Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

The Board of Twelve

Marjie and I first heard about the Board of Twelve when a psychically gifted acquaintance channeled Rapsar, the spirit of a deceased extraterrestrial. Rapsar told us that the Board of Twelve had ordered him to come to Earth on a mission that ended with the crash of the sabotaged craft he was piloting, killing him and all the passengers. When I told Nuke about this, he incredulously said, “She has knowledge of the Board of Twelve? I can only say that there is such a Board. I try to steer clear of them.”

“Why? Do you fear them?”

“No, but they are very powerful and I do not wish to attract too much of their attention. I would not want to earn their disfavor. I actually do not know very much about them.”

“Do they have authority over you?”

“Yes. It is unwise to ask too many questions. Asking questions which will not be answered is considered offensive. Therefore, I avoid asking about the Board.”

“It must be rather frustrating to live in such a society.”

“You learn to adjust. It is a way to insure privacy and to avoid embarrassment.”

“It also keeps people in the dark. I would have trouble accepting that rule. I’m too full of questions.” It seemed very odd that an advanced society would stifle curiosity.

Following Nuke’s encouragement to practice using my third eye, I came upon a roughly cylindrical individual with rhinoceros-like skin whose width was almost as great as his four foot height. His neck was a band of flesh nearly as wide as the rest of him. It was topped by a hemispherical head, with two roundish, forward looking eyes, two nasal orifices, and a small mouth. Beginning near the crown of his head, three parallel rows of small, serrated ridges ran from front to back. His two arms and legs were relatively short and thick, giving the impression of great strength. When I described him to Nuke he said, “Very good, you saw one of the Board members. His name is Tesar.”

“What else can you tell me about him?”

“He comes from a very large planet with extremely powerful gravity, so he is tremendously strong. He is also very intelligent, although he doesn’t always act like it. He has an unusual sense of humor. I think you would call him a practical joker.”

“Does he have an area of specialty?”

“Like your anthropologists, he has a lot of interest in cultural artifacts and customs. He does a lot of exploring.”

“You probably know that I have taken courses in cultural anthropology and I love to go exploring.”

“That’s why he allowed you to see him. I suspect you may become friends.”

I did receive the blessing of Tesar’s friendship. He occasionally channeled through Marjie and was helpful to Nucleus 8 and me in times of great urgency. At the risk of damaging his reputation, he often did outlandish things that taught others how not to behave. He also asked me for advice about difficult family problems.

Around the time that I met Tesar, Nucleus introduced me to another Board member. Marjie had been having frequent headaches caused by a faulty implant. When it was surgically removed at the Station, the medical staff saw that it had been deliberately altered and questioned Nuke about their findings.

Shortly after that session I was driving home from work when I noticed a stationary, steady red light in the sky close to the horizon. A beam of red light descended from it toward the ground. I kept checking to see if it was still there during the twenty minutes it took me to get home and realized that it was above our house, where a similar light had been seen before. I was feeling Mother’s strong touch when I stopped in our driveway and got out of the car for a closer look, but it had vanished. As soon as I entered the house Marjie said, “Nucleus wants to communicate again.”

“Okay. When do you want to have a session?”

“After supper and our walk.”

“Okay. There was a red UFO above the house when I drove up, but it disappeared when I got out of the car. I wonder if Nuke was in it.”

“I don’t know.”

We were taking our walk when Perithnea said, “Nucleus is going to introduce you to a new friend.”

“Can you tell me anything about this new friend?”

“It’s attracted to you.”


“Each spirit has its own field of attraction, like a magnet. The extent of the attraction depends on the pitch of the sound generated by the spirit. Its tone indicates how advanced it is.”

We were near the house when Perithnea exclaimed, “Look in the window!” I looked, but saw nothing.  Our normally shy and quiet dog growled. Perithnea said to her, “It's alright Beth, it won't hurt you. An ET was standing there! Isn't it wonderful? There was an ET in your house, and mother saw it too!”

Marjie said, “It looked like a big gray. It was too tall for me to see the top of his head through the window.”

Inside the house I said to her, “Perithnea said we have work to do. Are you up to it?”


Marjie quickly entered a trance. “Mother is here. She’s very impressed with your intelligence. She really likes you.” Her probing touch within in my brain was almost painful. Then Nucleus greeted me.

I said, “I didn’t expect to be talking to you so soon.”

“It was necessary. I have been discovered. The implant I installed in my star pupil was placed without proper clearance. In your terms, I hot-wired it for personal communication, which is a violation of official policy.”

“What was the verdict?”

“I have to obtain your consent to continue working with us on our project.”

“Of course I will.”

Sighing with relief, he said, “Thank you, Pat.”

 I think you probably know we had a visitor this evening.”

“The same is with me now.”

“We are honored. Please greet him for us.”

 “No offense is intended, but for the moment he wishes to remain silent and to simply observe.”

“Whatever makes him comfortable is fine with me.”

“My superior has reviewed all of my records. He has a few questions he wishes to address to you. Are you willing to answer them?”

“Of course.”

“What do you seek?”

“I seek to do the will of I AM.”

“State the forms.”

“I want to travel to new worlds, to see new stars, to greet new beings with love and understanding, to gain wisdom and knowledge, and to share the Light of the Creator.”

“Who gains most?”

“Hopefully all will gain.”

“Who is your superior?”

“I AM.”


“The Creator.”

“Your answers are accepted. May I introduce my superior, Regenc 4? He would like to speak to you personally.”

“I am honored.”

As if channeling through Marjie were difficult, Regenc 4 spoke in a guttural, masculine voice that began very softly but quickly got louder. “Welcome aboard, Rex.” Marjie's left forearm rose slowly with her horizontal palm extended toward me. I placed my palm flatly against his. Very slowly, he withdrew Marjie’s hand until only our fingertips were touching. We shared energy for perhaps a minute. His warm and gentle welcome evoked tears of gratitude.

Nucleus said, “Thank you Pat. I am so glad to have such a good friend. I receive a promotion, and you do too, mate!”

“Mate? That has a good sound. I believe I finally found the team I’ve been searching for all my life.” I choked back a sob.

“We always have room for one more.”

“I look forward to our work together.”

“I must go now. Goodbye, Pat.”

“Goodbye, Nuke.”

Marjie was exceptionally drained of energy due to the difficulty of channeling Regenc 4. She said he was over six feet tall, but had the same form as the small grays half that size.

Nuke had been channeling for several years when a merger occurred between his alliance and the Red Star Federation, a more technologically advanced alliance having a territory about five times larger than his. He retained his position as chief of security for the entire organization and the Board of Twelve continued as the governing body.

A larger headquarters was required. Nuke said it would take approximately one Earth year to build. A few weeks after construction began he said, “The core of the new Station is in place. The amount of radiation it emits is so enormous we have to shield vessels that are anywhere near it. Now we can begin building the rest.” He enjoyed the challenge of organizing the personnel and materials necessary for its completion.

The Board of Twelve ruled by consensus, and when they issued a directive, it was considered legally binding. Out of respect for free will, its members were sometimes merely urged by the majority to follow a particular course of action. In one such instance, Nuke asked me to counsel a member of the Board who had consistently rejected attempts to form friendships with her. She was an expert in the creation of viable ecosystems for entire planets, but expressed no interest in social relationships. Her form resembled that of a spiny sea urchin and when disturbed, she extended her spines, which ejected a noxious, slimy substance that usually discouraged contact. Although she spoke with me through Marjie on a couple of occasions as recommended by the Board, she predictably denied having a need for counseling. Sarah, our determined Teglinlin child, would not accept Agenti’s rejection and gave tit for tat until she successfully cracked her social barrier.

Tesar discussed his marriage, parental responsibilities and the rigid social customs of his people with me, as did his wife Iriam. Marjie and I welcomed Tesar when he wanted to use our home as a retreat and at his request, I gave him small amounts of sawdust from construction projects I was working on, which he used for creating unpopular jokes at the Station.

Bird-like Falcon held fifth position on the Board and  participated in several hypnosis sessions Nuke and I  held with our mutual friend Isabel. Nuke became so fond of her that he thought of her as his surrogate mother. In sessions, Falcon 5 took her on spiritual flights into realms of great beauty, revealing aspects of her Higher Self to her while she received healing at the Station. Nuke gently showed her that in his dimension she was Constance, Board Member 4, who was responsible for the education and welfare of Alliance children.

Mishaka, a major channeled entity, held Board position nine.  He is a pure energy being and can assume any form, but he typically prefers the appearance of a traditional Native American. His earthly counterpart was Softener of Skins (aka Tanner), a Ute’ shaman who lived centuries ago in what is now called the Four Corners area of the U.S. Tanner led us on journeys to Colorado, New Mexico, Ontario, and Newfoundland in search of his sacred teaching stones, which he was to use for imparting knowledge of spiritual truths. Nuke accompanied Marjie and me during several of these journeys, especially when he knew we would be contacting specific people.