Grow Your Spiritual Intelligence by Guru Das - HTML preview

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Do you feel the urge to discover a purpose in life? Have you ever felt the need to associate yourself with something more significant than your life? Do you want to reduce ‘stress and anxiety’ and take ownership of your well-being? Do you follow a spiritual path but feel stuck with your spiritual development? If the answer to any of these questions is ‘Yes,’ then I believe this book can add value to your life. I live by the principles of a yogic lifestyle and practice meditation. In my professional stint of a decade, I grew up on the career ladder. However, I eventually realized that I had lost my creativity and purpose in life. I suffered from prolonged stress that later turned into depression.

I started my spiritual journey in 2014 to resolve my inner conflicts and restore well-being. I adopted the teachings and practices of the various yogic paths. I purified my limiting thoughts and negative emotions and raised my awareness of joy and peace. Eventually, with my Guru’s grace, I found my creative expression and purpose in life. My mission in life is to share and spread the knowledge, methods, and wisdom of Bhakti Yoga. This book is an attempt to share my personal life experiences and teachings from the different paths of Yoga: Jnana Yoga (the path of knowledge), Raja Yoga (the path of mind), and Bhakti Yoga (the path of love and devotion). It will give you an in-depth understanding of these yogic paths and the benefits that they can offer in your life.

In the path of Jnana Yoga, we use the tool of ‘right understanding and thinking.’ Irrespective of caste, creed, and spiritual path, this tool helps us to evolve into better human beings. I have emphasized its practical application in our spiritual life as it enables you to realize limiting beliefs and fears, heal the emotional trauma of your past, and use your creative life force energy to discover your unique purpose in life.

I have created case studies by observing everyday life events, people, and human developmental stages; and integrated the understanding from the discipline of western and yogic psychology, modern science, and insights from the holy scripture Ramacharitamanas. The Ramacharitamanas is a poetic expression of ‘deeds of Lord Rama,’ written by Saint Tulsidas in the 16th Century in India. My aim is to share insights from the Ramacharitamanas that shall inspire you to connect with your divine nature and realize your full potential.

How can you use this book?

This book can serve as your life manual. You need to notice your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This is an ongoing spiritual practice that empowers you to gain insights from the events of your life, enhance your perceptions, and attract opportunities in life. I keep a daily life journal to review my everyday life and be aware of my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

This simple, but powerful daily practice helps me resolve my inner conflicts, become responsive, and make better life decisions. Similarly, you can use this book to gain insight into your life and apply its lessons.

If you come across areas in the chapters that may be significant to your life, pause and pay close attention to your thoughts and feelings. While reading the book, note down these specific areas of the chapters in your daily life journal. In this way, you will have a list of events from your life that need your attention for self-examination. Any past life event is an opportunity to heal our karmic bondage. Write and describe those events in your life journal. This is a powerful tool to defrost blocked emotions. You can refer to this book for any significant life events in your daily life review. Hence, this book will become your life guide. I hope it will be a good starting point to take ownership of your well-being and speed up your spiritual development.

Suppose that you practice a daily life review along with a yogic lifestyle and meditation. In this way, you will gain insights from the deep layers of mind: the subconscious and the unconscious mind, and raise your vibration to the intelligence of love and devotion. I hope this book reveals the love and wisdom of an eternal life.