoulder and every other act of love


between intimately related people are


all examples for positive physical



- To be examined by a doctor or treated by a dentist is another form of positive interference (many people will disagree now!) but it is still an act of care done for our own good. After all we did ask for it!

3. Positive interference by action:

This type does not involve physical or vocal


contact, but it happens when the actions of


someone interferes with your freedom.


- Jack was a bachelor for quite a long


time, he used to cook and house keep


for himself, but he wasn't so good at


it, he had this annoying habit of


losing important things because he


never puts anything in its place. This


year he’s got married to Sally and


ever since nothing is lost again! She has a great sense of tidiness; a


place for every thing that never


changes. Sally has imposed her style


upon Jack’s life, he doesn't lose his


keychain or flash memory any more


for instance.. He doesn’t need to start


cooking after an exhausting day at


work or eat just anything. These


habits have changed for good. This is


in fact interference by action but it's a


positive one, and Jack is so




- Billy is a young poet but he's never


published any thing until he met Tulip the writer. She edited his book


and gave it a publishing opportunity.


This is another form of positive interference by action.

II. Negative interference:

Negative interference is defined as any


interference that results in damage, unease


or inconvenience, whether it’s physical,


materialistic or intangible.


And just as well as the positive


interference, the negative is also


categorized into the same three






Negative vocal interference.


Negative vocal interference.


Negative physical interference. Negative physical interference. Negative interference by action.

1. Negative vocal interference:

This can happen simply by asking a


personal question or making an


embarrassing comment like:


- Are you pregnant or something?


Because you look so fat!


- Congratulations for the new job! How


much do you make now?


- Why are you dressed like this? Would


you actually leave home in your



or any other kind of stupid awkward comment that result in embarrassment and unease.

It can even get more violent like yelling, insulting or calling names.

2. Negative physical interference:rence:

Any harmful physical contact like hitting,


pushing, pinching, manhandling, harassing


and raping are considered negative


physical interference.


But it doesn't have to be this aggressive;


sometimes just touching, shaking hands or


even standing too close can make a


negative effect when it comes from a total stranger.

3. Negative interference by action:

Picture this:


- You're downtown in a very hot day


desperately looking for a parking


spot for your car. You would love to


just leave it in the middle of the


street and go to do whatever you


need to do, the stream gets


unbelievably strangled and when you


finally pass by the point that caused


all that you discover that someone


did actually park their car in the


middle of the street causing all that


trouble! This is too bad!


--- Adam is a work addict, he used to


spend all weekends even holydays at


work and be happy about it until he


got married. Suddenly he can’t work


holidays because there are always


stuff to be done, errands to be run,


family quality time to be spent. Of


course he needs that but he still feels


obliged to do so because not doing it


will certainly diminish his family’s




--- Mr. Crane likes to read his paper in


the morning and put it on his disk so


he can find it and refer to it again in the afternoon. But since his daughter


Anna moved in back with him after


she was divorced, he can't find his


paper in the afternoon because Anna


likes to read it after lunch!


Anna didn’t mean any harm, she’s


just trying to read the paper, it’s


completely innocent and rightful act


but it still interfered with her father’s




--- Susie shares a dorm room with her


colleague Tina, Susie likes to keep


the AC higher than 25 even at


summer, or else she stars getting uncomfortable, while Tina gets


terribly hot during summer days (can


you blame her?) and adjusts the AC


thermostat to 19 to get her comfort


which makes Susie so mad and tense.


This is two ways interference! I really


don’t know how to fix this situation,


do you?!


- Mr. Lang likes to stay up really late at


night and wakes up by 10 or 11 in


the morning, he just feels more


productive and creative at night when


every body is sleeping, while his


partner Mr. Smith wants to see every body at work by 9 am or he gets


really cranky. I don't see them


working together for long!


Also steeling, stalking, monitoring,


unauthorized photographing or even


watching TV while others trying to nap are


all negative interference by action, I can just


go on and on, there are millions of examples


happening to us every day forcing us to


change our plans or compromise our


desires, and choose who to give away our


freedom for and still be happy about it,


while trying to keep a certain area of our FC


clean. You can control who, how and to what


extent, but you can never forbid this


interference at all if it was somehow


benign and could be bared, unless you


spend your whole life absolutely alone on a


deserted island!


But at least you’d rather not experience


this interference with total strangers,


right? First Impressions – How to win them all !ChapterV 00511.jpg00512.jpg00513.jpg00514.jpg00515.jpg00516.jpg00517.jpg00518.jpg00519.jpg00520.jpg00521.jpg00522.jpg00523.jpg00524.jpg00525.jpg00526.jpg00527.jpg00528.jpg00529.jpg00530.jpg00531.jpg00532.jpg00533.jpg00534.jpg00535.jpg00536.jpg00537.jpg00538.jpg00539.jpg00540.jpg00541.jpg00542.jpg00543.jpg00544.jpg00545.jpg00546.jpg00547.jpg00548.jpg00549.jpg00550.jpg00551.jpg00552.jpg00553.jpg00554.jpg00555.jpg00556.jpg00557.jpg00558.jpg00559.jpg00560.jpg00561.jpg00562.jpg00563.jpg00564.jpg00565.jpg00566.jpg00567.jpg00568.jpg00569.jpg00570.jpg00571.jpg00572.jpg00573.jpg00574.jpg00575.jpg00576.jpg00577.jpg00578.jpg00579.jpg00580.jpg00581.jpg00582.jpg00583.jpg00584.jpg00585.jpg00586.jpg00587.jpg00588.jpg00589.jpg00590.jpg00591.jpg00592.jpg00593.jpg00594.jpg00595.jpg00596.jpg00597.jpg00598.jpg00599.jpg00600.jpg00601.jpg00602.jpg00603.jpg00604.jpg00605.jpg00606.jpg00607.jpg00608.jpg00609.jpg00610.jpg00611.jpg00612.jpg00613.jpg00614.jpg00615.jpg00616.jpg00617.jpg